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Ozonetel CloudAgent im Überblick

Ozonetel CloudAgent, Cloud Contact Center from Ozonetel is a perfect fit for all your phone systems whether you are a start-up or an enterprise. The feature vary in each plan but we guarantee that you will get the maximum features for the price you pay. Pricing includes unlimited minutes and varies from $25 per agent to $55 per agent for North America and Europe with access to most enterprise level features like Auto Dialers, CRM Integrations, Screen-pops, Dialer APIs and much more. For Asian pricing , you can contact us directly.

Get Toll Free or Local Numbers As per your Business Needs
Ozonetel provides a business phone number with each plan and additional numbers @ 1.5 USD. If you need toll free numbers, vanity numbers or virtual local numbers for a specific region, speak to our sales representative today.

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Ozonetel CloudAgent Preise & Pläne

Eine kostenlose Testversion ist verfügbar
Preisinformationen für Ozonetel CloudAgent werden vom Softwareanbieter bereitgestellt oder aus öffentlich zugänglichen Preisunterlagen abgerufen. Endgültige Kostenverhandlungen zum Kauf von Ozonetel CloudAgent müssen mit dem Verkäufer geführt werden.

The Above Pricing is Valid for North America and Europe, For Pricing in Asian Countries, please get in touch on Free Trials are available on request.

Preisinformationen wurden zuletzt am August 08, 2022 aktualisiert

Ozonetel CloudAgent Preisbewertungen

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