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Meilleurs Logiciels de plateformes PBX cloud

Marina Schlosser
Recherché et rédigé par Marina Schlosser

Les plateformes de central téléphonique privée (PBX) en nuage, également connues sous le nom de PBX virtuel, fournissent aux entreprises des systèmes téléphoniques fiables et sécurisés via un serveur en nuage. Le PBX est un réseau téléphonique privé que les organisations utilisent pour la communication interne et comme connexion aux lignes téléphoniques externes.

Les plateformes de PBX en nuage offrent toutes les fonctionnalités et caractéristiques des systèmes matériels PBX traditionnels, avec une infrastructure entièrement basée sur le nuage. Les plateformes de PBX en nuage permettent aux entreprises de se connecter à leur système de n'importe où et sur n'importe quel appareil. C'est idéal pour les environnements de travail à distance et hybrides car cela nécessite un équipement et une configuration minimaux.

Le PBX en nuage est généralement maintenu et géré par un fournisseur de services, avec la mise en œuvre et l'administration effectuées par l'équipe informatique de l'entreprise. Les employés, en particulier ceux des secteurs du service client, de l'immobilier, de la santé, du commerce de détail ou du gouvernement, peuvent utiliser le logiciel PBX en nuage.

Comparé à un système de ligne fixe traditionnel, le PBX en nuage offre aux entreprises divers avantages tels que la maintenance minimisée des serveurs, le routage automatisé des appels, l'utilisation réduite de l'équipement, des coûts de maintenance globaux inférieurs et une configuration plus facile.

Les organisations sont également attirées par le PBX en nuage en raison de sa stabilité. La plupart des plateformes offrent plusieurs centres de données pour éviter les dysfonctionnements des serveurs. Des mises à jour technologiques régulières garantissent en outre un service rapide et sans faille. Cela offre aux entreprises la tranquillité d'esprit que leur système téléphonique ne perdra pas facilement la connexion, et que les affaires continueront comme d'habitude.

Le PBX en nuage est une option plus récente et rentable pour les entreprises en raison de ses avantages par rapport aux systèmes sur site, tels que sa capacité à évoluer, sa stabilité de connexion et sa facilité de gestion.

Une autre forme de logiciel de service téléphonique qui fonctionne de manière similaire au PBX en nuage est la voix sur protocole Internet (VoIP). Les fournisseurs de VoIP permettent la transmission de la voix sur des réseaux IP en utilisant divers appareils tels que des téléphones matériels, des clients logiciels et des fournisseurs de services. Cela fonctionne indépendamment ou dans le cadre d'un système PBX pour fournir des fonctionnalités de communication améliorées.

Que les entreprises utilisent le PBX en nuage ou la VoIP dépend généralement de la taille de l'organisation, de l'infrastructure technologique et des préférences de l'industrie. Cependant, de nombreuses entreprises, en particulier les petites entreprises, les entreprises moyennes et les start-ups, optent pour le PBX en nuage pour rationaliser les opérations et réduire les coûts initiaux.

Pour être inclus dans la catégorie PBX en nuage, un produit doit :

Permettre le transfert d'appels, les appels en conférence, la messagerie vocale et les services de standard automatique Héberger une infrastructure téléphonique qui fonctionne avec une simple connexion Internet Permettre la surveillance des appels avec des capacités de reporting et d'analyse S'intégrer à d'autres plateformes de communication telles que la messagerie instantanée, le partage d'écran, le chat en direct, la visioconférence ou les SMS

Aperçu des meilleurs Logiciels de plateformes PBX cloud

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G2 est fier de présenter des avis impartiaux sur la satisfaction des user dans nos évaluations et rapports. Nous n'autorisons pas les placements payés dans nos évaluations, classements ou rapports. Découvrez nos de notation.

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31 annonces dans Plateformes PBX Cloud disponibles
(3,240)4.5 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
3rd Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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Prix de lancement :À partir de $20.00
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    Nextiva est une entreprise de gestion de l'expérience client unifiée qui fournit des solutions d'expérience client alimentées par l'IA. Nextiva alimente plus de 100 000 entreprises et des milliards d

    • Owner
    • President
    • Hospital & Health Care
    • Insurance
    Segment de marché
    • 78% Petite entreprise
    • 21% Marché intermédiaire
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  • Détails du vendeur
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    Emplacement du siège social
    Scottsdale, Arizona
    21,685 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    1,649 employés sur LinkedIn®
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Nextiva est une entreprise de gestion de l'expérience client unifiée qui fournit des solutions d'expérience client alimentées par l'IA. Nextiva alimente plus de 100 000 entreprises et des milliards d

  • Owner
  • President
  • Hospital & Health Care
  • Insurance
Segment de marché
  • 78% Petite entreprise
  • 21% Marché intermédiaire
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
Scottsdale, Arizona
21,685 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
1,649 employés sur LinkedIn®
Par Zoom
(56,092)4.5 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
2nd Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
Voir les meilleurs Services de Conseil pour Zoom Workplace
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Prix de lancement :Gratuit
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    Zoom Workplace rassemble la communication, l'engagement des employés, les espaces et les solutions de productivité sur une seule plateforme avec des capacités de Zoom AI Companion intégrées partout. R

