Message queue (MQ) software is used to enable process-related communication between IT systems. The queue provides asynchronous protocols to allow senders and receivers to communicate remotely and at different times. Messages can consist of requests, replies, or alerts, depending on the sender’s need. The queue facilitates service-to-service communications by storing, processing, and deleting actions as they are completed. Some message queue tools utilize the publisher/subscriber pattern, which is typically used in large, message-oriented middleware systems.
MQ tools are typically leveraged by IT professionals, system administrators, and software developers. Companies use message queue software to coordinate distributed applications, simplify coding disparate applications, improve performance, and automate communication-related tasks. MQ solutions provide a buffer that allows users working on separate systems to submit messages into temporary storage until action is required.
To qualify for inclusion in the Message Queue (MQ) category, a product must:
Facilitate asynchronous messaging
Store, deliver, and delete messages
Document communication information
Allow administrative control over messaging permissions