OpenTable is easy to use, easy to set up and easy to train our team on. It works well, especially on busy nights and allows our team to focus on other areas of the business.
I don't like how Opentable uses my customer base information to "suggest" my competitors if my reservations are full for the evening, I also don't like that if someone books through my site that they are sent competitive marketing. It may actually be...
I’ve been using simpleERB for several years now. I can’t say enough good things about this company: -- keep up with latest technology / trends -- speedy, hands-on customer service, response time -- valuable insights / tips / suggestions are can be...
The interface is a little old fashioned and clunky. Some of the forms (like setting up tables) require you to go in and out to access each table property but overall the downsides are limited for what is a very good tool.
OpenTable is easy to use, easy to set up and easy to train our team on. It works well, especially on busy nights and allows our team to focus on other areas of the business.
I’ve been using simpleERB for several years now. I can’t say enough good things about this company: -- keep up with latest technology / trends -- speedy, hands-on customer service, response time -- valuable insights / tips / suggestions are can be...
I don't like how Opentable uses my customer base information to "suggest" my competitors if my reservations are full for the evening, I also don't like that if someone books through my site that they are sent competitive marketing. It may actually be...
The interface is a little old fashioned and clunky. Some of the forms (like setting up tables) require you to go in and out to access each table property but overall the downsides are limited for what is a very good tool.