ZoomInfo Sales Features
What are the features of ZoomInfo Sales?
Data Availability
- Contact Data Availability
- Company Data Availability
- Industry Research Availability
Data Accuracy
- Contact Data Accuracy
- Company Data Accuracy
- Lead Builder
- Integration to CRM/Marketing Automation
- Data Cleaning/Enrichment
- Data Segmentation/Filtering
- Search
- News/People Alerts
- Reporting
- Performance and Reliability
- Export/Import
Lead Monitoring
- Features
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Data Availability
Contact Data Availability | Based on 4088 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Does this product have the amount of contact data you require? Contact data includes a persons company, role, experience, email, telephone, etc. | 83% (Based on 4,088 reviews) | |
Company Data Availability | Based on 4062 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Does this product have the amount of company data you require? Company data includes data on companies leadership, financials, industry, products, etc. | 85% (Based on 4,062 reviews) | |
Industry Research Availability | Based on 2725 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Does this product offer industry research data that you require? | 82% (Based on 2,725 reviews) | |
Technographic Data Availability | Does this product offer the technographic data that you require? Technographic data includes identifying a company's technology, hardware, and software used 231 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 80% (Based on 231 reviews) | |
Contact Data Availability | Based on 997 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides detailed contact-level buyer intent data | 85% (Based on 997 reviews) | |
Account Data Availability | As reported in 997 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides aggregated intent data for individual contacts to supply an account-level view of intent | 86% (Based on 997 reviews) | |
Offline Data | Ability to connect offline databases to collect information that can be matched to online devices 663 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 77% (Based on 663 reviews) |
Data Accuracy
Contact Data Accuracy | Based on 4087 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. How accurate and up to date is the contact data? | 77% (Based on 4,087 reviews) | |
Company Data Accuracy | Based on 4052 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. How accurate and up to date is the company data? | 82% (Based on 4,052 reviews) | |
Technographic Data Accuracy | How accurate and up to date is the technographic data? 230 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 81% (Based on 230 reviews) |
Lead Builder | Based on 3240 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Ability to create targeted contact lists. | 84% (Based on 3,240 reviews) | |
Integration to CRM/Marketing Automation | Based on 3250 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Integrations to popular CRM/Marketing automation software to enable sales/marketing team members to view contact and company data from within the CRM/Marketing automation software. | 84% (Based on 3,250 reviews) | |
Data Cleaning/Enrichment | Based on 3002 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Ability to clean/enrich existing data that is maintained in other systems | 80% (Based on 3,002 reviews) | |
Data Segmentation/Filtering | Based on 3279 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Functionality to filter or segment data from within sales intelligence software | 83% (Based on 3,279 reviews) | |
Search | Based on 4001 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Offers search tools that allow users to find the data they need quickly | 86% (Based on 4,001 reviews) | |
News/People Alerts | Based on 3173 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Alerts you to changes happening to industries, companies and people you follow | 81% (Based on 3,173 reviews) | |
Reporting | Based on 2541 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides ability to create the reports that meet your business requirements | 80% (Based on 2,541 reviews) | |
Messaging | Based on 1086 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides ability to message contacts directly from within the sales intelligence software | 78% (Based on 1,086 reviews) |
User, Role, and Access Management | Based on 1181 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Grant access to select data, features, objects, etc. based on the users, user role, groups, etc. | 86% (Based on 1,181 reviews) | |
Performance and Reliability | Based on 1477 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Software is consistently available (uptime) and allows users to complete tasks quickly because they are not waiting for the software to respond to an action they took. | 86% (Based on 1,477 reviews) | |
Reporting/Dashboards | Based on 1226 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Access pre-built and custom reports and dashboards. | 82% (Based on 1,226 reviews) | |
Mobile User Support | Based on 919 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows software to be easily used on multiple mobile devices include phone and tablet devices. | 77% (Based on 919 reviews) | |
APIs | Based on 1101 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Enables integration to external systems | 82% (Based on 1,101 reviews) | |
Search | Based on 794 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides users with search tools in order to find the data they need quickly | 89% (Based on 794 reviews) | |
