The amount of 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data provided through a click of a button. The directory and PMP deals. Transparency has been key to opening up doors and obtaining new client. The workflow has improved productivity with our team and are operating...
Campaign set up and optimization. Difficulties getting conversions to track correctly.
Bid Strategies - Doubleclick's bid strategies give you an easy to use option to have keywords optimized to budget pace, KPI, cost per KPIs, and position constraints (e,g. if you want to ensure certain terms, like your brand terms, stay in top...
In the past year or so our support team at DFA has essentially gone MIA and and the support team at DFA Studio has more or less been expunged. Additionally, we have found that there are other services, such as Sizmek, that are starting to roll out with...
The amount of 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data provided through a click of a button. The directory and PMP deals. Transparency has been key to opening up doors and obtaining new client. The workflow has improved productivity with our team and are operating...
Bid Strategies - Doubleclick's bid strategies give you an easy to use option to have keywords optimized to budget pace, KPI, cost per KPIs, and position constraints (e,g. if you want to ensure certain terms, like your brand terms, stay in top...
Campaign set up and optimization. Difficulties getting conversions to track correctly.
In the past year or so our support team at DFA has essentially gone MIA and and the support team at DFA Studio has more or less been expunged. Additionally, we have found that there are other services, such as Sizmek, that are starting to roll out with...