A sales team generally hate admin and tend to neglect it, yet its critical to keep the rest of the business in the know. As they generally use their mobile devices more than other devices I would like to promote use of the Mobile app more but the functionality is currently quite limited ie... Read more
Por ejemplo tengo una bbdd de 1000 prospctos de los cueles me respondieron 200, cual es la mejora manera para usar la infromación de esos 800 restantes
para poder tener una posible respuesta.
Me ha pasdo en varias oportunidades, que google bloquea mi cuenta por el envio masivo de correos, como... Read more
Since I've been using Outreach for quite a long time now, I know in and out about the platform. However, every product keeps upgrading so was wondering if there is any interesting capability that is recently added that I may not have used or I should be knowing about
My idea is to have a gamification of learning path, similar to what some RPG games have, so a sales person can know which skills his/her company values the most and try to pursue that in order to grow on their career.
Sometimes I will notice an error in an email (often a single character that I would like to fix). Is it possible to make a correction to a template without having to find it again on the full Groove website? If not, even a simple "open this template in the Groove editor" would be tremendously... Read more
I love personalization when doing lead outreach, but I'm a team of one and can only spread myself so thin. Where can I get the biggest bang for my buck?
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