    • Owner
    • Software Engineer
    • Information Technology and Services
    • Computer Software
    Segment de marché
    • 51% Petite entreprise
    • 31% Marché intermédiaire
    Sentiment des utilisateurs
    Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
    Ces informations, actuellement en version bêta, sont compilées à partir des avis des utilisateurs et regroupées pour afficher une vue d'ensemble du logiciel.
    • Zoom Workplace is a video conferencing platform that offers features such as one-on-one video calls, chat options, and integrations with other business applications for collaboration and communication.
    • Users frequently mention the ease of use, high-quality video and audio, seamless collaboration features, and the ability to customize settings as key benefits of Zoom Workplace.
    • Users experienced issues with occasional connectivity disruptions, limitations on meeting durations in the free version, and difficulties in navigating the abundance of features and settings.
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    San Jose, CA
    1,061,453 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    11,191 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
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Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Zoom Workplace rassemble la communication, l'engagement des employés, les espaces et les solutions de productivité sur une seule plateforme avec des capacités de Zoom AI Companion intégrées partout. R

  • Owner
  • Software Engineer
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Computer Software
Segment de marché
  • 51% Petite entreprise
  • 31% Marché intermédiaire
Sentiment des utilisateurs
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Ces informations, actuellement en version bêta, sont compilées à partir des avis des utilisateurs et regroupées pour afficher une vue d'ensemble du logiciel.
  • Zoom Workplace is a video conferencing platform that offers features such as one-on-one video calls, chat options, and integrations with other business applications for collaboration and communication.
  • Users frequently mention the ease of use, high-quality video and audio, seamless collaboration features, and the ability to customize settings as key benefits of Zoom Workplace.
  • Users experienced issues with occasional connectivity disruptions, limitations on meeting durations in the free version, and difficulties in navigating the abundance of features and settings.
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
San Jose, CA
1,061,453 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
11,191 employés sur LinkedIn®

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(1,035)4.1 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
4th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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Prix de lancement :$30.00
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    RingEX avec RingSense AI redéfinit distinctement le rôle du système téléphonique d'entreprise et des communications d'entreprise de manière holistique, le transformant en un assistant de communication

    • Owner
    • Office Manager
    • Computer Software
    • Information Technology and Services
    Segment de marché
    • 57% Petite entreprise
    • 36% Marché intermédiaire
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    Belmont, CA
    63,470 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    6,160 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
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Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

RingEX avec RingSense AI redéfinit distinctement le rôle du système téléphonique d'entreprise et des communications d'entreprise de manière holistique, le transformant en un assistant de communication

  • Owner
  • Office Manager
  • Computer Software
  • Information Technology and Services
Segment de marché
  • 57% Petite entreprise
  • 36% Marché intermédiaire
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
Belmont, CA
63,470 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
6,160 employés sur LinkedIn®
Par Cisco
(575)4.5 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
9th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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Prix de lancement :$0 user/mo
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    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    Webex Calling est la solution d'appel cloud phare de Cisco avec 13 millions d'utilisateurs dans le monde. Il offre une expérience d'appel de qualité professionnelle qui permet aux clients de remplacer

    • Software Engineer
    • Associate
    • Information Technology and Services
    • Telecommunications
    Segment de marché
    • 35% Marché intermédiaire
    • 29% Petite entreprise
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    San Jose, CA
    733,873 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    97,323 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
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Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Webex Calling est la solution d'appel cloud phare de Cisco avec 13 millions d'utilisateurs dans le monde. Il offre une expérience d'appel de qualité professionnelle qui permet aux clients de remplacer

  • Software Engineer
  • Associate
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Telecommunications
Segment de marché
  • 35% Marché intermédiaire
  • 29% Petite entreprise
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
San Jose, CA
733,873 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
97,323 employés sur LinkedIn®
Par Vonage
(473)4.3 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
11th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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    Travaillez plus intelligemment avec Vonage Business Communications, notre plateforme de communications unifiées : connectez-vous sans effort via la voix, la messagerie et la vidéo, pratiquement partou

    • President
    • Office Manager
    • Staffing and Recruiting
    • Information Technology and Services
    Segment de marché
    • 62% Petite entreprise
    • 30% Marché intermédiaire
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    Holmdel, NJ
    11,235 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    2,822 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
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Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Travaillez plus intelligemment avec Vonage Business Communications, notre plateforme de communications unifiées : connectez-vous sans effort via la voix, la messagerie et la vidéo, pratiquement partou

  • President
  • Office Manager
  • Staffing and Recruiting
  • Information Technology and Services
Segment de marché
  • 62% Petite entreprise
  • 30% Marché intermédiaire
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
Holmdel, NJ
11,235 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
2,822 employés sur LinkedIn®
(720)4.2 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
10th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    8x8 Work est un centre de collaboration tout-en-un pour le téléphone, la vidéo et la messagerie. Il offre des expériences de communication et de collaboration unifiées robustes et sécurisées à chaque

    • Owner
    • Office Manager
    • Information Technology and Services
    • Financial Services
    Segment de marché
    • 59% Petite entreprise
    • 32% Marché intermédiaire
  • Détails du vendeur
    Développer/Réduire Détails du vendeur
  • Détails du vendeur
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    San Jose, CA
    11,182 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    2,722 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
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Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

8x8 Work est un centre de collaboration tout-en-un pour le téléphone, la vidéo et la messagerie. Il offre des expériences de communication et de collaboration unifiées robustes et sécurisées à chaque

  • Owner
  • Office Manager
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Financial Services
Segment de marché
  • 59% Petite entreprise
  • 32% Marché intermédiaire
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
San Jose, CA
11,182 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
2,722 employés sur LinkedIn®
(188)4.8 sur 5
1st Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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Prix de lancement :$10 User/Month (Billed...
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    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    TeleCMI est une plateforme de communication unifiée dans le cloud de nouvelle génération qui est efficace, flexible et dotée de fonctionnalités modernes nécessaires pour les entreprises de tous types.

