Avis sur 160 LogicGate Risk Cloud
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Nous sommes à la phase de mise en œuvre, venons de mettre en service le module de risque. La meilleure partie est l'équipe qui nous accompagne dans la construction de l'application, qui est accessible, amicale et accommodante. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Il doit être intégré à des plateformes comme O365 (apparemment cela est en cours) et permettre de personnaliser les notifications par e-mail au domaine de messagerie du client. Cela demande un certain temps pour s'habituer à la terminologie et il y a des moments où des clarifications sont nécessaires, sinon le flux de travail peut mal tourner. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
After 2-3 sessions of power user training, with a reasonable amount of guidance from the support team, an administrator can easily configure, make changes and update any functionality in real-time.
Contacts from LogicGate have been responsive and supportive in answering questions, especially our BD, Ariana Guerra.
The aesthetic appearance of the dashboards and various reports is appealing to end-users and can color-code risk ratings. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
It might be my personal preference, but I wanted to enhance a couple of functionalities:
1) Now, I cannot get a printed PDF file that has all the information I need in a presentable manner.
2) In the "my work" section of the homepage, critical information such as "project name," "timestamp," etc., are missing. As a result, it is hard for my team to locate the records they need. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The fact that LogicGate is customizable and can be utilized by multiple departments within our company Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I do wish that there was a "previous" or "back" button available for cases where a field is missed on a previous screen when entering information into LogicGate. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Notre équipe LogicGate a pris le temps dès le début d'écouter nos besoins et de travailler avec notre équipe pour aider à construire un outil qui non seulement répond à nos besoins mais dépasse nos exigences. Leur flexibilité pendant la phase de mise en œuvre/construction était fantastique. Des réponses rapides et des interactions réfléchies nous ont aidés à comprendre le processus. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Honnêtement, je n'ai pas de désaccords. Le processus a été exceptionnel jusqu'à présent. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The application:
LogicGate provides you with a set of tools to create tailored proceses for whatever business needs.
A simple and intuitive UI makes designing and working in Logicgate easy (there is a learning curve).
No time to dive in and become a power user? LogicGate has a multitude of off-the-shelf processes (vendor management/TPRM) to choose from.
The Company:
A galaxy of articles to get you started + training videos,
Real-time tech support. LogicGate's support is nothing short of incredible.
Regular emails and sessions that cover updates, changes, and new features. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Some functionality is missing that would make working and using the application a bit easier. For example, a separate tab for global fields to create, edit and see where those fields are used. Another example, it is currently not possible to provide granular access to the reports tab. Thus, if you need access to one report or dashboard, you are granted access to them all. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The flexibility of the system set-up - we could build processes the way we need them to work for us, instead of molding them into a pre-made box. And it was easy and straighforward to do! Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Nothing particular. Implementation was very hands-on from our side, but I understand that this is an absolute necessity for a highly-customized result. Otherwise, the software is performing exactly as expected. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
It's true: LogicGate is totally customizable, down to the subsections you make for the forms you make for the workflows you make. It's customizable down the the layout you pick for end users to link certain attributes to (I wanted my stakeholders to link a control to a policy, snd I could customize how the policy fields (ID, Name, Owner) pop up for that person during the control evaluation phase.
I also am obsessed with their personnel. Frustrated with your inability to see something clearly? Using the intercom chat it's as easy as slacking a coworker (unless you're like me and am currently the only person in your org supporting this application). Chatted with Dylan the whole day on and off, and was never turned away. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I couldn't find documentation as readily available for the small questions as I could for the big ones. "When do you reach out to your implementation specialist?" "When do you reach out for customer support?" "How do you go live?" Maybe it is out there, but I couldn't find it as quickly as I'd like. But then again, talking to CS was very helpful. I would really recommend doing the full implementation otherwise you'll be left 5 months after purchasing asking questions you could have gotten out of the way sooner. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
What I like best about LogicGate is its usability, flexibility, and visibility across modules.
I thought it was easy to pick up because I didn't have to learn how to code. Once I played around with some of their templates and got the lay of the land, I felt it was simple to structurally change my workflows to move more logically, display information more conveniently, and ensure that my team captures the correct information at the right step in the process.
I also like the visibility that it provides for each record. Using LogicGate as my source of truth, I can link my controls to my risks, policies, regulations, etc., and vice versa. The information is far more accessible and easy to find relative to before. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
For me, two things would be beneficial for LogicGate to update and include as functionality:
1) I am currently unable to make date-based calculations in the system. For example, I cannot make a calculation based on a date field that would display how long a record has been open.
2) Some of the reporting functionality needs to be further developed. For example, I still need to export some data to make layered charts (i.e., a bar graph with a line graph on top of it). Secondly, I cannot filter data based on date ranges (i.e., only show me records created in Q2 2021). To do something like that, I would need to create a field for the user to flag the record creation date as Q2 2021, which would be redundant with the existing date field. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
1) User Interface - easy to use and train
2) LG Support Team - creative solutions for some of our more complex processes Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
There is an opportunity to add complexity to workflows through adding the ability to add cross-application workflow features. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Toutes les ressources disponibles pour gérer le risque. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Ce serait bien d'avoir plus de contrôle sur la couleur et des options visuelles plus complexes pour les tableaux de bord, comme une carte thermique. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.