It is awesome for tracking equipment and vehicles. Exactly what is supposed to do. The new upgrade to Google Maps and street view makes it even more useful. There is a ton of reporting capabilities with Fleet Complete, and we have many set up. The...
Tracking was not in real time and had a several min. delay.
That I have oversight of my fleet at a glance. I also like the notifications you can set up and reports that will automatically populate for you.
1. TOUT EST COMPLIQUÉ ET UN PROCESSUS 2. Les installateurs ont mal installé l'unité, coupé un fil et causé tout un tas de problèmes sur mon tout nouveau HINO, ne couvriraient PAS les coûts de réparation 3. prend au minimum 3 mois pour obtenir une...
It is awesome for tracking equipment and vehicles. Exactly what is supposed to do. The new upgrade to Google Maps and street view makes it even more useful. There is a ton of reporting capabilities with Fleet Complete, and we have many set up. The...
That I have oversight of my fleet at a glance. I also like the notifications you can set up and reports that will automatically populate for you.
Tracking was not in real time and had a several min. delay.
1. TOUT EST COMPLIQUÉ ET UN PROCESSUS 2. Les installateurs ont mal installé l'unité, coupé un fil et causé tout un tas de problèmes sur mon tout nouveau HINO, ne couvriraient PAS les coûts de réparation 3. prend au minimum 3 mois pour obtenir une...