SeekOut allows me to tap into more public profiles than I could normally access through LinkedIn and other social platforms that limits you to 3 degrees beyond connections.
Customer services is exceptional. They provide training videos for everything, so if you feel like your understanding of 'Boolean' is inadequate, you will be a pro in no time. I do not have an applicant tracking system that integrates with SeekOut, currently, but I am advocating strongly for my ATS to merge with SeekOut.
When I got started with SeekOut, I quickly became acclimated with the platform. I use SeekOut everyday. It has become second nature to open it up and do a quick search for all of my executive roles to make notes, or just see if anything new is out there. I have implemented a new 'plan of attack' that is solely thanks to SeekOut. SeekOut helps to identify the inefficiencies in my own processes and allows me to use my time more efficiently as well as effectively.
When I use SeekOut, I cross reference all my healthcare searches with executive searches because jobseekers may word things in a way that algorithms may not always pick up on. Review collected by and hosted on
The information on SeekOut is only as good as the information provided by the jobseeker, so it can sometimes be a miss. More often than not, my searches have been successful. I would like the integration into my ATS system. Hopefully some day soon that will be available. I have alerted my ATS to this and they are working on their next round of upgrades to include this. Review collected by and hosted on
I love the search capabilities within SeekOut. The Boolean function provides a lot of advanced searching techniques and their pre-made Power Filters take out some of the extra work needed to identify candidates. They have several pre-designed filters that make life easier to get very specific searches to be spot on with our needs with multiple candidates identified. I can then pair that up with the Messaging features to get in contact with candidates and help identify passive talent to garner interest within the A&F organization. Review collected by and hosted on
Not much that I have to complain about. Since the platform is based on a candidate's public profiles they can be a bit out of date but normally not by much. Also with the email identification feature we do not always receive the right email for a candidate, but more often than not, it is the proper contact. Review collected by and hosted on
1. Easy to use platform - it's super user friendly and I can see all the different options and features
2. Different features allowing you to source in a variety of ways - boolean, smart search, cloning, source by copying/pasting job description
3. Scours from mulitple online sources - LinkedIn, github, google scholar, personal blogs
4. Can add candidates to a project(s) and clone from projects
5. Greats filters that breakdown location, education, experience and other filters
6. Super responsive, friendly and helpful customer service - I've used the chat bot to ask for help mulitple times and I'm so impressed that I get a real human response and help within a few minutes. Review collected by and hosted on
1. The cloning and copy/paste job description to source features don't yield very relevant results for niche profiles, you have to play around with the filters some more, but that's okay! :) Review collected by and hosted on
We have seekout for over a year and a half, this tool has improved our searches, we usually are assigned to niche roles, very complicated skills and seekout is always our first option to start our searches, it´s really easy to use, it has this amazing expert and healthcare options, we can improve and help into Diversity which is one of our big objectives.
In this year only we have achieved over 16 offers accepted just from the Sourcing Team which is a really big number in terms of the specific roles we received!
It´s always good to have thee support of the people i seekout, they help us in any of the searches, share tips to improve. Review collected by and hosted on
Sometimes the data is not accurate with LinkedIn, we don´t find the profile or even the contact information is incorrect. Review collected by and hosted on
I enjoy using this tool to find leads along with contact information. I appreciate the versatility of the filters and that it has diversity enhancements. I also like the time stamp of someone's last activity on LinkedIn and how enriched each other their profiles are. Great customer service and shout out to Josh for spending 30 minutes with me sourcing and helping me best utilize the platform with some tips and tricks.
I really enjoy the People Analystics. It is fairly easily to use and appreciate I can do a candidate search easily capture the analytics of the search instead of having to use a separate platform. Review collected by and hosted on
I really don't like the amount of leads that do not have more recent contact information or when you select to review information but no information was available. Review collected by and hosted on
My favorite parts about seekout are the many customizable filters and space for long boolean strings in the keyword box, the ease of viewing profiles and the way it connects to LinkedIn, and the ability to gather email addresses to avoid having to inmail candidates. I use this sourcing tool al the time and it's my favorite to use. Right now my current company doesn't have access to the diversity filters yet, but that absolutely used to be my favorite feature about Seekout in my past roles! Review collected by and hosted on
My only wish is that you could source by candidates open to work link on LI Recruiter. Review collected by and hosted on
My favorite part about Seekout is the ability to source diverse candidates. Working in tech, the talent pool of female to male is usually a 1 - 2 ratio, making it harder to find diverse talent. With a tool like Seekout, you can find the best diverse candidates, quickly!I also really like how detailed you can get on it's search features. I think it's better than the industry standard, Linkedin. Review collected by and hosted on
I think their email messaging tool could have a bit better of UI/UX but it's still good. I compare it to other tools I've used and it looks a bit more old school than others. Review collected by and hosted on
The upsides of Seekout are the easy search features. The platform returns many results for various search/boolean combinations. The Smart match and Duplicate features are also very helpful in generating results that match well. I also like the talent insights provided about a market area. Review collected by and hosted on
SeekOut does not do a very good job of providing valid contact information on the profiles returned. For example, I have run many searches where there are, lets say 150 profiles returned as a match for my search....however, only 50 or less have actual valid contact info. I can see that the person exists...but have literally no way of contacting them...which defeats my primary purpose for using seekout. I am a headhunter seeking hard to find candidates. SeekOut is only helpful for me in this endeavour about 25-30% of the time, due to the lack of contact information. Review collected by and hosted on
SeekOut has made sourcing a dream for me and my team. We are all experienced recruiters who have sourced on all different platforms and SeekOut has quickly become one of our "go-to's". It allows us to find more canidates with more specific qualifications that we're looking for. It also allows us to create projects where we can "replicate" candidates that we like or even our current employees and find resume matches which is super helpful. I also like the GitHub feature, I've never used a feature like that before so it has been super cool to use. Review collected by and hosted on
The only downside, which really isn't a flaw on SeekOut as it is a problem with compatability with my company's system. I am not able to use the email campaigns feature due to my Microsoft email account not letting me log in through SeekOut. But, like I said, this is not SeekOut's fault at all, but it would be super cool if it worked. I just send the emails out myself instead of using the mass email feature! Review collected by and hosted on
I really like the fact that SeekOut pulls from everything in order to create profiles of candidates. It's not limited to just one job board. I love that candidates' LinkedIn profiles are linked so we can easily click and message from our accounts. The new Outreach feature makes candidate contacting and email campaigns seamless. Really enjoying the platform! And the customer service is amazing! Review collected by and hosted on
Some aspects are still a little buggy, but as soon as the issue is brought to the attention of the team, they work to correct it! Review collected by and hosted on
My favorite aspects of SeekOut are the ability to get validated contact information, as well as export candidates into either .pdf profiles or listing them on an excel spreadsheet. Review collected by and hosted on
While a potentially nice feature, the Insights are often a bit too broad whenever needing very esoteric data for niche roles within highly specialized industries such as biologics, gene therapy, etc. Review collected by and hosted on