Les logiciels de ressources humaines (RH) permettent aux organisations de gérer les dossiers des employés, de numériser les processus RH et d'automatiser les tâches quotidiennes. Ces plateformes englobent diverses fonctions telles que le recrutement, la paie, l'administration des avantages sociaux, la gestion de la performance et l'engagement des employés. En unifiant ces fonctions essentielles, les systèmes de logiciels RH offrent une vue centralisée des données organisationnelles et une base de données sécurisée pour les informations des employés.
Les logiciels RH automatisent la gestion des processus de formation, de performance et de recrutement, permettant aux professionnels des RH d'adopter une approche structurée et évolutive des tâches administratives. Les applications logicielles RH avancées soutiennent la planification de la main-d'œuvre, la prévision financière et la prise de décision stratégique. La suite logicielle comprend généralement des solutions telles que le Système de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (SGRH), le Système d'Information des Ressources Humaines (SIRH) et le logiciel de Gestion du Capital Humain (GCH). En rationalisant les tâches et en fournissant des outils complets, les logiciels technologiques RH améliorent considérablement l'efficacité et l'efficience de la gestion des ressources humaines.
Meilleurs logiciels RH en un coup d'œil :
Ces solutions logicielles sont classées à l'aide d'un algorithme qui calcule la satisfaction des clients et la présence sur le marché en fonction des avis de notre communauté d'utilisateurs. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter la méthodologie de notation de recherche de G2.
Human resource software solutions are labeled with a variety of names; the most commonly used are HRIS, core HR, HCM software, and HRMS (also known as HR management suites).
HRIS software is a broad term that includes the variety of HR systems that focuses on managing employee time and attendance, payroll, and benefits administration. HCM expands HRIS features by including recruiting, talent management, and onboarding and offboarding. HRMS, meanwhile, combines HRIS and HCM features with the addition of labor management and more. Check out this rundown of these HR solutions with a focus on how HRIS helps to streamline HR processes.
HR software helps HR personnel automate many necessary tasks, such as maintaining employee records, time tracking, and benefits, which allows HR professionals to focus on recruiting efforts, employee performance and engagement, corporate wellness, company culture, and so on. These human management tools can be purchased and implemented as on-premise or cloud-based software.
HR software systems provide HR departments and personnel with a more structured and process-oriented approach to managing administrative tasks in a repeatable and scalable manner. Employees access HR software solutions to help them with employee onboarding, training, benefits, and more. Meanwhile, companies, from small businesses to large corporations, experience overall bottom-line benefits, as these tools help to free HR managers and personnel time to focus on hiring the right people, onboarding them efficiently and effectively, and maintaining employee morale through various HR tech-based initiatives.
HR software is divided into many categories that cover solutions ranging from benefits administration to workforce management software. The following is an overview of the HR categories and subcategories:
Benefits administration software – Organizations use benefits administration software systems to administer and manage benefits packages. This HR solution is accessible by employees via a dedicated employee portal in which they can choose from the benefit plans provided by their employers.
Core HR software – Human resource teams employ company-wide core HR solutions to create a centralized database through which employee data, including payroll and benefits data, can be accessed and maintained.
Corporate wellness software – Businesses use these HR solutions to manage company-wide wellness programs that help employees incorporate and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.
Employee scheduling software – HR personnel use this HR tool to automate and manage employee schedules.
Freelance platforms – These platforms help companies find freelancers for projects or positions that do not need full-time status. These solutions provide portals in which companies can post positions and freelancers can create profiles that display their pertinent skills and experience.
HR analytics software – HR personnel use these HR software solutions to collect and analyze business data to help optimize productivity. These solutions monitor employee performance to help companies predict productivity and optimize workforce management.
HR management suites – Companies use these HR systems to manage recruiting and human resource management. These products often offer separate modules for each division of HR management, including recruiting, training eLearning, and core HR. These tools can be purchased as needed and work together to provide an inclusive HR solution.
Sales compensation software – Companies employ these HR tools to manage and customize sales commission and incentives payments. These solutions are often employed by administration, accounting, and sales teams and integrate with other sales tools.
Staffing software – Recruiting and staffing agencies use these HR solutions to source active and passive candidates on behalf of companies that hire them to manage their recruiting efforts.
Talent management software – This HR software provides company-wide workforce oversight solutions. Features include career management, compensation management, employee engagement, employee recognition, performance management, recruiting software, and training eLearning software. Please note that recruiting and training eLearning categories are divided into subcategories.
Career management software – Organizations use these talent management solutions to help their employees manage their career development. Career management solutions integrate with other HR tools to provide HR personnel and employee self-service solutions.
