It helps to do many courses at very nominal price or fees. It is very easy to use, many websites are not user friendly. Its customer service is great as compared to others. It is a best LMS as well, It has all of the features one might be looking for to...
Website is confusing at first to find the product you want
I've been a paid subscriber of TalentLMS for over last 6 years. Before subscribing I had done a lot of research on various LMSs and I had ranked TalentLMS a clear winner based on all - features, usability and pricing. Mine was a unique need - a program to...
Talent LMS is clunky, difficult to navigate and not mobile friendly
It helps to do many courses at very nominal price or fees. It is very easy to use, many websites are not user friendly. Its customer service is great as compared to others. It is a best LMS as well, It has all of the features one might be looking for to...
I've been a paid subscriber of TalentLMS for over last 6 years. Before subscribing I had done a lot of research on various LMSs and I had ranked TalentLMS a clear winner based on all - features, usability and pricing. Mine was a unique need - a program to...
Website is confusing at first to find the product you want
Talent LMS is clunky, difficult to navigate and not mobile friendly