It's extremely free form and easy to get ideas onto a canvas quickly. It accepts multiple inputs (even websites) via drag and drop. Group voting is a great feature too (especially for remote teams).
The poor connection issues and sometimes lost my work.
Short learning curve. Great reporting. Useful and time saving templates. Flexiblilty and numerous uses. Export to other applications. N/a.
Not all features are available without a paid subscription, which I understand, but it would be nice to be able to do certain things like edit heading without a subscription.
It's extremely free form and easy to get ideas onto a canvas quickly. It accepts multiple inputs (even websites) via drag and drop. Group voting is a great feature too (especially for remote teams).
Short learning curve. Great reporting. Useful and time saving templates. Flexiblilty and numerous uses. Export to other applications. N/a.
The poor connection issues and sometimes lost my work.
Not all features are available without a paid subscription, which I understand, but it would be nice to be able to do certain things like edit heading without a subscription.