User, Role, And Access Management | Based on 739 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to grant access to select data, features, objects, etc. based on the users, user role, groups, etc. | 87% (Based on 739 reviews) | |
Mobile User Support | Based on 638 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows software to be easily used on multiple mobile devices, including phone and tablet devices | 79% (Based on 638 reviews) | |
Alerts | Based on 714 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides features for email and messaging alerts surrounding contact and company updates | 84% (Based on 714 reviews) | |
Collaboration | Based on 670 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows multiple users to access and collaborate on the platform | 83% (Based on 670 reviews) | |
Compliance | Based on 665 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides features for users to follow domestic and international privacy and data colelction compliance laws | 84% (Based on 665 reviews) |
Lead Intelligence
Market Insights | As reported in 960 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides tools that help identify key topics that are trending, as well as the content that customers are more likely to engage with. | 84% (Based on 960 reviews) | |
Account-level Insights | As reported in 979 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Helps determine the correlation between ad exposure and site visits, assets downloaded, content, leads generated, etc. | 85% (Based on 979 reviews) | |
Lead Analysis | Prioritizes leads through lead scoring, market insights, account-level insights, etc. This feature was mentioned in 950 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 84% (Based on 950 reviews) | |
Market Insights | Based on 1248 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides tools that help identify key topics that are trending, as well as the content that customers are more likely to engage with. | 86% (Based on 1,248 reviews) | |
Account-level Insights | Helps determine the correlation between ad exposure and site visits, assets downloaded, content, leads generated, etc. 1276 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 87% (Based on 1,276 reviews) | |
Lead Analysis | Prioritizes leads through lead scoring, market insights, account-level insights, etc. This feature was mentioned in 1258 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 1,258 reviews) | |
Lead Validation | Product accurately cleans, deduplicates, and verifies lead data. This feature was mentioned in 1196 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 1,196 reviews) | |
Lead Enrichment | Based on 1186 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Product enriches existing lead data with missing information. | 86% (Based on 1,186 reviews) | |
Lead Quality | Based on 1217 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Product provides accurate, up-to-date contact information for leads, such as email address or phone number. | 85% (Based on 1,217 reviews) | |
Lead Analysis | Prioritizes leads through lead scoring, market insights, account-level insights, etc. This feature was mentioned in 1148 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 85% (Based on 1,148 reviews) | |
Browser Extension | Product offers a browser extension that validates or enriches lead information within the user’s browser. 1174 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 87% (Based on 1,174 reviews) |
Lead Management
Segmentation | Provides customer and prospect segmentation capabilities, which in turn assists marketing prioritization and effectiveness. 895 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 84% (Based on 895 reviews) | |
Predictive Scoring | Based on 634 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Automatically scores prospects based on behavior and engagement levels. | 81% (Based on 634 reviews) | |
Account Identification | Helps identify and distribute accounts internally, giving prioritization to those that are more likely to convert to sales. This feature was mentioned in 907 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 85% (Based on 907 reviews) | |
Segmentation | Provides customer and prospect segmentation capabilities, which in turn assists marketing prioritization and effectiveness. This feature was mentioned in 1239 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 1,239 reviews) | |
Predictive Scoring | Automatically scores prospects based on behavior and engagement levels. This feature was mentioned in 1202 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 83% (Based on 1,202 reviews) | |
Account Identification | As reported in 1289 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Helps identify and distribute accounts internally, giving prioritization to those that are more likely to convert to sales. | 88% (Based on 1,289 reviews) |
Marketing Campaigns
Omni-Channel Tracking | Based on 1086 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides tracking across multiple digital advertising channels, such as video, mobile, and social media. | 80% (Based on 1,086 reviews) | |
Revenue Planning | As reported in 1076 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Helps allocate marketing budget based predicted amount of incoming revenue. | 79% (Based on 1,076 reviews) | |
Media Attribution | Assists in the attribution of marketing budget by identifying successful campaigns and initiatives. 1032 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 79% (Based on 1,032 reviews) | |
