Patient case management software improves quality of care and, ultimately, patient experience by optimizing the coordination of care across a hospital, practice, or ancillary care clinic. Patient case management software centralizes aspects of patient care such as scheduling, charting, treatment planning, and medical billing to accurately determine the health status of a patient. Case managers can utilize patient case management software to facilitate clinical communication and collaboration, as well as deliver better post-discharge care. Therefore, patients, too, benefit from effective patient case management software, which can offer them personalized services tools similar to an interactive patient care system (IPC) that they would have had access to during treatment.
To qualify for inclusion in the Patient Case Management category, a product must:
Provide doctors, physicians, and other health care professionals quick and efficient access to patients’ health data
Track and monitor patient data throughout the entire patient care delivery cycle
Assist in routine practice management tasks such as clinical documentation and medical staff scheduling
Facilitate and support clinical communication and collaboration across the health care org