Biometric authentication software helps improve security for networks, applications, and physical locations by requiring biometric factors as an additional access qualifier. Biometric authentication tools utilize physical characteristics (such as facial, fingerprint, or voice recognition) to verify a user’s identity. They are often paired with physical authentication tools or username/password combinations as a secondary level of authentication. As biometric characteristics are much more difficult to mimic, companies leverage these tools to improve the security and effectiveness of authentication processes.
Development, security and IT teams can all use biometric authentication software for different or similar purposes. Development teams may build biometric authentication into mobile or web applications. IT and security teams may use the tools to beef up security and assist with identity management processes. End users may be either internal employees or customers, depending on the use case.
Risk-based authentication software tools offer a similar solution, but through a different means. RBA can be delivered in a form much like behavioral biometrics, but RBA pairs behaviors with additional factors such as location, device, or IP address. Biometric factors may differ between tools, but typically rely on keystroke dynamics and/or signature analysis for verification. Multi-factor authentication software serves a very similar purpose to that of biometric authentication in terms of requiring additional variables for verification. But while biometric authentication relies on physical traits or behaviors, MFA will typically require users to complete secondary authentication methods such as SMS, questioning, or email confirmation for access approval.
To qualify for inclusion in the Biometric Authentication category, a product must:
Leverage biometric authentication methods such as face, fingerprint, voice, or behavioral biometric factors
Utilize native device components to facilitate biometric authentication
Integrate with existing applications or provide development kits for developing biometric authentication functionality