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Lightrun Features

What are the features of Lightrun?


  • Performance Baselines
  • Performance Analysis
  • Performance Monitoring
  • AI/ML Assistance
  • Multi-System Monitoring

Bug Reporting

  • User Reports & Feedback
  • Tester Reports & Feedback
  • Team Reports & Comments

Bug Monitoring

  • Analytics
  • Bug History
  • Data Retention


  • Dashboards and Visualization
  • Incident Alerting
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)


  • Cloud Observability

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Allows users to schedule instances, changes or other operational tasks in advance.

Not enough data


Efficiently scales resource usage to optimize spend whith increased or decreased resource usage requirements.

Not enough data

Multi-Cloud Management

Allows users to track and control cloud spend across cloud services and providers.

Not enough data

Usage Monitoring

Tracks infrastructure resource needs and alerts administrators or automatically scales usage to minimize waste.

Not enough data

Cost Optimization

Spend Forecasting and Optimization

Ability to project spend based on contracts, usage trends, and predicted growth.

Not enough data


Provides use-specific recommendations regarding performance and resource utilization.

Not enough data

Spend Tracking

Provides ability to track and/or map spending on all cloud spend across departments with little to no manual entry.

Not enough data



Creates reports outlining resource, underutilization, cost trends, and/or functional overlap.

Not enough data

Dashboards and Visualizations

Presents information and analytics in a digestible, intuitive, and visually appealing way.

Not enough data


Helps companies ensure they meet their industry-specific compliance needs for data management and privacy standards.

Not enough data

Policy Enforcement

Allows administrators to set policies for security and data governance.

Not enough data


Analyzes data associated with web traffic and site performance to provide vulnerability insights and best practices.

Not enough data

Workflow Management

Creates new or streamlines existing workflows to better handle IT support tickets and service.

Not enough data

Activity Monitoring

Actively monitor status of work stations either on-premise or remote.

Not enough data

Multi-Cloud Management

Allows users to track and control cloud spend across cloud services and providers.

Not enough data


Efficiently scales resource usage to optimize spend whith increased or decreased resource usage requirements.

Not enough data


Ease of Use

Facilitates simpler user experience through syntax highlighting, shortcuts, completion aid automation, etc.

Not enough data

File Management

Manage individual software component files as a part of the greater overall project.

Not enough data

Multi-Language Support

Provides the ability to write in more than one programming language.

Not enough data


Allows users to modify interface (e.g., theme selection) and layout by personal preference.

Not enough data

Straight-Out-the-Box Functionality

Performs core functionalities without the need of immediate additional feature or add-on installations.

Not enough data

Help Guides

Supplies users with basic-to-intermediate guides regarding IDE functionality and use cases.

Not enough data

Patching & Updates

Downloads and installs updates automatically for product improvement and pace-keeping with programming language evolution.

Not enough data


Compliance Monitoring

Monitors data quality and sends alerts based on violations or misuse.

Not enough data

Anomoly Detection

Constantly monitors acivity related to user behavior and compares activity to benchmarked patterns.

Not enough data

Data Loss Prevention

Stores data securely either on premise or in an adjacent cloud database to prevent loss of data at rest.

Not enough data

Cloud Gap Analytics

Analyzes data associated with denied entries and policy enforcement, giving information of better authentication and security protocols.

Not enough data



Allows users to create, edit, and relinquish user access privileges.

Not enough data

Data Governance

Ensures user access management, data lineage, and data encryption.

Not enough data

Sensitive Data Compliance

Supports compliance with PII, GDPR, HIPPA, PCI, and other regulatory standards.

Not enough data


Usage Monitoring

Tracks infrastructure resource needs and alerts administrators or automatically scales usage to minimize waste.

Not enough data

Database Monitoring

Monitors performance and statistics related to memory, caches and connections.

Not enough data

API Monitoring

Detects anomalies in functionality, user accessibility, traffic flows, and tampering.

Not enough data

Real-Time Monitoring - Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring

Constantly monitors system to detect anomalies in real time.

Not enough data

Performance Baselines

This feature was mentioned in 16 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Performance Analysis

Based on 16 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Performance Monitoring

16 reviewers of Lightrun have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 16 reviews)

AI/ML Assistance

Based on 15 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 15 reviews)

Multi-System Monitoring

15 reviewers of Lightrun have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 15 reviews)



Creates reports outlining resource, underutilization, cost trends, and/or functional overlap.

Not enough data

Dashboards and Visualizations

Presents information and analytics in a digestible, intuitive, and visually appealing way.

Not enough data

Spend Forecasting and Optimization

Ability to project spend based on contracts, usage trends, and predicted growth.

Not enough data

Bug Reporting

User Reports & Feedback

Give users in-app method of reporting bugs and leaving general performance feedback. 32 reviewers of Lightrun have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 32 reviews)

Tester Reports & Feedback

Give testers in-app method of reporting bugs and leaving general performance feedback. 32 reviewers of Lightrun have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 32 reviews)

Team Reports & Comments

Based on 32 Lightrun reviews. Give team members method of reporting bugs and leaving comments on bug status.
(Based on 32 reviews)

Bug Monitoring


Provide reproducible, insightful info surrounding bug and crash scenarios. This feature was mentioned in 32 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 32 reviews)

Bug History

Track history of bug status by application version, date, etc. This feature was mentioned in 33 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 33 reviews)

Data Retention

As reported in 31 Lightrun reviews. Store bug tracking data for an appropriate and useful amount of time.
(Based on 31 reviews)


Dashboards and Visualizations

Presents information and analytics in a digestible, intuitive, and visually appealing way. This feature was mentioned in 11 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 11 reviews)

Alerts and Notifications

Clearly notifies users with relevant information and anomalies in a timely manner.

Not enough data


Creates reports outlining log activity and relevant metrics.

Not enough data

Monitoring and Management


Automatically allocates resources to address log anomalies.

Not enough data

Performance Baseline

As reported in 10 Lightrun reviews. Sets a standard performance baseline by which to compare log activity.
(Based on 10 reviews)

Real-Time Monitoring

Constantly monitors logs to detect anomalies in real time. This feature was mentioned in 10 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 10 reviews)


Dashboards and Visualization

This feature was mentioned in 16 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Incident Alerting

This feature was mentioned in 16 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

As reported in 16 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)


Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Based on 14 Lightrun reviews. Captures and analyzes each transaction by users of a website or application in real time.
(Based on 14 reviews)

Second by Second Metrics

Provides high-frequency metrics data. This feature was mentioned in 14 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 14 reviews)


Synthetic Monitoring

Monitors and test apps to address issues before they affect end users. 14 reviewers of Lightrun have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 14 reviews)

Dynamic Transaction Mapping

Provides dynamic end-to-end maps of every single transaction. 14 reviewers of Lightrun have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 14 reviews)

Load Balancing

Based on 14 Lightrun reviews. Automatically adjusts resources base on application usage.
(Based on 14 reviews)

Cloud Observability

Monitors cloud microservices, containers, kubernetes, and other cloud native software. This feature was mentioned in 16 Lightrun reviews.
(Based on 16 reviews)