Opportunity Timeline | Provides a timeline to visualize the effects of individual campaigns, leads, and other opportunities. 1077 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 81% (Based on 1,077 reviews) | |
Customization | Allows for custom report types to match the goals of a company. This feature was mentioned in 1130 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 84% (Based on 1,130 reviews) |
Campaign Execution
Website Personalization | Provides tools that dynamically serve content, messaging, and calls-to-action. 1048 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 80% (Based on 1,048 reviews) | |
Prioritized Accounts | Helps determine which accounts have the highest/lowest opportunity to convert. 1188 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 86% (Based on 1,188 reviews) | |
Trending Accounts | Helps determine the direction of each individual account and how to engage through specific content. This feature was mentioned in 1173 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 1,173 reviews) | |
Email Campaigns | Connects sales emails with cross-sell/upsell marketing campaigns across multiple channels. This feature was mentioned in 1129 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 84% (Based on 1,129 reviews) |
Record Calls | Based on 267 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Records calls for future reference. | 81% (Based on 267 reviews) | |
Generate Location | Based on 250 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Generates an area code local to where the user is calling to increase likelihood of pick-up. | 86% (Based on 250 reviews) | |
Call Types | Based on 269 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to perform calls from their preferred device, whether laptop, desktop, mobile or otherwise. | 85% (Based on 269 reviews) | |
Click-to-Call | Based on 280 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Gathers contacts from integrated tools, allowing users to call with one click. | 85% (Based on 280 reviews) |
Personalization | Based on 239 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Retains a log of extraneous contact information such as timezone and contact engagement. | 85% (Based on 239 reviews) | |
Information Locater | Based on 269 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Finds and opens saved contact information for reference at the time of a new call. | 87% (Based on 269 reviews) | |
Record Prospect Data | Based on 273 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to denote which contacts they believe are prospective customers. | 88% (Based on 273 reviews) |
Notes | Based on 269 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to take notes during or after the call for future reference. | 84% (Based on 269 reviews) | |
Daily Summary | Based on 274 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Delivers users a daily summary of activity. | 86% (Based on 274 reviews) | |
Automated Voicemails | Based on 266 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Sends automated voicemails to prospective clients who fail to answer. | 82% (Based on 266 reviews) | |
Automated Emails | Based on 276 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Sends automated emails to increase engagement with prospective clients. | 86% (Based on 276 reviews) | |
Sorts Prospects | Organizes contacts based on probability of success. This feature was mentioned in 270 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 270 reviews) |
Open Rates | As reported in 485 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Records the rate at which emails are opened. | 86% (Based on 485 reviews) | |
Link Activity | Records the rate at which links in emails are followed. This feature was mentioned in 479 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 479 reviews) | |
Attachment Activity | Records the rate at which email attachments are opened or downloaded. This feature was mentioned in 441 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 441 reviews) | |
Export/Import | Based on 1363 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Exports and imports lead data to and from various formats like plain text, spreadsheets, etc. | 88% (Based on 1,363 reviews) | |
Reporting | Based on 1247 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Supports basic data reporting which includes user engagement analysis, entry and exit statistics, referrer information, etc. | 85% (Based on 1,247 reviews) |
Email Platform Integration | Syncs information from other software such as contacts, emails and calls to reduce manual data entry. This feature was mentioned in 487 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 88% (Based on 487 reviews) | |
Email Scheduling | Based on 475 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Allows administrators to schedule out emails in advance. | 89% (Based on 475 reviews) | |
Notifications | Based on 493 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Reminds administrators to follow-up on emails based on pre-set reminders. | 87% (Based on 493 reviews) | |
Email Categorization | Allows for the categorization of emails. This feature was mentioned in 476 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 86% (Based on 476 reviews) | |
Templates | Allows for the creation of templates for frequently-sent emails. This feature was mentioned in 483 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 85% (Based on 483 reviews) |
Lead Facilitation
Customer-facing Chatbot | Based on 298 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Offers a chatbot to initiate and carryout inital conversations with prospects and leads. | 81% (Based on 298 reviews) | |
