Learn More About Employee Referral Software
What is Employee Referral Software?
Employee referral software provides a platform for employees to refer friends, share jobs with their network, and participate in company-wide hiring campaigns. These solutions incentivize employees to participate in the recruitment process by offering and managing referral payout bonuses for each candidate referred and then hired. The software can increase employee engagement by motivating them to become brand ambassadors and represent their company through participation in social sharing via engagement tools such as rewards and incentives.
What are the Common Features of Employee Referral Software?
The following are some core features of employee referral software:
Referral tracking: This is a common feature of the software, enabling referral tracking by the candidate and employee. For candidates referred through an employee in the company, the tracking capabilities work alongside applicant tracking systems (ATS). It keeps track of to and by whom they were referred, what position they were referred for, and what stage they are in the recruitment process. A centralized portal or dashboard usually keeps track of all the referrals coming through the company. There are also tracking capabilities on the side of the employee who made the referral, helping the HR department keep track of who to pay the reward or bonus associated with the referral hire.
Communication: These platforms have ways to communicate with both the employees and potential candidates, as well as spread the word via social media. Employees can send referrals via email or text message through most platforms, and the candidate can accept the referral the same way. Some products can send automated referral campaigns in mass emails or text messages to all company employees. Some tools also allow employees to share open job opportunities with their personal and professional networks by linking jobs directly to a career site or social media pages.
Automation: Some software can automate the entire referral process to make it easier for employees to refer their contacts. From sending out the referral link to employees and their peers to alerting employees to new jobs, the whole process is done through the platform, so no additional steps are required. Managing the referral process can be simplified with automation capabilities and can even take care of onboarding referred and hired candidates. Finally, referrals can also be nurtured through the automation qualities in the employee referral software, giving future opportunities for potential candidates to be hired.
Analytics: Most employee referral platforms will have analytics capabilities to measure the company’s referral program successes and areas that need improvement. Some products will have a candidate relationship management software to track how many candidates have been referred in real time and review recruiting campaigns data. Referral data can be measured in terms of the recruitment campaigns conducted to see what brings the top performers to the referral program. Analytics capabilities can give visibility into the number of new hires from referrals, candidates recruited without referrals, or the number of employees referring potential candidates.
Employee rewards: Bonuses are common for employees whose referred candidate gets hired to incentivize them to refer outside the company. These rewards can be tracked using employee referral software. The bonus amounts and payouts time can be managed via the referral system, making sure to pay an employee after their referred candidate is hired. This feature can boost employee engagement within the workplace as they are encouraged to refer qualified candidates to earn monetary rewards.
What are the Benefits of Employee Referral Software?
The following are the benefits of employee referral software:
Employee engagement: Employee referral software can help boost employee engagement. By simplifying the referral process with the software, the employee can easily send out referrals, which speeds up the employee's ability to receive a reward. By rewarding employee participation in recruitment, they will be more likely to feel engaged in the company and its hiring process. This can then positively affect their performance at work and their engagement with the team.
Accessibility and transparency: Most employee referral platforms allow for transparency at every step of the referral process. An employee can submit qualified referrals for open positions through an employee referral portal and be kept up to date on the progress of their referrals. Employee referral systems can be connected to employee contacts to receive an automatic alert when someone they know could be a good referral for an open position.
Quality hires: Qualified employees most likely have a network of other qualified individuals that they can refer for different positions in the company. This then raises the likelihood of hiring eligible candidates via referral. With everyone being held to a high qualification standard, there can be improved company-wide job performance. This can also help with higher levels of employee engagement if they work in a team where they know their coworkers.
Who Uses Employee Referral Software?
Employees: To begin with, employees are the ones who can initiate referrals and hence play a significant role in the employee referral process. Employees can refer to anyone within their personal or professional network for an open position at their company. Then, if the candidate they referred gets hired, they are eligible to receive a monetary bonus or gift as a reward.
Candidates: Being the ones referred for an open job by a company's current employee, the candidate also plays an important role in the employee referral system. With the software, candidates can track their status in the recruitment process if they have access to the employee referral portal. Candidates benefit from a referral process as their application could be moved to a higher priority by a recruiter. This can lead to them getting hired quicker, ideally turning from a candidate to a new hire.
HR and recruitment teams: Depending on the company's size, the people handling the employee referral process are either the HR department or the recruitment team. This team would be receiving the referral through a portal or dashboard from an employee already at the company. They would then be responsible for following up with the referred candidate. The team can see data regarding referrals and whether they have been hired or not from the dashboard. The HR department is involved explicitly in rewarding the employee with a bonus from a successful candidate referral.
Challenges with Employee Referral Software
Although referrals can provide many new candidates to a company, there are some challenges with employee referral software.
Poor communication with candidates: Employee referral software can effectively connect a candidate referred to a recruiter. However, it isn't always perfect, and sometimes referrals slip through the cracks. Depending on the diligence and dedication of the HR employee or the company recruiter, candidates can be missed on the employee referral portal and are not communicated with. Thus, causing both the employee who made the referral and the candidate to feel confused and frustrated. If there is no personal response to new candidates, then the performance of the employee referral program may not be as successful as it could be. If the referred candidates are responded to on time, they are more likely to refer other candidates once they are hired. It's essential to communicate in addition to maintaining the referral software portal.
