Uranium Backup è un prodotto software utile per salvare i dati in posti sicuri al riparo da possibili disastri informatici come una rottura hardware, un incendio o altro. Tra i punti di forza di Uranium Backup c'è sicuramente la robustezza, infatti basta...
If you want the full version you have to pay a pretty good price for it
Veeam is an easy to install and use tool, especially in a small business environment. The ability to backup an entire VM and basically restore it in only a few clicks is great. I've been using Veeam for every company I've worked for and have not had any...
In the past few years, their support has degraded. They used to really dig in and work to resolve issues. Now, they just send you an article, where the problem sounds similar.
Uranium Backup è un prodotto software utile per salvare i dati in posti sicuri al riparo da possibili disastri informatici come una rottura hardware, un incendio o altro. Tra i punti di forza di Uranium Backup c'è sicuramente la robustezza, infatti basta...
Veeam is an easy to install and use tool, especially in a small business environment. The ability to backup an entire VM and basically restore it in only a few clicks is great. I've been using Veeam for every company I've worked for and have not had any...
If you want the full version you have to pay a pretty good price for it
In the past few years, their support has degraded. They used to really dig in and work to resolve issues. Now, they just send you an article, where the problem sounds similar.