Excellent for collaboration, even outside Your organization. Easy to use and well integrated to Office 365. Also an eloge on the swift responses from their support.
* quick standups, timeboxed for every participant, which increases focus and efficiency * daily team mood insights * easy jira integration for estimation
Encourages pointless and inefficient processes like Planning Poker, Story Pointing, and really horrid suggestions that take time away from creating accurate projections and communicating with the team.
Excellent for collaboration, even outside Your organization. Easy to use and well integrated to Office 365. Also an eloge on the swift responses from their support.
* quick standups, timeboxed for every participant, which increases focus and efficiency * daily team mood insights * easy jira integration for estimation
Encourages pointless and inefficient processes like Planning Poker, Story Pointing, and really horrid suggestions that take time away from creating accurate projections and communicating with the team.