    • Manager
    • Director
    • Information Technology and Services
    • Computer Software
    Segment de marché
    • 56% Petite entreprise
    • 37% Marché intermédiaire
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    chennai, Tamil Nadu
    39 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    66 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

TeleCMI est une plateforme de communication unifiée dans le cloud de nouvelle génération qui est efficace, flexible et dotée de fonctionnalités modernes nécessaires pour les entreprises de tous types.

  • Manager
  • Director
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Computer Software
Segment de marché
  • 56% Petite entreprise
  • 37% Marché intermédiaire
Détails du vendeur
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
chennai, Tamil Nadu
39 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
66 employés sur LinkedIn®
(1,243)4.3 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
7th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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Prix de lancement :$25.00
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    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    CloudTalk est le principal logiciel d'appel d'affaires mondial basé sur l'IA pour les PME en croissance, offrant une qualité d'appel inégalée et une couverture nationale. Plus de 4 000 PME modernes co

    • CEO
    • Account Executive
    • Information Technology and Services
    • Computer Software
    Segment de marché
    • 66% Petite entreprise
    • 29% Marché intermédiaire
  • Détails du vendeur
    Développer/Réduire Détails du vendeur
  • Détails du vendeur
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    New York
    Page LinkedIn®
    176 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

CloudTalk est le principal logiciel d'appel d'affaires mondial basé sur l'IA pour les PME en croissance, offrant une qualité d'appel inégalée et une couverture nationale. Plus de 4 000 PME modernes co

  • CEO
  • Account Executive
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Computer Software
Segment de marché
  • 66% Petite entreprise
  • 29% Marché intermédiaire
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
New York
Page LinkedIn®
176 employés sur LinkedIn®
Par 3CX
(466)4.4 sur 5
8th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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Prix de lancement :Gratuit
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    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    3CX est un système de communication d'entreprise qui remplace les PBX traditionnels. Offrant une solution tout-en-un pour les appels, la visioconférence, le chat en direct et la messagerie. Il est bas

    • IT Manager
    • Chief Technology Officer
    • Information Technology and Services
    • Telecommunications
    Segment de marché
    • 51% Marché intermédiaire
    • 44% Petite entreprise
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    28,636 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    167 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

3CX est un système de communication d'entreprise qui remplace les PBX traditionnels. Offrant une solution tout-en-un pour les appels, la visioconférence, le chat en direct et la messagerie. Il est bas

  • IT Manager
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Telecommunications
Segment de marché
  • 51% Marché intermédiaire
  • 44% Petite entreprise
Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
28,636 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
167 employés sur LinkedIn®
(15)4.4 sur 5
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    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    La plateforme API SMS est un SMS programmable alimenté par des API SMS de confiance pour les entreprises. Avec les API SMS de Bandwidth, non seulement vous pouvez facilement intégrer la messagerie tex

    Aucune information disponible
    Aucune information disponible
    Segment de marché
    • 47% Petite entreprise
    • 40% Marché intermédiaire
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    Raleigh, NC
    10,714 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    1,204 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

La plateforme API SMS est un SMS programmable alimenté par des API SMS de confiance pour les entreprises. Avec les API SMS de Bandwidth, non seulement vous pouvez facilement intégrer la messagerie tex

Aucune information disponible
Aucune information disponible
Segment de marché
  • 47% Petite entreprise
  • 40% Marché intermédiaire
Détails du vendeur
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
Raleigh, NC
10,714 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
1,204 employés sur LinkedIn®
(2,084)4.3 sur 5
Optimisé pour une réponse rapide
6th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
Voir les meilleurs Services de Conseil pour JustCall
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Prix de lancement :$19.00
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    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    JustCall est la plateforme de communication d'entreprise tout-en-un qui aide les entreprises à se connecter avec des prospects et des clients via la voix, le SMS, l'email et WhatsApp. De plus, l'autom

    • Account Executive
    • CEO
    • Computer Software
    • Financial Services
    Segment de marché
    • 61% Petite entreprise
    • 31% Marché intermédiaire
    Sentiment des utilisateurs
    Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
    Ces informations, actuellement en version bêta, sont compilées à partir des avis des utilisateurs et regroupées pour afficher une vue d'ensemble du logiciel.
    • JustCall is a platform that manages calls, texts, and contacts, and provides features such as call recording, transcription, and integration with various CRMs.
    • Users frequently mention the ease of use, clear voice quality, fast and responsive customer support, and the ability to integrate with other platforms as key benefits of JustCall.
    • Reviewers noted issues with call quality, occasional app crashes, slow customer service response times, and a lack of certain features such as customization options and comprehensive invoice visibility.
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
    Saas Labs
    Site Web de l'entreprise
    Année de fondation
    Emplacement du siège social
    Palo Alto, California
    295 abonnés Twitter
    Page LinkedIn®
    373 employés sur LinkedIn®
Description du produit
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

JustCall est la plateforme de communication d'entreprise tout-en-un qui aide les entreprises à se connecter avec des prospects et des clients via la voix, le SMS, l'email et WhatsApp. De plus, l'autom

