Fleet maintenance software helps users conduct vehicle maintenance activities, tracking vehicle usage and repair needs for the fleet. Fleet maintenance software is used to reduce downtime and maintenance costs, extend equipment life, and reduce parts costs and inventory. Fleet maintenance systems are often used by supply chain and logistics companies that manage vehicle fleets on a daily basis.
While fleet maintenance can often be found as a module within a fleet management software, the products that exist within this category are offered as standalone solutions that focus mostly on fleet maintenance. These tools also provide GIS features or integrate with GIS software to monitor the physical location of vehicles.
Fleet maintenance software is often used alongside other distribution software such as transportation management software and route planning software.
To qualify for inclusion in the Fleet Maintenance category, a product must:
Provide preventive and predictive maintenance management tools
Provide tools to manage fleet inventory and equipment
Provide tools to create, edit, and manage fleet maintenance work orders
Provide tools that track fleet maintenance costs and expenses