I was looking for a PDF editor that could address my needs without breaking the bank. The aim was to have a PDF solution that could offer an alternative to Adobe and still be easy to use, be simple in the integration and do all the things that you would expect from a PDF editor such as highlighting, editing, converting and of course creating of PDFs.
The ability to combine it with an AI tool is also interesting and even though you have to pay extra for the AI integration it is well worth it. I have been able to save a love of time either summarising long PDFs, extracting key elements, ask questions and generally help to speed up dealing with big documents.
I use UPDF on a regular basis, especially when looking at client work to allow me to quickly scan through documents, allowing me to focus on essential parts. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Nothing I can find that sticks out. As with every program it has certain errors or sometimes doesn't work but my experience has shown that this occurs with most programs. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
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Lo Aspettavo da anni!! UPDF è una soluzione in assoluto MIGLIORE nel creare pdf. Questa alternativa leader ad Adobe® Acrobat® e Foxit® offre funzionalità PDF di livello aziendale e licenze perpetue a una frazione del prezzo. UPDF è una soluzione PDF all-in-one che ti consente di visualizzare, OCR, modificare, firmare, annotare, convertire, proteggere, organizzare, ritagliare, dividere e condividere file PDF senza sforzo, traduce i pdf in tutte le lingue, posso aprire qualsiasi PDF che ho con facilità. L’Adoro anche quando ho bisogno di aiuto e supporto, sono a portata di clic. Adoro quante funzionalità UPDF ha oltre alle capacità di intelligenza artificiale per riassumere e creare mappe mentali delle informazioni. È totalmente facile da usare e non richiede esperienza o conoscenza per essere utilizzato. Vi consiglio UPDF per tutti i suoi vantaggi con un investimento minimo rispetto a tutti gli altri “più cari” e con meno funzioni.
È compatibile con i sistemi Windows, macOS, iOS e Android. Con UPDF, puoi elaborare facilmente i tuoi file PDF ovunque tu vada.
Ti garantisco che sarai veramente felice di utilizzarlo! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
A volte, l'IA non riesce a leggere bene la copia o non coglie nel segno la traduzione di un pdf. Non darei esattamente la colpa allo strumento, è solo questione di tempo che migliorerà sempre di più, dove siamo oggi, con l'IA. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

I love that it is easy to use for all my PDF requirments. I can open up any PDF I have with it with ease. I also love that when I need help and support, they are just a click away. And to be honest, PDF's are everywhere I totally am constantly using it all day every day. I love how many PDF features it has in addition to the AI capabilities to summarize and create mind maps of the information. It is totally easy to use and requires no experience or knowledge to use. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Sometiems, that AI can't read the copy or that it missies the mark are summarizing. I would not exactly blame this on the tool, that's just where we are with AI right now. I believe it will get better. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
It's lightweight, with a fair subscription price and, the most important to me, PERPETUAL.
It has powerful editing tools; i must admit that I'm very impressed by that. For what I do with PDF I can say that it has everything I need for a PDF editor Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What I don't like is, maybe, the initial un-intuitiveness of some menus. You have to do some trial and error to learn how properly use it but at the end of the day it doesn't take too much time to learn the basics Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
UPDF is a powerful tool that easily helps you create and edit PDFs. Its AI feature is exceptionally helpful for both work-related and personal tasks and has saved me countless hours of research and study time. The best part is that you can choose between a lifetime license for the current major version or a monthly or annual subscription for current and future major versions. I appreciate the choice a great deal and feel it's worth mentioning in any review! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The only real downside I've experienced is that UPDF doesn't currently support JavaScript and/or Markdown functionality in certain advanced documents. As someone who also uses this product as a TTRPG player, this makes it difficult to take advantage of the advanced features some of my 3rd party character sheets have. I have submitted the suggestion, though, and hope to see support implemented in a future update. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

