I love the real-time update/alerts and the ease of using the tool. In my work, we are heavily dependent on quick and reliable secondary research, and Alphasense makes us efficient.
It sometimes just feels like a Google search.
Easy platform, contact information and company size
There is a reason why Pitchbook does not offer a free trial like all other saas players - it's due to the simple fact that the data for companies and investors is either incomplete, missing, or well out of date. The whole pitch and the reasoning for the...
I love the real-time update/alerts and the ease of using the tool. In my work, we are heavily dependent on quick and reliable secondary research, and Alphasense makes us efficient.
Easy platform, contact information and company size
It sometimes just feels like a Google search.
There is a reason why Pitchbook does not offer a free trial like all other saas players - it's due to the simple fact that the data for companies and investors is either incomplete, missing, or well out of date. The whole pitch and the reasoning for the...