deskbird Pricing Overview
deskbird has 4 pricing editions. A free trial of deskbird is also available. Look at different pricing editions below and see what edition and features meet your budget and needs.
Name | Price | Features |
Desks | Starting at €2.80Per Month | Book any office resource - a desk, parking spot, or more - in 2 clicks. All in the tools you work with daily.
Rooms | Starting at €15.00Per Month | Find and book the perfect meeting room in record time. Fully integrated in Outlook and Google Calendar.
Workforce | Free | Who's in the office on Wednesday? See real-time office attendance and manage your hybrid work policies with ease.
Bundles | Contact Us | Tailor to your needs.
Combine any of the tiers to fit your team's needs.
deskbird pricing & plans
Free Trial is available
Pricing information for deskbird is supplied by the software provider or retrieved from publicly
accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase deskbird must be conducted with the
Are you a large organization?
Talk to our team about a custom plan including individualized configuration, SCIM provisioning, a customer success manager and premium support package or check the pricing here -
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