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1,515 HiBob HRIS Reseñas
Sentimiento General de la Reseña para HiBob HRIS
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I recently joined a Company where HiBob was already integrated as a HRIS, I have previously used other systems and in comparison found HiBob to be very user friendly. The reporting system is great and easy to manipulate to produce more specialised reports. As a new user, I have reached out to the customer service ticketing for advice and support in navigating the system which has provided quick and efficient answers to suit our needs. Also, arranged a call with our customer service manager, who provided additional information on our current system set up and extras which we can use as we try to add more efficiency into how we use HiBob, such as a free trial of sandbox mode. Using the system on a daily basis, I am learning how to edit settings and integrate reports which means you can bulk upload information into the system which is perfect for saving time. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There has been some parts of HiBob that I believe could be improved. The ways of managing the system sometimes seem to be split over the system settings, talent and general bob, meaning to make changes effectively for a process change may mean searching in various places to make sure the process will flow correctly instead of being able to search for a process in the search bar and amend from there (which was possible in my previous HRIS). It would also be helpful if you could add in sections and documents while actioning a change as opposed to having to go into another part of the system, add a document then go back to the process flow to be able to select it. For example when adding changing out onboarding, I needed to add a new Company document for new starters to read, The page would not allow me to add this as a new document on the dropdown so I had to go into the Company documents upload the file then go back into the process for it to be visible. It would be easier and quicker to amend processes if this was an option. However, I am aware that HiBob is a consistently adding in new functions which is a great benefit. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The best was being able to set it up ourselves. Seemed scary at first but now we are real experts in the system.
the tasks lists are super helpful and make our work so much easier. This was professional processes can be created and easily followed.
Being able to personalise the system increased engagement.
Customer support is super helpful, fast and friendly.
The connection between other Hibob users is fantastic. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There is not much really to say here. Maybe there are some very German law specific topics that are not reflected on bob. But we know that the DACH market is growing so the product team will surely work on it. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
HiBob is an incredibly intuitive system to use. When we first implemented HiBob at our organisation, the support we got from HiBob and Udder was so thorough - we really appreciated the demo sessions and how these were designed to allow us to actively set up at the same time. If I ever have a problem with HiBob (very rare!), I know their customer support team are available and responsive and will support me. I use HiBob as the main user for our organisation, and therefore use the system on a daily basis - this has meant I have got up to speed on the product more quickly than some of my peers, but I understand from them once a process is explained, it is very intuitive and simple to follow. I particularly appreciate how much you can tailor the system to your needs with custom fields, workflows and fully editable talent cycles. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There have been a couple of instances where something we need within our organisation hasn't been possible directly with HiBob, and we have had to find a workaround or do this outside of the system. These instances are very rare, and when they do occur, they are more related to the specific and bespoke nature of internal processes and policies. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Cuando me uní a LIMA, estaban usando un sistema de recursos humanos torpe únicamente para almacenar registros de empleados y reservar permisos. Estaba interesado en pasar a un sistema de recursos humanos que pudiéramos alinear con nuestra marca, usar como herramienta de comunicación y automatizar nuestros procesos de recursos humanos. Desde que introdujimos HiBob, hemos reducido significativamente el volumen de tareas de recursos humanos, creando no solo eficiencias en el equipo, sino también reduciendo el riesgo de error. Nuestra plataforma está marcada con los colores de LIMA y todos los colegas tienen acceso a nuestros valores. Hemos integrado las publicaciones de HiBob como el lugar para actualizaciones del equipo, celebraciones y actualizaciones clave del negocio. A nuestro equipo le encanta interactuar con las publicaciones y tener conocimiento de los aniversarios y cumpleaños clave de sus colegas. Nuestro Gerente de Cuenta, Amrit, siempre está disponible por correo electrónico y llamada para ayudarnos a obtener lo mejor de la plataforma. Estamos tan contentos que para el próximo año estamos introduciendo el módulo de Talento. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Nuestro Gerente de Cuenta, Amrit, siempre está disponible por correo electrónico y llamada para ayudarnos a obtener lo mejor de la plataforma. Estamos tan contentos que para el próximo año estamos introduciendo el módulo de Talento. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

