Smart Learning System for Smart People
Agile and engaging digital training portals for your whole ecosystem !
Extended Enterprise Training Courses
Gain competitive advantage: Informing, training, evaluating and certifying your internal teams, your distribution network or your customers has never been so easy. Portals and contents are entirely customisable according to your target: modern design, ergonomics, brand image, gamification, learner engagement, services and features.
Smart Learning Portals
Smart Learning Portals (SLP) are turnkey training spaces, ready-to-use, and fully customisable in terms of features and graphics. They allow fast implementation on a given target (restricted or extended) on thematics or job areas such as: Onboarding, Retail, Digital acculturation, Aeronautics, Project Management, Bank & Insurance, etc.
Multimodal and multilingual management of the training courses
Manage every types of synchronous and asynchronous courses: eLearning training, face-to-face, presentation, coaching, questionnaire, virtual classes, knowledge base, etc.
More than 20 languages
Contents collaborative production
Simple and intuitive management: contextual help and visualisation of the content in creation mode with predefined templates, open and editable.
Between authors and contributors: task manager helps you with the collaborative work organisation: creation, attribution, deadlines, notification, and level of completion.
With the learners: contribution to the enrichment of the training courses via the « editable content » feature and Wiki pages. Added files and activities are directly visible or pending author validation.
Evaluations and certifications
Management of different types of evaluation, diagnosis, formative, based on reaction and behaviour, to match with the 3 levels of the Kirkpatrick model: Reaction, Learning, and Behaviour & Results.
Management of certificates: automatic generation, custom appearance and periods of validity/deadline through the dashboards and notifications.
Skills management
Integration or creation of your framework. Possibility to associate every skill to a training course or one or several item of a course. The validation can be made automatically via online questionnaires, or manually by the manager in work situation. Badges allocation.
Steering of the activity by the managers
Dedicated space: progress view of their team members, objectives’ achievement, employee’s registration, requests validation, skills attribution, certificates management.
Tools to ease sharing and communication between peers and tutors: messaging service, announcements, and notifications via email or text message, forum, blog and live chat.
More than 150 predefined reports: registrations and progression on courses, detailed information on a group or a learner progression. Dashboards according to roles and custom reports’ creation.
Technical settings
100% web app, modular and flexible, easy deployment. Offers numerous web services to integrate your environment.
Hosts : Windows Server - MS SQL Server
Browsers : IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome
Accessible via PC, smartphones and tablets