G2 takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in our ratings and reports. We do not allow paid placements in any of our ratings, rankings, or reports. Learn about our scoring methodologies.
Rationalize is a collaborative concept evaluation platform that uses a weighted decision matrix as its backbone.
ThoughtExchange is the AI engagement and experience platform that deepens engagement, enhances data, and provides faster, easier analysis and actions—so you don’t waste a moment. ✔️ Surface better in
Powernoodle helps leaders make better quality decisions by quickly and effectively engaging the collective wisdom of stakeholders. Powernoodle is the most powerful, yet easy to use, Decision Engagemen
Turn your Excel into an insights machine anybody can drive. Visualize your spreadsheets as predictive dashboards, automate financial statements, and collaborate on what-if and risk analyses while prot
Expand Teams collaboration with an Enterprise Leadership System and get things done, together! Organizations are wasting most of their day communicating and engaging in Teams. Fingertip helps them to
One-Line Pitch The GainX enterprise platform uses AI to accurately measure and predict organisational performance and productivity, and to provide intelligent, actionable insights to the Board and exe
Polarity a memory augmentation platform.
Uptrader is a decision making suite that helps you make smarter, less biased decisions during common business functions - such as hiring, investing, and supply chain management. When you do so, you ca
With Prioritization Helper, teams can easily score records so that they can be on the same page about their work’s order of importance, and they can make critical business decisions while removing bia
Four/Four is data-driven decision-making software. We automatically capture the voice of your customer from real-life conversations, link it with your CRM data and analyse it through our AI engine to
The Howspace platform is designed to empower organizations to drive growth and sustainable impact through limitless involvement. We believe that engaged people can transform anything. Our platform en
Quantive helps organizations modernize their outdated approaches to strategic decision-making and execution with the world's first end-to-end strategy management software, Quantive StrategyAI. Qua
Valid Eval is an online evaluation system for organizations that make and defend tough decisions. It makes decision-making visible, outcomes defensible and feedback actionable.
MakeItRational is an easy to use decision-making software for making important choices in groups and individually.