n8n Pricing Overview
n8n at a glance
Workflow executions are not limited by the size or amount of data exchanged. Also, the size of your workflow doesn't affect your cost.
n8n has 3 pricing editions. A free trial of n8n is also available. Look at different pricing editions below and see what edition and features meet your budget and needs.
Name | Price | Features |
Cloud Starter | €20.00Per Month | Perfect for getting started quickly and seeing the power of n8n
Cloud Pro | €50.00Per Month | Optimal for a team collaborating to run more workflows
Enterprise | Contact Us | Ideal for businesses with strict security and performance requirements
n8n pricing & plans
Free Trial is available
Pricing information for n8n is supplied by the software provider or retrieved from publicly
accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase n8n must be conducted with the
A community edition of n8n is also available on GitHub for free.
Pricing information was last updated on October 09, 2024Top Rated n8n Alternatives
n8n Categories on G2