Compensation management software – Businesses employ these talent management solutions to manage employee compensation packages, including creating internal compensation policies and bonus structures.
Employee engagement software – These talent management solutions help organizations use pulse surveys to collect feedback about employees and company satisfaction. In addition, employee engagement software helps companies use feedback to implement corporate wellness initiatives and recognize employees.
Employee recognition software – HR professionals and managers use these talent management tools to set standards for employee rewards, as well as monitor employee progress toward hitting the stated goals. These tools provide solutions that complement, and at times integrate with, employee engagement tools.
Performance management system – Companies use these talent management solutions to identify and create employee performance standards that management can use to evaluate employee job performance. These performance solutions often incorporate 360-degree feedback tools that managers and employees can use to rate each other.
Recruiting software – These talent management solutions include pre-employment screening, which covers background check, pre-employment screening, and reference check solutions; recruiting automation; talent acquisition suites (which include ATS, employee onboarding, and recruitment marketing); and video interviewing tools.
Pre-employment screening software – These recruiting solutions provide company hiring solutions that are categorized as background check, pre-employment testing, and reference check software solutions.
Background check software – Businesses use these pre-employment screenings to conduct employment, criminal, credit, and driving history checks on job candidates.
Pre-employment testing software – HR managers use these pre-employment screening solutions to perform pre-employment testing, which assesses candidates for knowledge, skills, culture fit, and more.
Reference check software – HR personnel and hiring managers use these pre-employment screening solutions to streamline the process of checking candidate references.
Recruiting automation software – These recruiting solutions let businesses streamline and automate the process of finding active and passive candidates. HR professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers use recruiting automation to build their candidate pipelines, often integrating these solutions with ATS and CRM software systems.
Talent acquisition suites – These recruiting solutions are divided into applicant tracking system (ATS) software, onboarding software, and recruitment marketing platforms.
Applicant tracking system (ATS) – This talent acquisition suite solution help companies administer recruiting by managing candidates by providing job postings, resume screening, and communication solutions.
Onboarding software – Companies use these talent acquisition suites to manage the onboarding process of new employees by providing tracking and communications tools.
Recruitment marketing platforms – This talent acquisition suite provides recruiting departments with tools for employer branding, job opening promotion, candidate relationship management solutions, and social recruiting solutions.
Video interviewing software – Companies employ these recruiting solutions to engage, interview, and hire remote candidates in an efficient manner.
Training eLearning software – HR department semploy this talent management solution to provide company-wide training solutions that include corporate LMS, course authoring, and training management system.
Corporate LMS – Companies employ these training eLearning solutions to manage employee training efforts in a centralized database.
Course authoring – This training eLearning solution helps companies create interactive educational multimedia for employees.
Training management system – This training eLearning solution is used by training companies and learning and development departments to manage all training initiatives.
Time tracking – This HR system helps companies and employees track, report, and analyze all time spent on projects. Time tracking can track employees automatically or they can be put in charge of manually tracking their time.
Workforce management – This HR solution provides company-wide HR management tools that include employee schedules, PTO, time-off requests, and more. Workforce management tools integrate with core HR solutions and can be implemented as a part of HR management software or as a standalone product.
Les logiciels de recrutement, essentiels pour les environnements RH modernes, permettent aux organisations d'optimiser les processus d'acquisition de talents. Cette catégorie d'outils simplifie et améliore le cycle de recrutement en automatisant des tâches clés telles que la publication d'offres d'emploi, la recherche de candidats et le suivi des candidatures. Les plateformes de recrutement incluent souvent des fonctionnalités avancées comme l'analyse de CV, les systèmes de communication automatisés et des analyses détaillées, permettant aux professionnels des RH de prendre des décisions éclairées rapidement.
Les principaux avantages des logiciels de recrutement incluent des processus de recrutement rationalisés, une réduction du temps d'embauche et une amélioration de l'expérience des candidats. Ces systèmes s'intègrent parfaitement avec d'autres outils RH, augmentant l'efficacité opérationnelle globale et aidant les entreprises à maintenir un avantage concurrentiel dans l'acquisition de talents. De telles intégrations assurent un flux de travail cohérent, gardant tous les intervenants du processus de recrutement bien informés et alignés sur leurs objectifs.
Meilleurs logiciels de recrutement en un coup d'œil :
Ces solutions logicielles sont classées à l'aide d'un algorithme qui calcule la satisfaction des clients et la présence sur le marché en fonction des avis de notre communauté d'utilisateurs. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la méthodologie de notation de recherche de G2.
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