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Splunk Synthetic Monitoring Features

What are the features of Splunk Synthetic Monitoring?


  • Dashboards and Visualization
  • Incident Alerting
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)


  • Real User Monitoring (RUM)
  • Second by Second Metrics


  • Synthetic Monitoring
  • Dynamic Transaction Mapping
  • Load Balancing
  • Cloud Observability


  • Performance Baselines
  • Performance Analysis
  • Performance Monitoring
  • AI/ML Assistance
  • Multi-System Monitoring

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Resolution Automation

Diagnose and resolve incidents without the need for human interaction.

Not enough data

Resolution Guidance

Guide users through the resolution process and give specific instructions to remedy individual occurrences.

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System Isolation

Cuts off network connection or temporarily inactivate applications until incidents are remedied.

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Threat Intelligence

Gathers information related to threats in order to gain further information on remedies.

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Dashboards and Visualization

This feature was mentioned in 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Incident Alerting

16 reviewers of Splunk Synthetic Monitoring have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

16 reviewers of Splunk Synthetic Monitoring have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 16 reviews)


Incident Logs

Information on each incident is stored in databases for user reference and analytics.

Not enough data

Incident Reports

Produces reports detailing trends and vulnerabilities related to their network and infrastructure.

Not enough data

Resource Usage

Analyzes recurring incidents and remedies to ensure optimal resource usage.

Not enough data


Incident Alerts

Gives alerts when incidents arise. Some responses may be automated, but users will still be informed.

Not enough data

Database Management

Adminstrators can access and organize data related to incidents to produce reports or make data more navigable.

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Workflow Management

Administrators can organize workflows to guide remedies to specific situations incident types.

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Content Management

Monitors web-content ensuring all assets and resources are displayed as intended, alerting administrators as issues arise.

Not enough data


Alert over email, text, phone call, or more to multiple parties.

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Budget Analysis

Provides information related to unnecessary spending and unused resources relating to their digital offerings.

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Real-Time Monitoring

Provides users with real-time information on how individuals are using accessibility accomodation tools to interact with the site or application.

Not enough data

Session Replay

Tracks application and infrastructure resource needs and alerts administrators or automatically scales usage to minimize waste.

Not enough data

Behavioral Analysis

Allow administrators to gain valuable insights related to end-user behavior.

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Uptime Monitoring

Generates alerts for whenever a website or application goes down, experiences an error, makes a major change, or other events.

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Performance Monitoring

Provides tools to track and measure application or website performance.

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Issue TrackingView full feature definition

See feature definition
Track problems and manage resolutions related to end-user experience issues.

Not enough data

Resource Monitoring

Tracks infrastructure resource needs and alerts administrators or automatically scales usage to minimize waste.

Not enough data

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Based on 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews. Captures and analyzes each transaction by users of a website or application in real time.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Second by Second Metrics

As reported in 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews. Provides high-frequency metrics data.
(Based on 16 reviews)


File Analysis

Identifies potentially malicious files and applications for threats files and applications for abnormalities and threats.

Not enough data

Memory Analysis

Analyzes infortmation from a computer or other endpoint's memory dump for information removed from hard drive.

Not enough data

Registry Analysis

Identifies recently accessed files and applications for abnormalities and threats.

Not enough data

Email Analysis

Parses and/or extracts emails and associated content for malware, phishing, other data that can be used in investigations.

Not enough data

Linux Analysis

Allows for parsing and/or extraction of artifacts native to Linux OS including but not limited to system logs, SSH activity, and user accounts.

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Incident Alerts

Gives alerts when incidents arise. Some responses may be automated, but users will still be informed.

Not enough data

Anomaly Detection

Constantly monitors activity related to user behavior and compares activity to benchmarked patterns.

Not enough data

Continuous Analysis

Constantly monitors traffic and activity. Detects anomalies in functionality, user accessibility, traffic flows, and tampering.

Not enough data


Facilitates the decryption of files and data stored using cryptographic algorithms.

Not enough data

Synthetic Monitoring

Based on 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews. Monitors and test apps to address issues before they affect end users.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Dynamic Transaction Mapping

Provides dynamic end-to-end maps of every single transaction. This feature was mentioned in 15 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 15 reviews)

Load Balancing

As reported in 15 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews. Automatically adjusts resources base on application usage.
(Based on 15 reviews)

Cloud Observability

Monitors cloud microservices, containers, kubernetes, and other cloud native software. This feature was mentioned in 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)


Incident Reports

Produces reports detailing trends and vulnerabilities related to their network and infrastructure.

Not enough data

Remediation Suggestions

Provides relevant and helpful suggestions for vulnerability remediation upon detection.

Not enough data

Response Automation

Reduces time spent remedying issues manually. Resolves common network security incidents quickly.

Not enough data

Activity Monitoring

Usage Monitoring

Tracks infrastructure resource needs and alerts administrators or automatically scales usage to minimize waste.

Not enough data

Database Monitoring

Monitors performance and statistics related to memory, caches and connections.

Not enough data

API Monitoring

Detects anomalies in functionality, user accessibility, traffic flows, and tampering.

Not enough data

Activity Monitoring

Actively monitors status of work stations either on-premise or remote.

Not enough data


Compliance Monitoring

Monitors data quality and send alerts based on violations or misuse.

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Risk AnalysisView full feature definition

See feature definition
Identifies potential network security risks, vulnerabilities, and compliance impacts.

Not enough data


Creates reports outlining log activity and relevant metrics.

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Security Automation

Streamline the flow of work processes by establishing triggers and alerts that notify and route information to the appropriate people when their action is required within the compensation process.

Not enough data

Security Integration

Integrates additional security tools to automate security and incident response processes.

Not enough data

Multicloud Visibility

Allows users to track and control activity across cloud services and providers.

Not enough data


Performance Baselines

As reported in 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Performance Analysis

Based on 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Performance Monitoring

As reported in 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

AI/ML Assistance

As reported in 16 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Multi-System Monitoring

As reported in 15 Splunk Synthetic Monitoring reviews.
(Based on 15 reviews)