  • Account Executive
  • CEO
  • Computer Software
  • Financial Services
Segment de marché
  • 61% Petite entreprise
  • 31% Marché intermédiaire
Sentiment des utilisateurs
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Ces informations, actuellement en version bêta, sont compilées à partir des avis des utilisateurs et regroupées pour afficher une vue d'ensemble du logiciel.
  • JustCall is a platform that manages calls, texts, and contacts, and provides features such as call recording, transcription, and integration with various CRMs.
  • Users frequently mention the ease of use, clear voice quality, fast and responsive customer support, and the ability to integrate with other platforms as key benefits of JustCall.
  • Reviewers noted issues with call quality, occasional app crashes, slow customer service response times, and a lack of certain features such as customization options and comprehensive invoice visibility.
Détails du vendeur
Saas Labs
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
Palo Alto, California
295 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
373 employés sur LinkedIn®
  • Aperçu
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  • Description du produit
    Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
    Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

    Fusion Connect, un fournisseur de communications cloud de premier plan dans l'industrie, élimine la complexité afin que les clients puissent se concentrer sur la gestion de leur entreprise. Nous utili

    Aucune information disponible
    • Non-Profit Organization Management
    Segment de marché
    • 41% Petite entreprise
    • 38% Marché intermédiaire
  • Détails du vendeur
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  • Détails du vendeur
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Fusion Connect, un fournisseur de communications cloud de premier plan dans l'industrie, élimine la complexité afin que les clients puissent se concentrer sur la gestion de leur entreprise. Nous utili

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  • Non-Profit Organization Management
Segment de marché
  • 41% Petite entreprise
  • 38% Marché intermédiaire
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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
1,099 abonnés Twitter
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(179)4.8 sur 5
5th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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    Avec plus de 50 fonctionnalités, NUACOM est la solution de système téléphonique « tout-en-un » pour les entreprises. Notre technologie PBX hébergée flexible, fiable et évolutive – également appelée Vo

    • Director
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    • Leisure, Travel & Tourism
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    • 93% Petite entreprise
    • 7% Marché intermédiaire
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Avec plus de 50 fonctionnalités, NUACOM est la solution de système téléphonique « tout-en-un » pour les entreprises. Notre technologie PBX hébergée flexible, fiable et évolutive – également appelée Vo

  • Director
  • Managing Director
  • Leisure, Travel & Tourism
  • Construction
Segment de marché
  • 93% Petite entreprise
  • 7% Marché intermédiaire
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2,027 abonnés Twitter
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Par Twilio
(477)4.2 sur 5
13th Le plus facile à utiliser dans le logiciel Plateformes PBX Cloud
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    Twilio alimente l'avenir des communications d'entreprise, permettant aux téléphones, VoIP et messagerie d'être intégrés dans les logiciels web, de bureau et mobiles. Nous nous occupons du matériel tél

    • Senior Software Engineer
    • Software Engineer
    • Computer Software
    • Information Technology and Services
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    • 48% Petite entreprise
    • 31% Marché intermédiaire
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    San Francisco, CA
    82,196 abonnés Twitter
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Twilio alimente l'avenir des communications d'entreprise, permettant aux téléphones, VoIP et messagerie d'être intégrés dans les logiciels web, de bureau et mobiles. Nous nous occupons du matériel tél

  • Senior Software Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Computer Software
  • Information Technology and Services
Segment de marché
  • 48% Petite entreprise
  • 31% Marché intermédiaire
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(212)4.6 sur 5
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Prix de lancement :$24.00
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    Ringover est la solution de communication cloud multicanal facile à utiliser (appels, SMS, appels vidéo, emails...), conçue pour améliorer l'expérience de vos clients et maximiser vos ventes. Offrez

    • CEO
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    • 78% Petite entreprise
    • 21% Marché intermédiaire
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    856 abonnés Twitter
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Description du produit
Comment sont-ils déterminés ?Information
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Ringover est la solution de communication cloud multicanal facile à utiliser (appels, SMS, appels vidéo, emails...), conçue pour améliorer l'expérience de vos clients et maximiser vos ventes. Offrez

  • CEO
  • Insurance
  • Computer Software
Segment de marché
  • 78% Petite entreprise
  • 21% Marché intermédiaire
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856 abonnés Twitter
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Faits rapides sur Logiciels de plateformes PBX cloud

Le contenu ci-dessous est à jour au Juin, 2024
Summary of Reviews

Cloud PBX Software Reviews Summary

The 1,416 Cloud PBX software reviews on G2 are generated from qualitative and quantitative feedback from real users to help you compare and research the best software product for your business. Currently there are 17 Cloud PBX software products listed on G2. Based on ratings and quantity of reviews, these are the most popular:

  • Nextiva (4.5-star rating with 546 reviews)
  • Zoom Workplace (4.5-star rating with 220 reviews)
  • 3CX (4.4-star rating with 165 reviews)
  • 8x8 Work (4.1-star rating with 113 reviews)
  • RingEX (4-star rating with 112 reviews)

G2 users review Cloud PBX software products based on criteria relating to user experience, setup, and support. On a scale of 1-10, users rate the Cloud PBX software tools on G2 as follows:

  • Ease of Use: 9/10 average user rating
  • Ease of Setup: 8.8/10 average user rating
  • Quality of Support: 8.7/10 average user rating

Along with rating Cloud PBX software based on user criteria, G2 reviewers also provide ratings for Cloud PBX software features and capabilities. Currently the highest rated features of Cloud PBX software reviewed on G2 are:

  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% average rating)
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% average rating)
  • Internal Use (93% average rating)
  • Sending (92% average rating)
  • Quality Assurance (92% average rating)

