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Avis sur 1,515 HiBob HRIS
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I like the look and feel of the platform, it gets good feedback from our employees. I also like that Bob invests a lot in development so there are always new features and improvements coming out. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The time off functionality is good but not great for staff that work on varying shifts. There are workarounds but it gets a little bit complex at times.
Better e-sign functionality would be good Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Faire sortir le SIRH de l'âge des ténèbres. Son aspect simple et moderne rend le système instantanément familier. Pas d'anxiété en tant que nouvel utilisateur. Ça fonctionne tout simplement. Mon premier projet était de gérer l'intégration de la fonction de congé dans bob. Cela signifiait une gestion de projet de bout en bout. Amener une entreprise pleine d'employés avec une fatigue du changement et faire en sorte que bob fonctionne avec et communique avec les systèmes existants. Je n'ai pas eu besoin de formation sur le fonctionnement de bob, j'ai passé une heure à explorer dans le bac à sable et j'ai senti que je connaissais suffisamment le système pour ensuite gérer mon projet. Je n'ai pas de formation en informatique, en fait, la technologie et moi ne sommes tout simplement pas amis, je viens de la génération où j'ai vécu la moitié de ma vie avec Covid et l'autre moitié sans. Je Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Certains flux de travail ne sont pas personnalisables - J'étais très surpris qu'il n'y ait pas d'option pour masquer les congés personnels accumulés. Cela dit, l'équipe de Bob est toujours prête à aider et à apporter des modifications lorsque c'est possible. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

I really like the "social media flow" where you have a great platform for posting news and celebrate successes with the team.
I liked the support that I got from Harry Isitt, who was my contact at HiBob. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
For my organisation, it is important that it is easy to be compliant, for example when it comes to GDPR, and I sometimes feel that it is not so easy in HiBob to make sure that we are doing it right.
Also, in Sweden, every employee has a personal identification number that is crucial for all queries from the government, but even if the personal identification number can be written in HiBob, you can´t sort data based on it. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
What I like most about HiBob is the ability to customise taskflows according to the team's needs, very customisable.
As someone who handled the integration with our engagement platform, I would say that the Customer Support team and our account manager, Harry were very helpful providing the appropriate training/links with particular instructions of getting it done myself. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I wouldn't say there is something I dislike, sometimes the training is taking long and it would be helpful to have something implemented for us, however when I learned what I needed I was inspired to make use of the feature for many different tasks and needs. So still valuable time in the end of the day. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I found Hibob relatively easy to implement at the start and the support we received from the team helped me get buy in from different parts of the business so it was fairly well adopted. It is good having one system as our one source of truth and with various functionality to support our small HR team on a daily basis. Employees can update information easily and we can also share announcements and resources and documents with ease.
I also like the Heartcore community as this is a vital resource to help me learn and utilise the system more over time, particularly understand how similar organisations may find solutions or workarounds where the system doesn't quite do what we need it to.
I think as a HRIS bob is a good option for SME's who need need a single platform and want to be able to build on this as they grow and their need for functionality increases. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Where added functionality is accessed via a module at additional cost, this then needs to be fit for purpose. However, it appears the quality of additional functions is missing much that other providers can offer. For example, we have raised the need for pulse surveys via the survey functionality only to be repeatedly told that this feedback will be given to the product team. If this functionality is to be charged at an additional cost, it needs to be providing the equivalent to the market for that type of tool not a lesser service but at the premium of being bundled.
Another example is the introduction of the sandbox module which is great for enabling super users and admin to try out functionality in a contained environment before rolling things live. As bob is essentially run by in house teams and only basic support is offered to implement new features, create reports, etc, this should absolutely come as standard. Part of what may hold a company back from using the platform to it's fullest is the ability to properly learn what it can do and trial new features.
I accept that it may not be possible to provide expert tools in all areas where so much is possible under one platform but the fees should reflect this to enable people to make decisions based on the quality of the product and it's effectiveness for the business, and not be bound by the affordability of the bundle.
