OpenTable for Restaurants Features
What are the features of OpenTable for Restaurants?
Platform Basics
- Reporting
- Interoperability
Back Office
- Accounting
- Employee Management
- Analytics
- Inventory Management
Front of Office
- Table Management
- Kitchen Ticketing
- Reservations
Platform Data
- Dashboard
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Platform Basics
Reporting | Provides analytics tools that reveal important business metrics and track progress. 96 reviewers of OpenTable for Restaurants have provided feedback on this feature. | 88% (Based on 96 reviews) | |
Interoperability | As reported in 94 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. Connects to external systems and applications as needed to complete team workflows. | 79% (Based on 94 reviews) |
Back Office
Accounting | Based on 95 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. Tools to track financial data on a day-to-day basis, both incoming and outgoing. | 76% (Based on 95 reviews) | |
Employee Management | The ability to manage employee schedules, payroll, or onboarding. 92 reviewers of OpenTable for Restaurants have provided feedback on this feature. | 75% (Based on 92 reviews) | |
Analytics | As reported in 95 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. Analysis of data collected by the platform in order to glean usable business insights. | 84% (Based on 95 reviews) | |
Inventory Management | Based on 90 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. Tools to track current inventory against menus and recipes in order to ensure that the restaurant is properly stocked. | 62% (Based on 90 reviews) |
Front of Office
POS | Based on 90 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. Tool to place customer orders and collect payment. | 70% (Based on 90 reviews) | |
Table Management | The ability to see which tables are free and which are occupied so tables can be assigned customers as they arrive. This feature was mentioned in 96 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. | 94% (Based on 96 reviews) | |
Kitchen Ticketing | Tools for the kitchen to receive customer orders via tickets so they can be prepared and delivered to the proper table. 87 reviewers of OpenTable for Restaurants have provided feedback on this feature. | 60% (Based on 87 reviews) | |
Reservations | Based on 96 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. The ability to reserve tables in advance so the restaurant is not overbooked at the time of the reservation. | 96% (Based on 96 reviews) |
Platform Data
Dashboard | Based on 95 OpenTable for Restaurants reviews. Has a centralized dashboard for users to interact with | 90% (Based on 95 reviews) |