The very intuitive user interface where I can easily save a contact I see on Linkedin and then enrich their info Review collected by and hosted on
I wait for a way to mass extract people from sales nav results for example Review collected by and hosted on
I have worked with many platforms - some to identify suspects, some to make connections, some to run cold email, some trying to do it all.
Zeliq provides an integrated solution to isolate prospects, make connections, LinkedIn messaging and email follow-up, with the added bonus of CRM integration.
What makes Zeliq special is how easily they bring these components together with a very affordable solution that generates results and enables a seamless B2B prospecting and selling process.
Last but not least, implementation was very easy and customer support was thorough and timely. I highly recommend this great solution. Review collected by and hosted on
I have not found anything I dislike and do not anticipate any difficulties, Review collected by and hosted on
J'utilise Zeliq pour l'acquisition de leads, et je suis très satisfait des résultats. L'outil permet d'enrichir rapidement les données des prospects et d'affiner nos recherches pour cibler les bons contacts. La qualité des informations est excellente, ce qui nous aide à optimiser nos campagnes.
Je recommande Zeliq à toute équipe souhaitant améliorer sa prospection et optimiser l'acquisition de leads de manière performante. Review collected by and hosted on
une fonctionnalité qui pourrait être intéressante serait la possibilité de créer des groupes ou catégories colorées pour mieux organiser les prospects . Cela permettrait d'optimiser le suivi et de mieux gérer les choix d'acquisition. Review collected by and hosted on
Zeliq has significantly contributed to the development of our lead generation through personalized prospecting perfectly tailored to our needs. Although this solution is relatively young, it has allowed me to save valuable time by automating the enrichment of contacts linked to a specific HubSpot list. Once the data is manually enriched, it is automatically synchronized with my CRM. I also want to highlight the incredible responsiveness and kindness of the Zeliq teams, who support me daily. Thanks to innovative features like cascading enrichment, Zeliq significantly improves the chances of acquiring qualified prospects and closing successful sales. If your needs are similar to those I mentioned, I highly recommend trying Zeliq to boost your growth. Review collected by and hosted on
Furthermore, it would be interesting to have a CRM integration or, at the very least, to allow an opening via APIs compatible with tools like Make and N8N. This would offer the possibility to automatically trigger enrichments from HubSpot, without requiring manual intervention. One could even create action workflows based on enrichment results: in case of success, a property update, otherwise nothing. Finally, further strengthening the cascading enrichment feature by adding new data providers could be a promising avenue to maximize the enrichment rate. Review collected by and hosted on
Enrichie des numéros de téléphone, des emails et crée des séquences mail/linkedin.
Aucun outil à ma connaissance ne regroupe ces 3 verticales.
Si le système de séquence mail est relativement basique, ça suffit amplement pour une petite équipe commerciale. La possibilité de pouvoir croiser approche mail/Likedin est très appréciable.
Côté enrichissement de numéro de téléphone en revanche, pour avoir tester sur un échantillon de profil avec un très bon outil de la concurrence, j'ai été agréablement surpris de constater que Zeliq faisait mieux.
En bonus une interface intuitive. Review collected by and hosted on
Le système de scoring des leads me paraît pas encore optimal. Il semblerait que ce soit à nous d'attribuer un score au lead, là où on préférerait que l'algorithme score lui-même un lead en fonction des actions de ce dernier (ouverture de mail, lecture, etc.) Review collected by and hosted on
ZELIQ stands out for its seamless lead generation and enrichment capabilities. The platform offers accurate contact data, automated prospecting, and smooth CRM integration, which significantly streamlines outreach efforts. Its AI-powered insights help personalize sales approaches, making it easier to engage with the right prospects at the right time. Additionally, the user-friendly interface ensures a low learning curve, even for new users. Review collected by and hosted on
While ZELIQ is a robust tool, the data accuracy can occasionally vary, especially for niche industries. Some integrations require manual configuration, which might be a challenge for teams looking for an entirely plug-and-play solution. Additionally, the pricing structure could be more flexible to accommodate smaller teams or startups. Improved customer support responsiveness would also enhance the overall experience. Review collected by and hosted on
Zeliq est une solution incroyablement efficace pour la prospection multicanal. Son interface intuitive et ses fonctionnalités avancées permettent de gagner un temps précieux tout en maximisant les opportunités commerciales. L’automatisation des tâches répétitives et la qualité des données fournies font une vraie différence dans la génération de leads. Un must-have pour tout business developer souhaitant booster son pipeline et structurer sa stratégie de prospection ! Review collected by and hosted on
Zeliq est une excellente solution, mais quelques points pourraient être améliorés. L’interface, bien que fluide, pourrait gagner en ergonomie pour une navigation encore plus intuitive. De plus, certaines intégrations avec d’autres outils pourraient être enrichies pour une expérience encore plus complète. Enfin, un support client plus réactif serait un vrai plus pour optimiser l’utilisation de la plateforme. Malgré ces points, Zeliq reste un outil très performant pour la prospection. Review collected by and hosted on
1 - la capacité de générer des numéro de téléphone et mails des personnes
2 - constituer des bases de données
3 - importer les contacts dans tes campagnes Review collected by and hosted on
1 - il y a plus de numéro personnels que de numéro pro
2 - l'option campagne multicanal est très limitantes, rigides. Nous n'avons pas de suivi et/ou il est difficile de suivre les leads (ouvertures, cliques, réponses...) pour le commercial c'est compliqué Review collected by and hosted on
A rather well thought-out tool for salespeople who do not want to be burdened with a tech stack that is too complex to manage.
In my case, I do not use the salesforce connector, I want to be autonomous in my prospecting, and above all to see more clearly than by following several excel files.
Obviously, like all solutions, you have to get used to it.
Linkedin extension works perfectly
Overall, ZELIQ has streamlined my sales process Review collected by and hosted on
My small points of regret, the capacity for enrichment (on prospects -french B2B market DIY) already known and for whom I already had an email address) on the recovery of mobile phone numbers & bulk enrichment speed which can sometimes take several minutes. Review collected by and hosted on
Une plateforme agréable à utiliser, l'extension LinkedIn qui nous permet de directement enrichir ou enregistrer le contact. Nous sommes au début de notre utilisation mais nous sommes contents à ce jour de pouvoir compter sur Zeliq afin de contacter nos prospects + facilement. Review collected by and hosted on
Petite difficulté tout de même à obtenir des numéros tout de suite et l'impossibilité de découvrir le début du numéro afin de savoir si nous avons ou pas ce numéro, si celui-ci est français ou non ect. Review collected by and hosted on