Using email marketing software can assist a company of any size in the creation of unique and engaging email marketing campaigns, loyalty emails, and other forms of digital messaging. These platforms help provide a personal touch while maintaining a clear message and allowing for the ability to scale for larger audiences. By establishing targeted mailing lists, email marketing tools can help reach the desired audience at the right moment. In most cases, there are two major areas of email marketing: promotional emails and loyalty emails. Promotional emails include newsletters and advertisements, while loyalty emails are communications triggered by consumer action, like transactional emails, or are used to nurture an existing relationship, such as personalized newsletters.
Email marketing software can help your organization compile a list of potential leads that can be used in your mailing list, control and segment your audience, and gather tracking information to better understand the influence of a campaign. Email marketing can be an integral part of any marketing strategy, especially when coupled with marketing automation software tools, giving you a succinct message across all marketing channels.
Emails sent with email marketing tools serve many purposes. One reason is to enhance the relationship with current or previous customers, which in turn helps to encourage loyalty and attract repeat business. Emails can also be sent with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to take action or purchase something immediately. Automation features included with most email marketing tools help companies schedule and distribute personalized emails efficiently. Segmented and organized email lists also allow for accurate tracking of data points, such as email open rates and the number of subscribers. Overall, email marketing software provides your business with useful tools to integrate into a marketing strategy.
Email marketing software can be used to solve a variety of business problems frequently encountered by marketing teams and other business professionals. Common problems email marketing software solves includes establishing a brand identity, improving customer communications, and customer segmentation.
Establishing brand identity — Establishing a focused, consistent brand identity is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. Crafting a marketing email or loyalty email that reinforces a company's overall message and style helps create marketing cohesion across all channels. Using this type of strategic approach can improve customer engagement and retention. Templates within the email marketing platform can be customized to remain consistent with specific style guides, creating continuity between a business' website and marketing materials. Creating a solid brand identity through email marketing is a quick way to gain audience attention and reinforce an overall message.
Loyalty communication — Communicating personalized content in an email newsletter or curated loyalty campaign builds audience trust. Email marketing software allows users to tailor content for a specific audience, providing relevant and engaging information for consumers. It provides a way to engage with the established audience, giving the user unique insights into consumer preferences and interests. It also allows marketers to share new features with subscribers, helping determine a successful strategy to reach new audiences.
Customer segmentation — Customer segmentation lists simplify the email sending process, making it easy to send recipients relevant content based on their location in the sales funnel. Segmenting email marketing lists helps determine the type of content a group wants to have delivered, typically leading to better open and click rates.
Email automation — The ability to send thousands of emails for a campaign at once is a strong reason to implement an email marketing solution for companies that have a large number of recipients. The entire manual process of sorting through recipients, entering a subject line, and sending the email out is automated efficiency.