Cloud PBX software users on G2 also compare the more specific features of these products. Below are the more specific features they find to be the most important when researching the best Cloud PBX software tools:

Cloud PBX Software Review Snippets

Below are answers to questions we ask all G2 users about the most popular Cloud PBX software tools, apps, and products. These user responses provide more insight into what are some of the most reviewed Cloud PBX software products listed on G2.
Questions Responses
Here is what users liked best about these popular Cloud PBX software products.
Zoom Workplace: "The Ability to schedule recurring meetings"
- Andrés B., Marketing Coordinator at Green Mo. • Kindness Distributor, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nextiva: "I love that I can reach out to some one while speaking with a client and see if that person is available or not just by checking the app. We do not have allot time and customer service is our number one priority so being quick and efficient is a big deal. We are able to avoid long holds for our callers and quick connections because of Nextiva"
- Shauna I., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
CloudTalk: "Price, quality of calls, advanced features, easy to use"
- Miroslav K., Junior BI Specialis at EMARK, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Here is what users disliked about these popular Cloud PBX software products.
Nextiva: "They have know glitches in the software and cannot resolve. Support is very sketchy."
- Lee P., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Zoom Workplace: "40 minute time limit and limits on guests in a room"
- Kody H., Music Teacher at Music Lessons Barrie, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
RingEX: "Not easily used across different platforms"
- Sarah C., Head Start ERSEA and Data Program Coordinator, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
These are what users recommend to others considering these popular Cloud PBX software products.
Zoom Workplace: "It is easy access and looks more professional than other platforms"
- Gabriela G., Coordinador de marca en Mercado Andares, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nextiva: "If you do not have a phone system where you can IM and see the status of your team this is worth a try for sure."
- Shauna I., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
8x8 Work: "Great stuff!"
- Katherine R., Office Manager at Laiben Insurance Agency, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
These are the problems users said the software was solving and how it is benefitting them.
Zoom Workplace: "Scheduling meetings and being able to meet with team members from across the world"
- Andrés B., Marketing Coordinator at Green Mo. • Kindness Distributor, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nextiva: "We do not have allot time and customer service is our number one priority so being quick and efficient is a big deal. We are able to avoid long holds for our callers and quick connections because of Nextiva"
- Shauna I., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
CloudTalk: "Quality/price ratio"
- Miroslav K., Junior BI Specialis at EMARK, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Industry

Cloud PBX Software Reviews by Industry

Cloud PBX tools, apps, and software are used across a variety of industries. Each industry utilizes different key features of these products, some more than others. The most common industries using Cloud PBX software products reviewed here are Information Technology and Services, Computer Software, Marketing and Advertising, Financial Services, and Non-Profit Organization Management.

Industry-Related Cloud PBX Software FAQs

Cloud PBX Software FAQs for Information Technology and Services Industry Professionals

What are the best Cloud PBX software products according to Information Technology and Services industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Cloud PBX software products with the most reviews that Information Technology and Services professionals rate the highest are Nextiva (4.5 stars and 546 reviews), Zoom Workplace (4.5 stars and 220 reviews), and 3CX (4.4 stars and 165 reviews).

What are the lowest-rated Cloud PBX software products according to Information Technology and Services industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest-rated Cloud PBX software products for Information Technology and Services folks are RingEX (4 stars), MiVoice Business (4 stars), and 8x8 Work (4.1 stars).

What are the highest-rated Cloud PBX software features for companies in the Information Technology and Services industry?
  1. Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  2. Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  3. Internal Use (93% avg. rating)
Which Cloud PBX software features do companies in the Information Technology and Services industry rank the lowest?
  1. Conferencing Options (92% avg. rating)
  2. Basic Communication (92% avg. rating)
  3. Tracking (91% avg. rating)
Are there other more specific Cloud PBX software features rated highly by those in the Information Technology and Services industry?
  • Knowledge Base is a specific Internal Use feature with an average rating of 98%.

  • Lead Development is a specific Internal Use feature with an average rating of 97%.

  • Co-Browsing is a specific Communication feature with an average rating of 97%.

Cloud PBX Software Review Snippets from Information Technology and Services Professionals

Of the 1,014 Information Technology and Services users that left a review for Cloud PBX software products, this is what some of them had to say about those with the highest G2 score ratings and the most reviews.

What Information Technology and Services Professionals Liked What Information Technology and Services Professionals Disliked
Zoom Workplace: it uses very low amount of data compared to other video conferencing applications and also works well with low speed wifi with interruptions.
- Shivam K., Web Design, Digital marketing and App Development, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Zoom Workplace: 40 minutes limit. Hangs while opening or joining a meeting many time sound issues.
- Piyus S., Salesforce developer, Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Webex Calling: Some issues ewith the application and the audio quality. It can be difficult to transfer from the app to utilizing the phone dial tone.
- andrew m., Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
CloudTalk: The voip client often just randomly stop working. Calls will ring for coworkers, but not on my screen until I reload the app.
- Cipriano G., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nextiva: As a reseller it is the amazing support.
- Kelly G., Director Of Operations at AVIT, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
8x8 Work: The call quality is frequently poor and the interface isn’t easy to use or quick. Lots of wasted time and frustration.
- Lucy W., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)

Cloud PBX Software FAQs for Computer Software Industry Professionals

What Cloud PBX software products do users from the Computer Software industry like the most?

