Follower sorting options and integration, interface is colorful and features are useful, yet hard to understand
The major place I saw a lack of depth was in customization of reports. If I want to showcase twitonomy reporting in say, a digital dashboard to senior leaders, I have to export/screengrab the data and do that myself (because of limited customization...
i love the data reeview layout. its very detailed and easy to follow
I understand Twitter's platform is not designed for image optimization, however there is a huge segment of the market who use Twitter. If the platform were to be revised to include an image section only, perhaps the analytics would be more beneficial.
Follower sorting options and integration, interface is colorful and features are useful, yet hard to understand
i love the data reeview layout. its very detailed and easy to follow
The major place I saw a lack of depth was in customization of reports. If I want to showcase twitonomy reporting in say, a digital dashboard to senior leaders, I have to export/screengrab the data and do that myself (because of limited customization...
I understand Twitter's platform is not designed for image optimization, however there is a huge segment of the market who use Twitter. If the platform were to be revised to include an image section only, perhaps the analytics would be more beneficial.