Lead Qualification | Based on 433 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Automatically calculates which leads are the most likely to become a customer. | 86% (Based on 433 reviews) | |
Lead Follow-up | As reported in 430 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Automatically contacts all leads. | 85% (Based on 430 reviews) | |
Meeting Scheduling | Based on 404 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Utilizes natural language processing to set up meetings. | 80% (Based on 404 reviews) |
Opportunity and Pipeline Management | Based on 419 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Manage sales opportunities through their lifecycle from lead to order. Track stages, values, and probabilities of close. Manage sales pipelines by individual sales rep, team, region, and company-wide. | 84% (Based on 419 reviews) | |
Data Entry | Based on 440 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Automates the entry of collected data. | 85% (Based on 440 reviews) | |
Integrations / APIs | Based on 430 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Application Programming Interface - Specification for how the application communicates with other software. API's typically enable integration of data, logic, objects, etc. with other software applications. | 85% (Based on 430 reviews) |
Performance Analysis
Coaching | Provides real-time coaching to sales representatives. 424 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 83% (Based on 424 reviews) | |
Peformance Tracking | Based on 419 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Tracks and analyzes sales representative performance. | 84% (Based on 419 reviews) |
Sales Analysis
ROI Forecasting | Based on 410 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Measure return on investment and leverage data to predict profitability of future projects. | 81% (Based on 410 reviews) | |
Sales Forecasting | Based on 419 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Enables projection of sales revenue, based on historical sales data, analysis of market surveys and trends, and salespersons' estimates. | 83% (Based on 419 reviews) |
Integrated Workflows
Task Management | Based on 833 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Automates in-system tasks and provides reminders and details for manual tasks for sales team members to complete. | 82% (Based on 833 reviews) | |
Email Tracking/Automation | Based on 842 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Integrates tightly with email inbox and allows the scheduling and tracking of email outreach and correspondence. | 82% (Based on 842 reviews) | |
Calls and Voice | Based on 804 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides sales dialer functionality or integrates tightly with dialer software, with useful automation and high-quality calls. | 77% (Based on 804 reviews) | |
Other Outreach Options | Based on 785 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides relevant automation in sales channels outside of email and calls, like social media posts, SMS text messages and more. | 80% (Based on 785 reviews) | |
CRM Integration | Based on 847 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides two-way integration with sales CRM: (1) Tracking sales team actions and prospect responses and (2) Pulling CRM data to populate and personalize sales outreach. | 86% (Based on 847 reviews) | |
Calendar | Based on 782 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Integrates with calendar software so users can seamlessly schedule calls. | 78% (Based on 782 reviews) | |
Shared Records | Automatically assign strategic leads and accounts to individual reps in a shared bucket for anyone to work on. This feature was mentioned in 801 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 81% (Based on 801 reviews) |
Repeatability and Reportability
Content Management | Based on 811 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Retains and incorporates company-approved messaging and presentations into emails, calls, meetings, etc. | 83% (Based on 811 reviews) | |
Workflow Management | Based on 810 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Orchestrates automated sales tasks and outreach across a number of channels (email, calls, social media, etc.) and/or integrated systems. | 83% (Based on 810 reviews) | |
Workflow Performance | Based on 795 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Reports on the effectiveness of an entire outreach workflow as well as the effectiveness of specific marketing materials, messaging, outreach tactics, and team members. | 83% (Based on 795 reviews) | |
Sales Coaching and Insights | Surfaces relevant insights about how a team member can perform better, either with improved sales techniques or prospect-specific hints. This feature was mentioned in 792 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 81% (Based on 792 reviews) | |
Gamification | Based on 745 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides gamifaction features to rank sales reps on performance | 74% (Based on 745 reviews) |
Dialing Options
Preview Dialing | Based on 117 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Presents information about the individual being called before the call begins. | 89% (Based on 117 reviews) | |
Progressive Dialing | Based on 117 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Gives agent a predetermined amount of time to view call information before automatically calling. Similar to Preview Dialing. | 86% (Based on 117 reviews) | |
