I'm the designer for my company, so i use coupon kits from criteo. The kits are very easy to use and customize. we also do last minute sales so its easy to change the copy to the promotion we are currently running. my contact with criteo is also very helpful with sending last minute promotion or changes to their creative department. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
it would be nice to make the coupon kits more dynamic. for example we have sales on specific styles but thats not reflected in the kits, they show all styles, not just the one we would like to promote. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Good customer service, easy to use platform Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
integration with other platforms, Facebook DPA option needs work Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I think it is very user friendly. Our client had a great ROI. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The platform is sometimes slow and doesn't load properly. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Le fait que nous puissions étendre nos campagnes de recherche aux détaillants en ligne comme Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Il ne semble pas y avoir grand-chose à optimiser. Vous configurez plus ou moins une campagne et devez ensuite la regarder fonctionner.
Nous avons eu du mal à obtenir des connexions supplémentaires, nous avons une connexion partagée sous l'un des utilisateurs de l'agence que nous partageons. Cela peut être juste une petite particularité propre à notre équipe. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Criteo's reach and it's ability to scale very easily with demand. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Criteo's UI/UX could need a refresh especially for newer users that might feel frustrated. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Easy to navigate dashboard with metrics. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I dislike a lot about this service. First, there are no optimization options at all. The only thing that you can do in Criteo is adjust the CPCs up and down for the one segment you have. That's it. I can't filter best performers, I can't introduce new creatives, I can't optimize based on geo, device, or any basic segments. I can't even see data for them. Also, if you want to cancel this service, you have to put in an request for them to cancel, which takes a week sometimes and other times is completely overlooked, so the account keeps spending. It's ridiculous that you can't pause a service immediately. The lowest CPC you can put is $0.20 before they approve your cancellation. My rep told me I was getting poor performance, because my competitive indicator was too low, so I should increase my CPCs. Instead, I did t he opposite and placed them at the lowest possible bid and ended up getting some great return on ad spend for a couple of weeks. Even though volume significantly went town, the return on my investment significantly increased. Their customer support is uneducated and terrible at doing the things that you ask them for. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The result should be great in order to post click only Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The frecuencies above 50 per day, are really stressfull Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The customer support has been very helpful. We give them a budget and they optimize accordingly so it is mostly hands off for us. they have been very accommodating and helpful when it comes to our questions. I like the feature that makes me approve a bid change that they perform before it goes live. The UI is pretty user friendly and pulling reports is pretty easy. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
We saw traffic drop off every now and then but that could have been related to our budgets. Better insights from the rep would have been helpful as to why this occurred. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Ce que j'aime le plus chez Criteo, c'est le volume d'impressions et de conversions qu'ils sont capables de fournir. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Ce que je n'aime pas chez Criteo, c'est l'incapacité de voir sur quels emplacements nos annonces apparaissent et comment elles se comportent en termes d'impressions et de conversions. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
We run Criteo ads for several months as a publisher , but when we did a proper analysis, we found out that performace just wasn't there. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
- Criteo lets you display ads from 3rd party networks, but despite asking several times, Criteo support refused to disclose the commission that they charged me for these ads.
- You can set a maximum threshold of 1.50 (dollar or euro). Even Adsense achieves higher yields for many ad formats.
- support was pretty poor and often failed to address the problem altogether
- the platform is lacking in ease of use Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.