Ombud eliminates 90% of administrative hassles associated with RFP responses, especially tracking what team members are assigned to tasks and how projects are tracking towards completion. Product support is extremely responsive and friendly--always there to...
RFPIO's answer library is intuitive and impressive. When responding to imported RFP questions, answer recommendations automatically populate as "suggestions" directly from the answer library. In RFP mode, you do not have to search - RFPIO instantly...
The fact that I have to upload and format everything. We have to format details to present proposals to our attorneys. This is double the work and there is additional room for error.
Ombud eliminates 90% of administrative hassles associated with RFP responses, especially tracking what team members are assigned to tasks and how projects are tracking towards completion. Product support is extremely responsive and friendly--always there to...
RFPIO's answer library is intuitive and impressive. When responding to imported RFP questions, answer recommendations automatically populate as "suggestions" directly from the answer library. In RFP mode, you do not have to search - RFPIO instantly...
The fact that I have to upload and format everything. We have to format details to present proposals to our attorneys. This is double the work and there is additional room for error.