The Cloud PBX software products with the most reviews that Computer Software professionals rate the highest are Nextiva (4.5 stars and 546 reviews), Zoom Workplace (4.5 stars and 220 reviews), and 3CX (4.4 stars and 165 reviews).

What Cloud PBX software do users from the Computer Software industry professionals like the least based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Cloud PBX software products Computer Software professionals rate the lowest are RingEX (4 stars), MiVoice Business (4 stars), and 8x8 Work (4.1 stars).

What do Computer Software professionals rate as the best features for Cloud PBX software?
  1. Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  2. Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  3. Sending (92% avg. rating)
What features of Cloud PBX software products do people in the Computer Software space rate lowest?
  1. Conferencing Options (92% avg. rating)
  2. Basic Communication (92% avg. rating)
  3. Tracking (91% avg. rating)
  4. Software Offering (91% avg. rating)
  5. Collaboration Tools (91% avg. rating)
What specific Cloud PBX software features are rated highly by those in the Computer Software industry?
  • Knowledge Base is a specific Internal Use feature rated an average of 98%.

  • Lead Development is a specific Internal Use feature rated an average of 97%.

  • Co-Browsing is a specific Communication feature rated an average of 97%.

Cloud PBX Software Review Snippets from Computer Software Professionals

Of the 698 Computer Software users that left a review for Cloud PBX software products, here's what some of them said about those that are the highest-rated with the most reviews.

What Computer Software Professionals Liked What Computer Software Professionals Disliked
Zoom Workplace: Easy to use, doesn't make you struggle to use it like Teams does
- Elisar N., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Twilio: I dislike all of the open buttons you have to choose to get what you need.
- Arleen J., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
CloudTalk: Price, quality of calls, advanced features, easy to use
- Miroslav K., Junior BI Specialis at EMARK, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
RingEX: Consistency of service is a challenge, and support is lacking and very slow. When sold as a solution for business the support for business impacting issues (ie. my tech support staff cannot open the program after a windows update) needs to be better than "sometime in the next week".
- David W., Agile team leader, delivering exceptional customer experiences & high performance office environments., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Twilio: Love the API. Super easy to setup Twilio.
- Michael P., Principal Software Engineer Project Lead at Intralinks & Investor at XOXO Capital, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
JustCall: It can be a little clunky at times. Especially on my mobile device.
- Collin S., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

Cloud PBX Software FAQs for Marketing and Advertising Industry Professionals

What are the best Cloud PBX software products according to experts from the Marketing and Advertising industry?

The Cloud PBX software products with the most reviews that Marketing and Advertising professionals rate the highest are Nextiva (4.5 stars and 546 reviews), Zoom Workplace (4.5 stars and 220 reviews), and 3CX (4.4 stars and 165 reviews).

Which Cloud PBX software products do Marketing and Advertising industry experts like the least?

The lowest-rated Cloud PBX software products for Marketing and Advertising folks are RingEX (4 stars), MiVoice Business (4 stars), and 8x8 Work (4.1 stars).

Which Cloud PBX software features have Marketing and Advertising companies given the highest ratings?
  1. Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  2. Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  3. Sending (92% avg. rating)
What are the lowest rated features of Cloud PBX software features according to employees of Marketing and Advertising companies?
  1. Basic Communication (92% avg. rating)
  2. Tracking (91% avg. rating)
  3. Software Offering (91% avg. rating)
Which specific Cloud PBX software features are rated highest by Marketing and Advertising industry professionals?
  • Knowledge Base is a specific Internal Use feature rated an average of 98%.

  • Lead Development is a specific Internal Use feature rated an average of 97%.

  • Co-Browsing is a specific Communication feature rated an average of 97%.

Cloud PBX Software Review Snippets from Marketing and Advertising Professionals

626 Marketing and Advertising professionals have provided Cloud PBX software product reviews on G2. Find out what some of them had to say about the Cloud PBX software tools and apps with the highest G2 score ratings and the most reviews.

What Marketing and Advertising Professionals Liked What Marketing and Advertising Professionals Disliked
Zoom Workplace: The Ability to schedule recurring meetings
- Andrés B., Marketing Coordinator at Green Mo. • Kindness Distributor, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
RingEX: It's very difficult to find someone to talk to for help, and even harder to find someone who speaks English well. Call center agents not trained well
- McKay C., Student at BYU-Idaho, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
CloudTalk: Easy to use online platform Customer service
- Tomáš C., Creative Strategist at Digiline, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Twilio: Interruptions after many years: Upon checking your account, I see you have created a Starter business profile. However, there is no Brand or Campaign created.
- Duane W., Director of Sales and Marketing, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nextiva: I love how it can go where you go, whether you are at the office with a desk phone, or on the go using a mobile device or laptop.
- Ryan M., Business Builder | Sales & Marketing Director/VP | EQ/EI Leader | SaaS Guru | Writer & Public Speaker, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
8x8 Work: In the process of signing up, the salesperson never told me I was signing up for a one year contract. I just wish the salesperson would go through and make sure I know what I'm signing up for.
- Don S., Art Direction // Strategy // Design, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Market Segment

Cloud PBX Software Reviews by Market Segment

G2 Cloud PBX software reviewers come from companies of various sizes. Each business market segment has its own distinct experiences and requirements when it comes to Cloud PBX software products. On G2 we break these different market segments into 3 distinct groups:

66.7% of Cloud PBX tools reviews on G2 are from users working in small businesses, 24.9% of users are from mid-market companies, and 8.4% work at enterprise companies.