El sistema de tickets es increíble; la ayuda siempre es rápida y los problemas siempre se resuelven. La comunidad también es muy servicial; si no logramos hacer algo por nuestra cuenta, SIEMPRE hay ayuda y apoyo. Nunca había tenido este tipo de soporte en ningún software utilizado. También me encanta cómo funciona Bob, el diseño y las características, y lo fácil que es de usar. Como software, es muy útil... ¡pero también divertido! Lo que aumenta la frecuencia de uso por parte de los usuarios. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Personalmente he estado trabajando con Bob solo durante 3 meses y aún no he encontrado un inconveniente. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Me encanta lo flexible que es HiBob: podemos agregar tantos campos personalizados como queramos, podemos aprovechar los flujos de trabajo para garantizar la precisión de los datos y el seguimiento de actividades. La experiencia de usuario es excelente, navegar por la herramienta es fluido. Los equipos de CS y soporte son increíbles, es un placer trabajar con ellos. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Algunas mejoras siempre pueden ocurrir (gestión de documentos y eliminación en cumplimiento con las reglas de GDPR, gestión de accesos externos a la herramienta y algunas otras limitaciones con las que actualmente convivimos). Una expectativa importante que puedo mencionar son los campos de cálculo: cuando estén disponibles, eso va a ser un cambio radical. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I love how user friendly it is. It is very easy to navigate through the system. The best thing is that there is a help support button on most pages that shows how to use the page you are stuck on. The AI is also there to help which is something new they integrated and has been most helpful. So if in a rush and need an answer quickly, there are these options.
For more complex issues, the customer support team is also very helpful. TheHeartcore community centre has to be the best thing ever! You get insight into how others use the system and I love that some people have the same issues as me so I do not feel like an absolute illiterate on the system. I use the system quite a lot as a HR admin so it is very important to me that the system is easy to use. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There have been a few times were the look / presentation of the system has changed and I have not really had any notification. On the left hand side of the home page is a toolbar were all funtions sit. Sometime last year 2024, the goals and perfomance reviews function just disappeared. It was moved to a totally different area and a lot of employees/managers did not know were to find it. I cannot fully remember but it did not seem that any information on this change was communicated or even on the system itsellf. And if it was communicated, it was not communicated well enough for me to have seen it or the other employees I had emailing me on where to find the function.
It would also be nice if each persons profile was configurable and the social aspect of the app was more lively with opportunities to respond to birthday wishes for example. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

El servicio y apoyo que recibimos de Marianne, en particular durante nuestra fase de implementación, fue integral para el éxito de nuestro proyecto. El sistema también es muy fácil de usar, accesible, sencillo de utilizar y bien estructurado. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
A veces sería bueno poder llamar para consultas rápidas en lugar de enviar tickets o concertar horarios para reuniones. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

HiBob ha sido realmente excelente con las automatizaciones y siendo personalizable para donde necesitamos que las tareas y la información fluyan. Ha sido un cambio radical en la forma en que queremos comunicarnos con nuestros nuevos empleados y gerentes y para actualizarnos para recordarnos ciertas tareas. También es bastante fácil de usar (aunque tuvimos que acostumbrarnos a las categorías) y ha sido realmente genial poder hacer todo esto yo mismo en lugar de depender del soporte. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Uno de los inconvenientes de Bob es cuando se trata de permisos en campos y tablas, a veces no queremos que todos vean cada campo en una categoría, pero permitirles ver una categoría significa que pueden ver cada campo. También hay pequeñas limitaciones en los informes, como no poder obtener toda la información en un informe general, por lo que tenemos que ser intencionales sobre qué informe usamos. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
1. Easy to use, intuitive platform
2. Customizable to great extent
3. Scalable with company's growth
4. Additional modules
5. Easy integrations, we used ATS and Office 365 integrations
6. Well thought out analytics
7. Wonderful and helpful implementation team Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Still an early user so haven't got a lot to say here but a few points that could have been better:
1. The implementation was very hands-on. While this helped us in getting more familiar with the system, it was different from the initial expectation.
2. Post implementation, it is a support ticketing model, though you have your Customer Success Manager available to escalate for any priority issues. While the resolutions have been timely until now, not having a number to call can feel less reassuring.
3. Inability to submit multiple non-consecutive days time off in a single request. This is one of the most pinching functionality to our employees. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en