symplr Provider Features
What are the features of symplr Provider?
Workflow Automation
- Contract Management - Health Care Credentialing
- Workflow Management - Health Care Credentialing
- Database Management - Health Care Credentialing
- User Authorization - Health Care Credentialing
- Facility Management - Health Care Credentialing
- Facility Compliance Management - Health Care Credentialing
- Industry Compliance Management - Health Care Credentialing
- Provider Database Collection - Health Care Credentialing
- Privileging - Health Care Credentialing
- Commitee Review - Health Care Credentialing
Document Management
- Credentialing e-Documentation - Health Care Credentialing
- Document Database - Health Care Credentialing
- Information Audit - Health Care Credentialing
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Workflow Automation
Contract Management - Health Care Credentialing | Automates the creation and setup of contracts and applications This feature was mentioned in 12 symplr Provider reviews. | 61% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Workflow Management - Health Care Credentialing | Based on 14 symplr Provider reviews. Configures, customizes, or modifies credentialing paperwork and/or workflow | 79% (Based on 14 reviews) | |
Database Management - Health Care Credentialing | Based on 14 symplr Provider reviews. Maintains provider database | 80% (Based on 14 reviews) | |
User Authorization - Health Care Credentialing | Provides varying access levels to administrators, stakeholders, etc. This feature was mentioned in 13 symplr Provider reviews. | 73% (Based on 13 reviews) |
Facility Management - Health Care Credentialing | Supports healthcare facility policies, requirements, and needs 12 reviewers of symplr Provider have provided feedback on this feature. | 78% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Facility Compliance Management - Health Care Credentialing | Manages vendor or provider access controls and compliance 12 reviewers of symplr Provider have provided feedback on this feature. | 72% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Industry Compliance Management - Health Care Credentialing | As reported in 12 symplr Provider reviews. Adheres to or aligns with relevant industry regulation | 78% (Based on 12 reviews) |
Provider Database Collection - Health Care Credentialing | Based on 14 symplr Provider reviews. Pulls data from a regularly updated or real-time provider database | 82% (Based on 14 reviews) | |
Privileging - Health Care Credentialing | As reported in 14 symplr Provider reviews. Streamlines monitoring, screening, and verification of sources | 81% (Based on 14 reviews) | |
Commitee Review - Health Care Credentialing | Based on 13 symplr Provider reviews. Provides a built-in commitee review process manager | 65% (Based on 13 reviews) |
Document Management
Credentialing e-Documentation - Health Care Credentialing | Stores and maintains credentialing documentation in the cloud This feature was mentioned in 14 symplr Provider reviews. | 69% (Based on 14 reviews) | |
Document Database - Health Care Credentialing | Based on 14 symplr Provider reviews. Stores and maintains credentialing documentation in a secure server | 81% (Based on 14 reviews) | |
Information Audit - Health Care Credentialing | Based on 13 symplr Provider reviews. Automates notifying and following up with missing information or documentation | 76% (Based on 13 reviews) |
Network Management
Credentialing | Enables in-platform (or provides access to services that offer) verification and validation of provider data | Not enough data | |
Claims Management | Supports and enables timely claims payment and reimbursement | Not enough data | |
Notifications | Prompts providers to update out-of-date or inaccurate records | Not enough data | |
Inter-Systems Communication | Improves communication between disparate health plans, systems, and plan administrators | Not enough data |
Data Management
Insights | Generates insights and reports from aggregated provider data to improve efficiencies and ready systems for audit | Not enough data | |
Data Reconciliation | Manages and reconciles data from disparate sources | Not enough data | |
Master Data Management | Automatically captures essential provider data, routes data to health plans, and tracks data to identify any data anomalies | Not enough data | |
System of Record | Securely stores provider data and supports import and export to improve data governance, ensure data accuracy, and facilitate de-duplication | Not enough data |