Practice Better ermöglicht es mir, Systeme von der Kundenaufnahme über Programme bis hin zur Abrechnung zu optimieren und zu automatisieren. Es hat den Betrieb einer privaten Einzelpraxis so viel einfacher und lohnender gemacht. Ich muss nicht mehr annähernd so viel Zeit mit der Dokumentation verbringen, da meine Notizen automatisch aus den Formularen ausgefüllt werden, die ich an die Kunden sende. Es ist wirklich erstaunlich. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Nachteile von Practice Better? Das Einzige, was mir einfällt, ist, dass es länger gedauert hat, als ich erwartet hatte, es so einzurichten, wie ich es wollte. Das Kundenserviceteam hat schnell bei allen Fragen geholfen, die ich hatte. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
240 von 241 Gesamtbewertungen für Practice Better
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I like that I can manage all of my client charts, messaging, scheduling, and billing in one location. Everything is streamlined and user friendly. I like the features that make my charting more efficient like note templates and merging data from paperwork into a chart. It saves me so much time in charting and allows me to spend more time actually seeing clients. I like that practice better takes care of all appointment confirmations and reminders and automated follow up forms so that it's one less thing for me to worry about. There are so many things that I like about PB, I can't just pick one! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
There are not many features that I dislike. The AI charting feature could use some work for accuracy and detail. I use another platform for that and it is free. I dislike that you cannot see biometric data when you have a chart note open so I have to open two tabs in order to refer to this data while charting. It seems that there is a bug or error in the integration with Apple Watch because many of my clients will have missing data that is not syncing correctly on several occasions so I have to manually record it in their notes. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I love that Practice Better has pretty much everything I need to run my nutrition business. The design and usability is great, plus they're always very responsive and make changes quickly if and when any issues do pop up. The whole platform is great - from scheduling, running calls, sending out protocols, client messaging and the convenience of an app for myself and clients. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Not much. As I run online programs and a membership, Practice Better is limited in this area and doesn't have the features I need so I use a separate platform for this. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Its got it all in one place! I get good feedback and it's very easy to use Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
The nutrition journal doesn't allow for multiple nutrients to be reviewed at the same time and doesn't include the RDA ranges so it's really difficult to know if they're eating enough because it's difficult to memorize all of those.
It's also difficult to calculate BMR as I need to use another website and then copy into the journal. I rely more on Cronometer, which is just an extra expense, it would be really nice if practice better could have all of that in the same place place.
It's also annoying when the notifications for a client rescheduling shows the new date as the original date... It says CLIENT is requesting to reschedule (NEW DATE)... it should be CLIENT is requesting to reschedule (ORIGINAL DATE) Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Practice better is easy to use and very user friendly. It has most of the features I need without too much fluff, extras or complexity. The ability to create notes, prototola, schedule appointments, have clients fill forms, and secure communication satisfies most of my needs. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Although it integrates with lab companies, the labs are imported as PDFs and I am not able to trend.
I wish there were more pricing options. I don't need all the features of the plus plan but I need more clients than the basic. Would be a lot better for my budget and usability. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

I've been using Practice Better for about 5 years and I love the client/patient experience that I'm able to deliver because of their software. My clients/patients appreciate having an app where everything is in one place-- booking, signing documents, completing forms, billing, online courses, chat, and even journals!
As a practitioner, it's very easy to use and their customer service is helpful too. I've already recommended PB to my colleagues and they've also expressed their satisfaction. Grateful to have found Practice Better! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I actually don't think that there's anything I dislike! :) Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

I love that Practice Better allows me to streamline every point of contact with my clients from integrations with meal planners, automated programs and goal tracking to the nitty gritty of invoices, protocols and scheduling. Practice Better saves me and my team an incalcuable about of time and money every week. Any time we have questions, their customer service team is incredibly helpful. I don't know where we'd be without it! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I'd love for invoices to be duplicated so that I can use them again for other clients. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I love the capability to have everything in one place. I don't use any other system outside of Practice Better when working with my patients. I have been using Practice Better for 7 years now and it was life changing for my practice 7 years ago and continues to hold up grow as technology grows. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I still very much dislike that there is no way for the practitioner to change or edit a patients food journal for them. This has been requested by myself and many others for many years and they still will not add this capability. It is literally the only downside to the system. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I cannot say enough about Practice Better and it's ease of use, features, and customization. Using PB in my private coaching practice, brings me comfort knowing that I can focus on my work and that the back end details and customer experience are taking care of. It's all in one place and that helps to streamline my day and touchpoints with all of my clients. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I wish you had a coach or onboarding specialist to walk you through getting everything set up appropriately based on your business model. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

I like most of its features but especially those related to scheduling, communication and paperwork. The web portal and app both work well together. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I'm not the biggest fan of the journal. It is a little clunky and sometimes clients dont tolerate using it well and will request to use an alternative. I also don't like the the weigh in graph has intervals of 50 pounds. This greatly takes away from the usefulness of the graph. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ich an Practice Better am meisten mag, ist die All-in-One-Plattform, die das Kundenmanagement optimiert und es einfach macht, Termine zu planen, Fortschritte zu verfolgen und sicher mit Kunden zu kommunizieren. Sie bietet eine intuitive Benutzererfahrung, die hilft, Zeit zu sparen und organisiert zu bleiben, sodass ich mich mehr auf die Kundenbetreuung konzentrieren kann. Das Kundenserviceteam ist fantastisch!! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Wenn kuratierte Lifestyle-Empfehlungen hinzugefügt werden, wäre es einfacher, "alle" anzeigen zu können, anstatt sich merken zu müssen, in welchem Abschnitt ich die Lifestyle-Empfehlung abgelegt habe. Alternativ wäre es großartig, wenn ich meine eigene Registerkarte erstellen könnte – im Gegensatz zu denjenigen, die dort nur verfügbar sind. Die generierte PDF-Datei könnte stärker komprimiert werden, da die Informationen besser fließen, wenn einige Abschnitte nicht notwendig sind. Ich mag die Idee nicht, dass man, nachdem ein Protokoll veröffentlicht wurde, es nicht schnell bearbeiten kann, bevor man es erneut veröffentlichen muss. Oder vielleicht übersehe ich etwas. Practice Better hat so viel zu bieten, es gibt nicht genug Zeit, die Plattform in 14 Tagen zu navigieren, um herauszufinden, ob sie geeignet ist. Mehr Integrationen bitte! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.