The product team does seem to roll out updates frequently so there is always hope our feedback will get addressed, however, it is frustrating to have to pay market price for functionality that is not equivalent or should be included as standard. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
We use Bob in a worldwide organisation with different countries, different regulations. The flexibility of the system is very useful. We can switch on and off fields what are needed in some countries, but doesn't in others. We can even add and customize fields. The reporting (analytics) is genial as well. I can always prepare custom reports and doesn't need to run 3 report and manually merge them to get the data what is needed.
Ease of use, customer support is very fast and always reachable. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I wouldn't say anything i dislike at all. However it would be great, if we should pay for a feature only for the population we would like to switch it on and not for our whole company. Japanese language is still missing :) Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
There is no 'the system is just like this' with Bob. Its easy to use because menus are logical and the buttons are in the right places. Reports and workflows can be customized, streamlined, and/or automated. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Like everything, Bob has its limits, but dislikes are few and far outweighed by the likes.
1. Bulk load feature does not have a 'rescind' bulk transactions option. I had to manually rescind a bulk data upload, which was not ideal.
2. The new comp letter module does not allow for letters to be sent out without assigning a signature element. It would be great if pre-signed letters could be sent out without additional workflows, but this feature is new, so that's understandable.
That's really all I have, it's an overwhelmingly positive experience overall. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

De la mise en œuvre à la mise en service, l'expérience d'intégration a été excellente. Nous nous sommes sentis soutenus à chaque étape et bien qu'il n'y ait pas de solution pour chaque petite particularité que nous avons en tant qu'entreprise, nous sommes ravis de voir qu'une de nos suggestions a déjà été mise en œuvre !
L'équipe de support client est exceptionnelle - les réponses sont ultra-rapides et très personnalisées. Ils offrent vraiment un service client 5* chaque jour.
Nous adorons la plateforme Heartcore qui nous permet d'interagir avec d'autres Bobbers pour discuter des astuces, des conseils et des meilleures pratiques pour tirer le meilleur parti de la plateforme. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Nous sommes très tristes de voir les icônes de visage en couleur disparaître de l'outil d'enquête. Le monde est en pleine couleur.
Nous avons également des difficultés avec l'administration supplémentaire dans l'équipe des Ressources Humaines chaque fois qu'un responsable de ligne est en vacances ou absent de l'entreprise, car les demandes de congé de leur équipe viennent à notre équipe pour approbation plutôt qu'au niveau de gestion suivant dans l'équipe.
De plus, nous avons envisagé d'ajouter le module ATS à notre package, cependant, les approbations de recrutement se trouvent dans un autre module, ce qui le rend coûteux. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Bob is the most flexible HRIS I have had a pleasure to work with. It is easily customizable to company's individual processes, even those not initially designed to be carried out in the system. It also has a very intuitive UX, so most employees don't need much guidance on how to find their data and needed features. I also appreciate fast customer support and success manager who we're in contact with to help us with the user cases. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
It is not fully adapted to the Polish labour law requirements, e.g. in the Time Off module and I guess it still doesn't have enough Polish customers to implement needed changes fast. Though it is to be expected from the international system that services a multitude of markets, all with different legislation. We lack some small changes that would make our processes easier and we're still waiting yo hear if and when they are going to be put on a roadmap. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
HiBob has great ease of use, user-friendly, customizable all-in-one platform. I particularly love that on every page, you can click on the Help icon at the bottom left corner and it will direct you on how to best utilize this page. They also have a great community support on how to navigate a number of features. I also love that you can automate a lot of workflows on very manual, administrative tasks when it comes to employment changes. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
As a people leader, I think there's an opportunity to enhance the 1:1 recurring meetings that are very critical to the foundations of performance management with the team. For example, I wish there was an opportunity for my team members to be reminded to complete their 1:1 forms ahead of their 1:1 recurring meetings with me. Even within that form, the UX/UI can be further developed to allow additional spacing and formatting to write more since the boxes are small. No product is perfect but this would greatly enhance a deeper, productive dialogue with the team. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.