Lack of information flow: Sometimes, even though a company will have an employee referral program in place with an incentive, employees don't know about it. When a referral program is in place, it should be publicized by the HR department or recruitment team to everyone in the company. It also doesn't help that employees are rarely aware of open positions in the company. When open positions and referrals are brought up in company meetings, employees will have the information to easily submit a referral for someone they know could be qualified for the post. While the employee referral software can be efficient at tracking the referral process, there needs to be work done to publicize the program by company leadership.
No strong incentives: Similar to how employees may not know about the referral program, sometimes they don't know it comes with a reward. A good way to incentivize employees to make referrals is by offering a reward. This could be a monetary bonus, gift cards, PTO, parking spots, or even a form of social reward. However, some companies have referral rewards that are not enticing enough to motivate employees to refer their peers. Updating referral rewards and publicizing them to the company is a good way to encourage employees to send in referrals while the employee referral software takes care of the rest.
How to Buy Employee Referral Software
Requirements Gathering (RFI/RFP) for Employee Referral Software
There are many things to consider when implementing employee referral software. Depending on the size of the company or the number of employees hired monthly or annually, the buyer might need to select a plan that can accommodate the growth in a company’s hires. The number of employees to be employed in the upcoming year needs to be decided to determine the necessary bandwidth of the referral program.
Compare Employee Referral Software Products
Create a long list
An initial list of potential employee referral solutions should include any products that meet the company’s basic features requirements. At this point in the process, buyers should be aiming to get a sense of the options that meet essential needs, such as communicating with referrals and tracking the referral process for employees.
Create a short list
After a long list has been created, it's time to look at each product in more detail to determine if it sounds like it will meet the needs of the company’s employees and recruiters. This should include evaluating features of each product beyond the ones identified as essential to determine if that additional functionality would further automate the process of creating and tracking employee referrals.
Conduct demos
When the time comes to contact a vendor for their product demo, buyers should have a sense of each product's features and be ready to evaluate how well those work. A key aspect to consider during the employee referral software demo is how well the automated tracking capabilities work to track referrals. Being able to track a referral that comes in from an employee, the status of the referred applicant, and the employee's reward if that referral gets hired are all essential to the success of an employee referral product. Also, it is important to have the ability to communicate with those applicants who were referred and streamline their interview process. Finally, a dashboard feature or portal to view the status of a referred employee to see what level they are at in the recruiting process would be something to consider.
Selection of Employee Referral Software
Choose a selection team
The selection team should include stakeholders who are typically involved in the hiring process and are likely to be the primary managers of an employee referral system. This would most likely be the recruiters and HR executives in the company. It could be a good idea to include a few company employees who would be able to make a referral for a demo of the product to gauge their opinion. The usability and ease of the product play a big step in whether the software is implemented at a company.
Once the buyers have found a product that meets the company's needs, then it would be time to negotiate the price. Buyers should consider the pricing model of the software, such as if there are different levels of subscription and functionality or if it has separate costs based on the size of the business. The buyer can negotiate the user limit per package with the vendor to try and get a fair price based on the company's size. They can also negotiate for a discount paid yearly rather than monthly or a multi-year contract.
Final decision
The final decision should rest with the software managers, which would be the HR and recruiting executives. All parties should consider whether the software is likely to streamline the process of employee referrals for the company or not.
What Does Employee Referral Software Cost?
Employee referral software can come with a monthly vs. yearly plan, a growth rate plan, or a customized option based on the company's size. First, depending on the number of open job positions and candidates referred to a company, certain price models reflect if a limited or unlimited number of applicants are allowed. Second, the monthly vs. yearly pricings can help if a company only recruits in certain parts of the year and wants to pay for those months or have a continuing subscription paid by the year if they recruit yearly. Third, some employee referral products price their packages by how fast a company is planning to grow and the number of employees they are looking to hire. Finally, buyers have customizable options if their company doesn't fit these specific pricing model needs.
Return on Investment (ROI)
When considering ROI for employee referral software, companies should consider whether the software makes the recruitment process more efficient or not. By automating the tracking of referrals and other tasks that recruiters typically have to conduct manually, an employee referral system can speed up the process of hiring and onboarding new qualified candidates. This can then reduce the need to spend time on job board posting, external recruiters, and marketing costs that would be needed if there weren't enough new hires. So evaluating the profitability of the implemented software can be key in deciding if there is a good ROI.
Implementation of Employee Referral Software
How is Employee Referral Software Implemented?
Employee referral software is typically implemented through cloud-based company applications. However, it does depend on how well it integrates with other integral recruiting software such as ATS, recruitment marketing platforms, and onboarding software.
Who is Responsible for Employee Referral Software Implementation?
Generally, the software implementation will involve any company stakeholders at a company that manages referrals and interviews applicants. That includes executives, HR personnel, and recruiters. However, it is the company leadership's responsibility to publicize the software to the entire workforce so that any employee throughout the organization can make referrals. Employees knowing how to use the software and using it regularly is an integral part of an employee referral software's success.
What Does the Implementation Process Look Like for Employee Referral Software?
The first step for implementation is to ensure that the cloud-based program is up and running so that employees can use it to refer candidates at any point. Creating profiles for employees and having onboarding sessions would be the second step of implementation so that employees understand the program. Employee referral sellers will also help companies set up integrations with other software products, such as ATS, onboarding, recruitment marketing, and recruitment platforms. Training to help employees understand the capabilities of the new referral system is an essential part of an employee referral software's functionality.