Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam PowerDMS mais fácil de usar. No entanto, sentiram que LogicGate Risk Cloud é mais fácil de configurar e fazer negócios em geral. Ambos os produtos foram igualmente fáceis de administrar.
Facilidade de uso, aceleração do Programa de Segurança, conhecimento e expertise do meu gerente de sucesso.
Many features you would want dont exist, or are not easy to implement. And the system is not very intuitive. We spend a lot of time coaching people. Information that should be captured automatically (date) are put in as selection boxes.
The online training is relatively simple to navigate, and document workflows are very accessible for most tech skill levels. The ability to assigning training to be completed at the discretion of the employee, while monitored by administration has been very...
Here are just the ones I've noticed today...I'm sure I am forgetting some. Clunky, non-intuitive interface. Unclear terminology and meanings for terms and tasks. System logs me out after 20 minutes. My rep sent just me links for answers to my...
Facilidade de uso, aceleração do Programa de Segurança, conhecimento e expertise do meu gerente de sucesso.
The online training is relatively simple to navigate, and document workflows are very accessible for most tech skill levels. The ability to assigning training to be completed at the discretion of the employee, while monitored by administration has been very...
Many features you would want dont exist, or are not easy to implement. And the system is not very intuitive. We spend a lot of time coaching people. Information that should be captured automatically (date) are put in as selection boxes.
Here are just the ones I've noticed today...I'm sure I am forgetting some. Clunky, non-intuitive interface. Unclear terminology and meanings for terms and tasks. System logs me out after 20 minutes. My rep sent just me links for answers to my...