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Enterprise architecture (EA) is the process of designing, mapping, implementing, and executing large-scale business strategies. Enterprise architecture tools are software applications designed to help businesses achieve their goals and improve visibility and productivity across the company. These tools empower individuals to collaborate and organize resources and strategies across disparate or siloed departments. IT systems, business resources, staff, and other components of internal organizations are mapped out to identify unnecessary efforts or spending. From there, users will strategize a plan to streamline operations and improve overall efficiency.
Some businesses will have designated enterprise architects, but others will simply rely on administrators or project managers to take ownership of enterprise architecture. Enterprise architects would be specialized individuals with experience mapping out departments, resources, and large-scale business strategies. Regardless of whether enterprise architects are the ones using EA solutions, the tools will continue to assist in improving business operations while modernizing a business’ internal enterprise architecture framework.
The scope of a business is a large factor in whether enterprise architecture solutions are necessary. Enterprise companies and businesses with individually operating departments are more likely to need enterprise architecture solutions. Smaller businesses are less likely to need a large-scale solution to map isolated departments, resources, or manpower.
Companies that are large enough to require these solutions will map out their business structures, information sources, applications, IT assets, and IT infrastructure. This information will be used to build an architecture description that details the current state and the target state. From there, the user will outline the work and time necessary to help the business achieve its goals.
Key Benefits of Enterprise Architecture Tools
Companies hoping to modernize and streamline their existing enterprise business should look to EA solutions. These tools make it significantly easier to enact large-scale changes because every impact is mapped out prior to implementation. It can also help keep businesses on track and set deadlines for specific tasks. In all, these tools enable companies to identify flaws in their business, determine the steps necessary to facilitate change, and ensure that transformative projects remain on schedule.
Business Architecture — Companies are always in possession of data related to their business structures, objectives, and capabilities. But many businesses fail to utilize that information to identify potential flaws or inconsistencies within their operations. These tools can help explain to both administrators and users where contributions are made, where roadblocks exist, and where improvements can be implemented.
Increased Visibility — Enterprise architecture solutions are helpful for continually displaying each worker’s or department's contribution to the company’s collective goals. Employees can also speak up if they identify pain points within the company’s business processes to further improve operations.
Business Transformation — Enterprise architecture tools are especially useful for companies hoping to adapt their business to the modern day. This could mean abandoning legacy systems, restructuring their IT operations, or simplifying complex IT systems. Enterprise architecture toos are also helpful in developing entirely new systems and demonstrating to users what impacts will arise as a result of new technology adoption.
Timelines — Timelines help users with long-term planning for projects, strategies, and tasks. These features also help users identify various phases and track progress at different stages.
Roadmaps — Roadmapping features allow users to visually display strategies along with the various relevant resources, departments, and assets. They can also assist with progress tracking and standards monitoring throughout project implementation.
Analytics — Analytics features will provide users with tools to analyze productivity, resource usage, and standards enforcement. This information can be useful in future planning and help teams better strategize for related tasks and projects.
Collaboration — The ability for teams to collaborate on projects and other tasks within the platform.
Asset Management — Tools to organize and manage all resources and assets within an organization.
Budget Hierarchies — Define budget structure elements and how they are linked hierarchically.
Reporting — Administrators can define and manage the reporting structure and access rights to each report.
Standards — Design and develop standards for modelling business systems.