Marketing resource management software helps marketers manage their marketing assets and better plan and budget for marketing initiatives. Marketing resource management software can be a key component of a company’s marketing operations strategy, as the software can help to define marketing plans, collect and share marketing assets, execute on campaigns, and track marketing assets. This provides marketers a single unified system for all marketing material, which in turn ensures consistency of branding and messaging. It also enables marketers to create workflows and processes to streamline marketing operations. Marketing resource management products are often used in conjunction with other marketing software such as marketing automation software, email marketing software, and marketing analytics software, and are also commonly integrated with CRM software. Marketing resource management platforms may also integrate with broader digital asset management software.
To qualify for inclusion in the Marketing Resource Management category, a product must:
Serve as a single hub for marketing assets across multiple channels such as print, social, email, direct mail, or display ads
Manage marketing department budgets and offer features for budget and campaign planning
Track and report on marketing assets
Integrate with third-party marketing tools to execute marketing campaigns or offer proprietary execution features within the platform