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CData Arc Features

What are the features of CData Arc?

Data Delivery

  • Application Integration
  • Content Routing


  • Encryption
  • Extensibility
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Data Exchange
  • Data Mapping


  • Access Control
  • Compliance
  • Provisioning and Governance


  • Workflow Management
  • Exception Handling


  • Communication Protocols
  • EDI Standards


  • EDI Testing

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API Construction

API Testing

Provides an environment for users to rest their API's functionality, efficiency, and data accuracy.

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Data Security

Allows users to secure access to data. Provides additional support for security practices like IP whitelisting, attack mitigation, and data encryption.

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Allows administrators to create APIs that utilize multiple backend resources and databases.

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Expands functionality while maintaining balanced loads. Serves growing demand without reducing functionality.

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API Management

Traffic Control

Limits access to suspicious visitors and monitors for traffic spikes to prevent overloads like DDoS attacks.

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Records details related to usage and functionality for analytics and reporting.

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API Monitoring

Detects anomalies in functionality, user accessibility, traffic flows, and tampering.

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Provides a dashboard for users to manage, govern, and secure their API.

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Data Integration

App Integration

The functionality at which APIs integrate with and perform within third-party applications.

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Data Transformation

Translates complex datasets and backend systems into formats that can be interpreted by applications.

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Provides additional functionality for increased security, analytics, monitoring, and other features not included in the native feature set.

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Data Delivery

Load Balancing

Based on 11 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Monitors traffic and distribute resources and scales infrastructure workloads to match traffic.
(Based on 11 reviews)

Application Integration

Based on 16 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows files and data to integrate directly into applications using APIs.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Content Routing

Based on 16 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Routing of static and dynamic content for faster delivery of desired files.
(Based on 16 reviews)



Based on 17 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Protects data with within and as it leaves your secure or local network.
(Based on 17 reviews)


Based on 16 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides the ability to extend the platform to include additional features and functionalities
(Based on 16 reviews)

Reporting and Analytics

Based on 15 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Tools to visualize and analyze data.
(Based on 15 reviews)

Data Exchange

Based on 14 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Enables electronic document transfer between businesses and trading partners.
(Based on 14 reviews)

Data Mapping

Based on 14 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Translates the EDI data back and forth, basically converts internal data format into the EDI standard format.
(Based on 14 reviews)


Access Control

Based on 16 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Supports LDAP Protocol to enable access control and governance.
(Based on 16 reviews)


Based on 16 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Supports compliance with PII, GDPR, HIPPA, PCI, and other regulatory standards.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Provisioning and Governance

Based on 15 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows administrators to set user access privileges to permit approved parties to access sensitive data.
(Based on 15 reviews)


Workflow Management

Based on 12 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Enables end-to-end automation of key EDI processes without any user intervention.
(Based on 12 reviews)

Exception Handling

Based on 12 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Detects the EDI errors and instantly notifies and alerts the transmission issue.
(Based on 12 reviews)

Real Time Reporting

Based on 11 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Provides a real-time customizable dashboard that allows users to track, monitor and manage transactions.
(Based on 11 reviews)


Third Party Integration

Based on 10 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Allows integrations to business applications such as accounting packages, ERP software, E- commerce systems etc to streamline order processing workflow.
(Based on 10 reviews)

BI Tools Integration

Allows integration with third party reporting and business intelligence applications.

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Communication Protocols

Based on 12 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Supports encrypted file transfer protocols like VAN, AS2, FTP/sFTP and HTTPS.
(Based on 12 reviews)

EDI Standards

Based on 14 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Built-in support for a wide variety of traditional and modern EDI standards as well as the ability to define custom standards.
(Based on 14 reviews)


EDI Testing

Based on 13 CData Arc reviews and verified by the G2 Product R&D team. Creates a test environment for EDI transactions to verify them and ensure they adhere to industry compliance requirements.
(Based on 13 reviews)