I can easily organize my day cards, and my manager can keep track of everything and extract reports. Visually it is straightforward to use.
Not everyone wants to use the system or thinks it may be a little complicated for older volunteers.
We are an ecommerce agency in charge of website creation and marketing optimization focus in ROI. Liquid Planner has been awesome for us, it allow us having closer and realistic deadlines in our projects .Thanks to “My work” characteristic, it has...
- links are not auto-linked - editing comments breaks lines - too slow - going back in time is difficult (what changes did we make to the product in May 2013?) - replies from emails include signature images - no ability to create recurring tasks or...
I can easily organize my day cards, and my manager can keep track of everything and extract reports. Visually it is straightforward to use.
We are an ecommerce agency in charge of website creation and marketing optimization focus in ROI. Liquid Planner has been awesome for us, it allow us having closer and realistic deadlines in our projects .Thanks to “My work” characteristic, it has...
Not everyone wants to use the system or thinks it may be a little complicated for older volunteers.
- links are not auto-linked - editing comments breaks lines - too slow - going back in time is difficult (what changes did we make to the product in May 2013?) - replies from emails include signature images - no ability to create recurring tasks or...