This is the platform in which company can easily to view all details on immediate basis.Thats very good for business one go and easily track.
- Fantastic support. They are always quick to respond with whatever issue I have and can provide me a clear and concise solution. -Intuitive UI. Makes forecasting a no brainer, whether it be revenue, expenses, BS, CF. Easy to drill down the the vendor...
I would like to have more control over data mapping, creating and reporting on custom metrics. End up often having to export to Excel and layer addiitonal info to get the data in the form desired to present to others.
This is the platform in which company can easily to view all details on immediate basis.Thats very good for business one go and easily track.
- Fantastic support. They are always quick to respond with whatever issue I have and can provide me a clear and concise solution. -Intuitive UI. Makes forecasting a no brainer, whether it be revenue, expenses, BS, CF. Easy to drill down the the vendor...
I would like to have more control over data mapping, creating and reporting on custom metrics. End up often having to export to Excel and layer addiitonal info to get the data in the form desired to present to others.