Multi-location marketing platforms consist of various software solutions that enable brick-and-mortar businesses to centralize and manage location data and brand reputation within a single platform. Businesses with multiple physical locations use this type of software to ensure their prospects and customers can find accurate location data across online business directories and search engines. In addition to streamlining location data, these platforms help businesses manage and collect online reviews for each physical location or storefront. Some products also support store locator maps, localized social media marketing campaigns, and customer experience management. Ultimately, multi-location businesses such as franchises and chain businesses use these platforms as part of a comprehensive local SEO strategy to reach local customers online.
A multi-location marketing platform may be sold as a single product or as a suite of products that can be purchased individually. Single-location brands can also benefit from the tools provided by multi-location marketing platforms, and some vendors will offer discounted pricing for small businesses.
To qualify for inclusion in the Multi-Location Marketing Platforms category, a product must:
Provide an online portal for viewing, managing, and updating a business’ location listings across the web
Distribute location data to online and mobile app platforms where customers may search for brick-and-mortar businesses
Facilitate automated or manual listing updates when locations change addresses, phone numbers, store hours, or other location-specific details
Monitor online review sites to aggregate and interpret new and existing reviews
Offer a method for collecting new online reviews
Report on a business’ local search ranking, online reputation, and citation score
Focus on the improvement of a business’ ranking in local search engine result pages (SERPs)
In some cases, a multi-location marketing platform may provide features of store locator software, social media management, social media advertising, and experience management software, including:
Tools to build interactive maps that display a searchable list of business locations
Capabilities for planning, publishing, and managing social media content
Integrations with social media advertising channels, and the ability to buy and serve social ads at a local level
Analytics for reporting on local social media campaign performance
Survey tools for gathering, analyzing, and segmenting customer feedback across business locations
Marketing Technology Agency specializing in listings, reputation, social, ads and bookings for multi-location brands. Social Places are affordable for franchises and provide a hands-on service to i