Predictive Dialer | Based on 111 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Uses an algorithim to predictive when an operator will be available to handle their next call. | 84% (Based on 111 reviews) |
Agent Tools
Omnichannel | Based on 96 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Ensures that the caller experience is seamless across their entire call. | 80% (Based on 96 reviews) | |
Callback Scheduling | Based on 112 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Reschedules calls within the software itself, either through a prompt or by the agent themselves. | 84% (Based on 112 reviews) | |
Call Recording | Based on 108 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Record calls to access or evaluate at a later time to ensure quality standards are met, and pause recording of live calls if necessary. | 84% (Based on 108 reviews) |
Voice Activity Detection | Decides response type by determining if voice is a human response or an answering machine. 100 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 83% (Based on 100 reviews) | |
Voice Broadcast | Based on 94 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Presents a prerecorded audio message when the call is answered. | 82% (Based on 94 reviews) | |
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) | Use touch-tone signaling or voice recognition to automate the retrieval and processing of caller information by phone. Administrators can configure the IVR with multiple branches to improve the identification, segmentation, and routing of callers to qualified agents. 97 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 83% (Based on 97 reviews) | |
Call Scrubbing | As reported in 103 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Removes phones numbers in an uploaded phone list of numbers in the National Do Not Call Registry. | 85% (Based on 103 reviews) | |
API / Integrations | Based on 107 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Application Programming Interface - Specification for how the application communicates with other software. API's typically enable integration of data, logic, objects, etc. with other software applications. | 83% (Based on 107 reviews) |
Platform Additional Functionality
Integrations | Ability for the product to integrate with software to view and utilize contact and account buyer intent data (i.e. CRM software, marketing automation software, account- based marketing software, etc.) 966 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 87% (Based on 966 reviews) | |
Topic Customization | Provides the ability to customize the relevant topics that are tracked This feature was mentioned in 711 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 84% (Based on 711 reviews) | |
Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Based on 657 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides natural language processing (NLP) to identify topics within content (i.e. number of people researching a topic from a business) | 81% (Based on 657 reviews) | |
Alerts | Provides buyer intent alerts that can be delivered in a variety of formats (i.e. email, text message, etc.) This feature was mentioned in 739 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 85% (Based on 739 reviews) | |
Real-time Intent | Ability to provide a dashboard showcasing intent that streams in real-time (as opposed to bulk deliveries) This feature was mentioned in 747 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 84% (Based on 747 reviews) |
Lead Monitoring
Features | Based on 1346 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides features to create and manage lists of potential customers | 88% (Based on 1,346 reviews) | |
Performance | Based on 1278 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Monitors form’s performance and contribution to the sales pipeline | 87% (Based on 1,278 reviews) | |
Identification | Based on 1248 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Identifies the visitor, tracks the pages that they are visiting, and the time they are spending on each page | 86% (Based on 1,248 reviews) |
Data Capture
Mobile | Records leads using different types of devices This feature was mentioned in 829 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 79% (Based on 829 reviews) | |
Websites | Based on 1209 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Captures form submissions from existing forms on websites or landing pages | 86% (Based on 1,209 reviews) | |
Social Media | Based on 1136 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Captures leads across social media channels | 81% (Based on 1,136 reviews) | |
Data | Based on 1269 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Captures measurable, real customer data gathered directly from a website | 86% (Based on 1,269 reviews) |
Forms | Based on 1087 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Creates custom lead capture forms for specific uses, such as an e-book download or email newsletter | 81% (Based on 1,087 reviews) | |
Personalization | Based on 1139 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Changes colors, calls to action, or form length to personalize lead capture | 82% (Based on 1,139 reviews) | |
Templates | Based on 1109 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides pre-configured templates that can be customized by users | 80% (Based on 1,109 reviews) | |
Integration | Based on 1290 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Integrates with sales and marketing software solutions to transfer lead data between them | 87% (Based on 1,290 reviews) |