Cloud PBX Software FAQs by Market Segment

Cloud PBX Software FAQs for Enterprise Companies

What are the best Cloud PBX software tools and apps for enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Cloud PBX software products enterprise-level professionals rate the highest are Nextiva (4.5 stars and 546 reviews), Zoom Workplace (4.5 stars and 220 reviews), and 3CX (4.4 stars and 165 reviews).

What are the least-liked Cloud PBX software products for professionals at enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest rated Cloud PBX software products on G2 are RingEX (4 stars), MiVoice Business (4 stars), and 8x8 Work (4.1 stars).

What are the highest-rated Cloud PBX software tool features according to employees at enterprise-level businesses?
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  • Internal Use (93% avg. rating)
What do enterprise businesses rank the lowest when it comes to Cloud PBX software features?
  • Conferencing Options (92% avg. rating)
  • Basic Communication (92% avg. rating)
  • Software Offering (91% avg. rating)
Which specific Cloud PBX software features are rated highest by professionals in enterprise companies?
  • Knowledge Base is a specific Internal Use feature rated an average of 98%.
  • Lead Development is a specific Internal Use feature rated an average of 97%.
  • Co-Browsing is a specific Communication feature rated an average of 97%.

Cloud PBX Software Review Snippets from Enterprise Business Professionals

Enterprise business professionals share important information about Cloud PBX software usability, features, pricing, and more. Read what these users have to say about the top-rated Cloud PBX tools.

What Enterprise Professionals Liked What Enterprise Professionals Disliked
Zoom Workplace: Without sign-up anyone can join a a meeting. Easy to use for non educated people.
- Ghanshyam R., Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
RingEX: I didnt like the call monitoring aspect and how uclear the calls were.
- Scott S., Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Webex Calling: The calls come right into your queue and they are easy to answer quickly. Easy logout and easy login.
- Miranda J., --, Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Zoom Workplace: 40 minutes limit. Hangs while opening or joining a meeting many time sound issues.
- Piyus S., Salesforce developer, Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
CloudTalk: Takes pressure off of customer support by automating common responses.
- Stephanie W., Software Developer at Ciox Health, Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
8x8 Work: Nothing much to dislike. But the interface can be better.
- Gaurav P., Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)

Mid-Market Company Cloud PBX Software FAQs

What are the top Cloud PBX software products according to professionals at mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

Cloud PBX software product users at mid-market companies rate Nextiva (4.5 stars and 546 reviews), Zoom Workplace (4.5 stars and 220 reviews), and 3CX (4.4 stars and 165 reviews) as the top Cloud PBX software tools on the market.

Which Cloud PBX software products are not well-rated by reviewers from mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

RingEX (4 stars), MiVoice Business (4 stars), and 8x8 Work (4.1 stars) are the lowest rated Cloud PBX tools according to mid-market company professionals on G2.

What are the highest-rated Cloud PBX software tool features according to employees at mid-market companies?
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  • Internal Use (93% avg. rating)
Which Cloud PBX software features do mid-market company users rate the lowest?
  • Conferencing Options (92% avg. rating)
  • Tracking (91% avg. rating)
  • Software Offering (91% avg. rating)
What are some more specific Cloud PBX software features that people at mid-market companies rate highly?
  • Knowledge Base is a specific Internal Use feature with an average 98% rating.
  • Lead Development is a specific Internal Use feature with an average 97% rating.
  • Co-Browsing is a specific Communication feature with an average 97% rating.

Cloud PBX Software Review Snippets from Mid-Market Company Professionals

Read what Cloud PBX software users from mid-market companies have to say about the features, usability, pricing, and more of their top-rated Cloud PBX software tools and apps.

What Midsize Business Professionals Liked What Midsize Business Professionals Disliked
Zoom Workplace: Being able to see and talk to participants.
- Chris S., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nextiva: Not user friendly, not feature rich for desktop at all.
- Greg K., Sr. Software Engineer/Developer, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nextiva: I love that I can reach out to some one while speaking with a client and see if that person is available or not just by checking the app. We do not have allot time and customer service is our number one priority so being quick and efficient is a big deal. We are able to avoid long holds for our callers and quick connections because of Nextiva
- Shauna I., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
RingEX: Different software apps are used for different purposes, making for a very disjointed user experience. Difficult to click-and-dial in many situations.
- Bob S., Data & Process Integration--let's get your systems working *for* you., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
CloudTalk: - integration with CRM tools - conference calls - custom reports - Automatic Call Distribution
- Katarína K., Open to new challenges., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Zoom Workplace: Security is the biggest concern with Zoom.
- Jordan W., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)

Cloud PBX Software FAQs for Small Businesses

What are the top Cloud PBX software products for small businesses?

Users from small businesses rate the following as the best Cloud PBX software products: Nextiva (4.5 stars and 546 reviews), Zoom Workplace (4.5 stars and 220 reviews), and 3CX (4.4 stars and 165 reviews).

What Cloud PBX software products for small businesses are rated lowest?

For small business owners and professionals, the lowest rated Cloud PBX software products are RingEX (4 stars), MiVoice Business (4 stars), and 8x8 Work (4.1 stars).