Data collection
Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Provides NLP features for filtering data collection down to specific data points This feature was mentioned in 610 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 81% (Based on 610 reviews) | |
Data Sources | Based on 733 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides a wide selection of data sources for aggregated news and MARKET data | 86% (Based on 733 reviews) | |
Custom Research Sources | Based on 720 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to make custom data collection queries | 85% (Based on 720 reviews) | |
Lead Enrichment | Based on 758 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides features for users to verify, correct, and include additional information to a lead in order to enhance data accuracy | 87% (Based on 758 reviews) | |
Advanced Data Collection | Based on 740 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides advanced data points including but not limited to company size, org charts, technology installs, company funding history, | 87% (Based on 740 reviews) |
Segment Trending
Web | Based on 668 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides features for tracking competitors websites including information such as pricing changes or new product features | 83% (Based on 668 reviews) | |
Social | Provides features for tracking competitor activity on social media This feature was mentioned in 633 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 81% (Based on 633 reviews) | |
Benchmarks | Based on 621 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to benchmark their product against other competitors in order to understand competitive position in the market | 81% (Based on 621 reviews) | |
Finance | As reported in 643 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Allows users to know how much financing has flowed to a particular industry with real deal activity visualizations | 80% (Based on 643 reviews) |
Custom Dashboards | Allows users to create custom market intellignece dashboards 665 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 82% (Based on 665 reviews) | |
Reports | Based on 702 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to build and export reports for market data | 85% (Based on 702 reviews) | |
Integrations | Based on 725 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows users to inegrate dashboards with analytics platforms, CRMs and marketing automation software | 86% (Based on 725 reviews) |
AI and Automation
Lead Prioritization | Based on 797 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Allows users to create lead prioritization rules to prioritize the msot important bueyrs and customers. | 83% (Based on 797 reviews) | |
Lead Scoring | Based on 808 ZoomInfo Sales reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides lead scoring features that allow user to target leads that are the most qualified and likely to engage | 84% (Based on 808 reviews) | |
Best Time of Day Scheduling | Based on 758 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides features that allow users to identify and automate the best time to send out emails or other sales engagement communcations | 79% (Based on 758 reviews) | |
Buyer Intelligence | As reported in 808 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Provides features that allow users to have insight into buyer profiles such as likelihood to respond to emails and calls. | 85% (Based on 808 reviews) | |
Machine Learning | See feature definition | Provides AI and machine learning features that offer predictive recommendations no how to engage with buyers
based on historical buyer behavior. This feature was mentioned in 749 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 79% (Based on 749 reviews) |
Generative AI
AI Text Generation | Allows users to generate text based on a text prompt. 228 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 79% (Based on 228 reviews) | |
AI Text Summarization | Based on 228 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Condenses long documents or text into a brief summary. | 79% (Based on 228 reviews) | |
AI Text Generation | Allows users to generate text based on a text prompt. 547 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 77% (Based on 547 reviews) | |
AI Text-to-Speech | Simulates human-like speech from text inputs. This feature was mentioned in 545 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. | 73% (Based on 545 reviews) | |
AI Text Generation | As reported in 274 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Allows users to generate text based on a text prompt. | 82% (Based on 274 reviews) | |
AI Text Generation | As reported in 111 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Allows users to generate text based on a text prompt. | 82% (Based on 111 reviews) | |
AI Text Generation | Allows users to generate text based on a text prompt. 589 reviewers of ZoomInfo Sales have provided feedback on this feature. | 75% (Based on 589 reviews) |
Data Availability - Marketing Account Intelligence
Technographic Data Availability | Based on 54 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Does this product offer the technographic data that you require? Technographic data includes identifying a company's technology, hardware, and software used | 85% (Based on 54 reviews) |
Data Accuracy - Marketing Account Intelligence
Technographic Data Accuracy | As reported in 55 ZoomInfo Sales reviews. Is this technographic data accurate and up to date? | 85% (Based on 55 reviews) |