What Cloud PBX software tool features are rated highest for small businesses?
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% avg. rating)
  • Internal Use (93% avg. rating)
What features do small businesses rank the lowest when it comes to Cloud PBX software?
  • Conferencing Options (92% avg. rating)
  • Tracking (91% avg. rating)
  • Software Offering (91% avg. rating)
Are there any particular Cloud PBX software features that small business professionals rate highly?
  • Knowledge Base is a specific Internal Use feature with an average 98% rating.
  • Lead Development is a specific Internal Use feature with an average 97% rating.
  • Co-Browsing is a specific Communication feature with an average 97% rating.

Cloud PBX Software Review Snippets from Small Business Professionals

See what small business owners, employees, and other users have to say about the 17 Cloud PBX software products reviewed on G2. Compare reviews and product information to find the best Cloud PBX software for your small business.

What Small Business Professionals Liked What Small Business Professionals Disliked
Zoom Workplace: The Ability to schedule recurring meetings
- Andrés B., Marketing Coordinator at Green Mo. • Kindness Distributor, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nextiva: They have know glitches in the software and cannot resolve. Support is very sketchy.
- Lee P., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nextiva: Good support from Oleg K. Very solid system for our business.
- Len M., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Zoom Workplace: 40 minute time limit and limits on guests in a room
- Kody H., Music Teacher at Music Lessons Barrie, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
CloudTalk: Price, quality of calls, advanced features, easy to use
- Miroslav K., Junior BI Specialis at EMARK, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
RingEX: Not easily used across different platforms
- Sarah C., Head Start ERSEA and Data Program Coordinator, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Features

Cloud PBX Software Reviews by Software Features

Cloud PBX software products on G2 have nearly 340 types of features, all of which contribute to the performance, usability, and functionality of the software. These software capabilities are rated and submitted in up to 125 feature reviews created by G2 users. These scores and detailed feedback can help you determine if a particular Cloud PBX software product has the attributes and functionality best for your business.

There are standard features across all the Cloud PBX tools, apps, and software reviewed on G2. Below we’ve listed the highest-rated standard features of Cloud PBX software products along with some of the core attributes that help drive the performance of those features:

  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX (94% average rating)
    • Scalability (97% average rating)
    • Integrations (97% average rating)
    • Communication Management (97% average rating)
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX (94% average rating)
    • Security and Compliance (97% average rating)
    • Support and Reliability (95% average rating)
    • Analytics and Reporting (94% average rating)
  • Internal Use (93% average rating)
    • Knowledge Base (98% average rating)
    • Lead Development (97% average rating)
    • Customer Profiles (95% average rating)
  • Sending (92% average rating)
    • Existing Numbers (93% average rating)
    • Alerts (93% average rating)
    • Unlimited Sending (92% average rating)
  • Quality Assurance (92% average rating)
    • Evaluation (93% average rating)
    • Reports (92% average rating)
    • Calibration (92% average rating)

To help you find the Cloud PBX tool that meets your business needs, below you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the best Cloud PBX software products that have the features mentioned above.

Which Cloud PBX products are the highest rated based on Basic Communication - Cloud PBX features?
  • Nextiva (4.5-star rating with 546 reviews)
  • Zoom Workplace (4.5-star rating with 220 reviews)
  • 3CX (4.4-star rating with 165 reviews)
Which Cloud PBX products are the best rated based on Advanced Features - Cloud PBX features?
  • Nextiva (4.5-star rating with 546 reviews)
  • Zoom Workplace (4.5-star rating with 220 reviews)
  • 3CX (4.4-star rating with 165 reviews)
Which Cloud PBX products are the best rated based on Internal Use features?
  • 3CX (4.4-star rating with 165 reviews)
  • JustCall (4.2-star rating with 20 reviews)
Which Cloud PBX products are the best rated based on Sending features?
  • RingEX (4-star rating with 112 reviews)
Which Cloud PBX products are the best rated based on Quality Assurance features?
  • CloudTalk (4.3-star rating with 54 reviews)
  • JustCall (4.2-star rating with 20 reviews)
What are the most popular features G2 users focus on when picking Cloud PBX software tools?
  • Customer Profiles is a Internal Use feature with 125 G2 Reviews
  • Scalability is a Basic Communication - Cloud PBX feature with 121 G2 Reviews
  • Communication Management is a Basic Communication - Cloud PBX feature with 121 G2 Reviews
  • Integrations is a Basic Communication - Cloud PBX feature with 110 G2 Reviews
  • Accessibility is a Basic Communication - Cloud PBX feature with 110 G2 Reviews
Learn more about the product features and capabilities that users and G2 reviewers like best and least for the top-rated Cloud PBX software products.
Product Highest Rated Features Lowest Rated Features
TeleCMI Here are the features users love the most about TeleCMI:
  • Calling
  • Advanced Features
  • Access
Here are the features users love the least about TeleCMI:
  • Administrative
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX
Ringover Here are the features users love the most about Ringover:
  • Administrative
  • Calling
  • Functionality
Here are the features users love the least about Ringover:
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX
  • Collaboration Tools
Nextiva Here are the features users love the most about Nextiva:
  • Advanced Features
  • Extensions
  • Workforce Management
Here are the features users love the least about Nextiva:
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX
  • Generative AI
Zoom Workplace Here are the features users love the most about Zoom Workplace:
  • Basic Communication
  • Conferencing Options
  • Collaboration Tools
Here are the features users love the least about Zoom Workplace:
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX
  • Generative AI
Webex Calling Here are the features users love the most about Webex Calling:
  • Extensions
  • Features
  • Basic Communication
Here are the features users love the least about Webex Calling:
  • Advanced Features - Cloud PBX
  • Basic Communication - Cloud PBX
  • Advanced Features