UPDF does everything I've ever wanted a PDF editor to do. It does way more than I have ever wanted and I've been wanting for about 25 years. In the past, performing even the simplest edits on a PDF required spending more for an annual license than I'd need for lifetime licensing to edit any other file type that I was likely to encounter. Simple things like deleting parts that I did not need or inserting additional items that I did need or combining multiple documents into a single source. I did not understand why so many documents used this format other than because they didn't want users to modify their documents.
Whatever the reason, UPDF has democraticized PDF editing privaliges. Okay, it's not free but the price is low enough to put it on par with what I pay for a couple months of a video streaming service, or a monthly payment for cellular service. And that's for lifetime access. Thank you. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I worried about the time needed to learn the UI or difficulties I'd encounter when attempting to install on my other devices. But everythying went smoothly with the installs and the UI is easy to navigate. Sorry, I love to complain but I can't do it in this instance. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Vous trouverez sur YouTube, par exemple, de nombreuses vidéos discutant de ce logiciel. Cependant, elles sont généralement créées par des personnes qui ne sont pas dans le prépresse, qui n'ont qu'une utilisation basique d'Acrobat, et qui sont étonnées de pouvoir éditer des PDF ;-)
Mon point de vue sera donc un peu différent ; il reflétera mes attentes concernant un remplacement pour Acrobat DC.
UPDF est-il un challenger direct d'Adobe Acrobat DC ?
Tout d'abord, c'est un excellent lecteur de PDF. Il permet d'éditer, de convertir, de modifier des PDF, de faire des commentaires, d'ajouter une signature aux fichiers, ou de définir un mot de passe… Puisqu'il a ce concurrent, il est logique qu'il fasse tout ce qu'Acrobat DC fait, mais mieux, plus facilement, et plus rapidement ; c'est vrai, mais pour un usage quotidien. Il est clairement meilleur que le logiciel d'Adobe, qui a récemment contrarié ses utilisateurs en imposant presque une nouvelle interface qui n'a convaincu personne. Par exemple, modifier un PDF est instantané, efficace, simple… pas complètement encombrant comme nous en avons l'habitude.
Vous pouvez sentir que cette application bénéficie d'une création récente, que le code derrière elle n'inclut pas des générations de versions successives, de bugs, etc., comme Acrobat DC ; cela se traduit par une efficacité inégalée, combinée à une interface actuelle et efficace.
Ce logiciel est simple, complet, léger (135 Mo), multiplateforme (MacOS, Windows, Android, iOS) avec la possibilité de stocker des documents en ligne (10 Go), avec une interface qui laisse ses concurrents loin derrière (hem, pas difficile). L'abonnement ou l'achat à vie permet de l'utiliser sur 4 plateformes simultanément ; la version gratuite laisse de petits filigranes sur les pages avec le logo UPDF et permet une utilisation limitée de l'IA à 2 par jour, à condition de s'inscrire sur la plateforme UPDF. Sur cette plateforme en ligne, les opérations d'IA sont également permises (un détail intéressant, vos recherches, résumés et traductions d'IA y seront disponibles en permanence).
Voici un lien vers la liste complète des capacités de UPDF.
Et sur cette page, un ensemble de comparaisons avec ses concurrents.
Sa fonctionnalité d'IA (accessible via une règle, comme celle d'Adobe Photoshop) permet de résumer, de traduire un PDF ou une sélection en de nombreuses langues. J'ai testé l'OCR et le résumé d'IA ; l'OCR est exceptionnel comparé à Acrobat DC. Le résumé m'a semblé être au niveau de tous ses concurrents. Pour être clair, l'OCR vaut, pour moi, l'achat du logiciel. J'ai fait un test de comparaison avec Acrobat DC, et c'est incomparable sur un texte mal lisible… l'IA fait la différence. L'IA permet également d'expliquer un mot ou une phrase - ce qui est moins révolutionnaire, sauf pour un usage plus éducatif. Il semble que les étudiants soient un public cible pour UPDF. Par exemple, il permet d'inclure des cartes mentales.
Pour mémoire, l'IA de résumé de texte existe également dans Adobe Acrobat DC, en tant qu'add-on payant.
Acheter le logiciel avec une licence à vie est l'option la plus intéressante : environ soixante euros selon les promotions fréquentes des articles promotionnels, sinon 80 €. Le module IA est de 70 €/an.
UPDF est souvent considéré comme l'un des meilleurs logiciels pour utiliser, traiter et modifier des fichiers PDF pour plusieurs raisons :
1. Interface Intuitive : UPDF offre une interface utilisateur simple et bien organisée, rendant l'édition de PDF accessible même aux utilisateurs sans compétences techniques spécifiques.
2. Fonctionnalités Complètes : Il permet de modifier le texte, les images, les liens et les objets graphiques dans les documents PDF. Vous pouvez également ajouter des annotations, remplir des formulaires et convertir des fichiers PDF en divers formats comme Word, Excel, PowerPoint, images et HTML.
3. Support Multiplateforme : UPDF est disponible sur Windows, Mac, iOS et Android, offrant une expérience fluide sur tous vos appareils.
4. Technologie OCR : Il prend en charge la reconnaissance optique de caractères (OCR) en 38 langues, permettant de convertir des documents numérisés en fichiers éditables.
5. Sécurité et Protection : UPDF offre des options pour protéger vos documents PDF avec des mots de passe, ajouter des filigranes et des signatures numériques.
6. Optimisation et Compression : Il permet de compresser les fichiers PDF pour réduire leur taille sans compromettre la qualité.
7. Fonctionnalités Alimentées par l'IA : UPDF utilise l'intelligence artificielle pour résumer, traduire et même interagir avec vos PDF, rendant votre travail plus rapide et plus efficace.
8. Support Réactif : Le service client est disponible 24/6, avec des améliorations continues et des mises à jour régulières.
En résumé, UPDF se distingue par sa facilité d'utilisation, ses fonctionnalités avancées et son support multiplateforme, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour quiconque travaille régulièrement avec des fichiers PDF. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Si je pousse la comparaison avec DC comme prévu, les fonctionnalités très puissantes de ce dernier, telles que la gestion automatique des fichiers par l'automatisation (assistant d'action), l'intégration de Javascript, les signatures numériques certifiées, et tous les aspects de prépresse, ainsi que les signets… ne sont pas présentes. Ce serait un "no go" pour une certaine catégorie d'utilisateurs, bien sûr. Néanmoins, c'est devenu mon application par défaut pour ouvrir des PDF, et pour 90% de mes activités concernant les PDF, ce sera suffisant. Et Foxit par exemple ne m'a pas donné envie de changer de logiciel, comme UPDF l'a fait ! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Honestly, the price is what sold me on UPDF. I have been using Adobe Acrobat for 8 years, totaling near $3,840 on a never ending subscription to Adobe over the course of the 8 years. That's not okay. UPDF has a one time lifetime license for $70, WOW! Not only that, but the software is actually better than Adobe Reader and Acrobat! I didn't believe it but it's true. I can combine and organize files (primary reason for using Acrobat), edit PDFs (secondary reason) and reading and viewing PDFs. UPDF does all of these takes but better, smoother, and with a better UI! Blown away Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
So far, nothing that I can pinpoint. I've been using it for a month now and I haven't exhausted all the features but so far I like UPDF and all it offers. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

I use UPDF frequently, and it has become my go-to solution for managing PDFs. Whether it’s modifying documents, adding comments, or converting files to different formats, the software handles everything efficiently. Customer support is outstanding at UPDF and you don't even need the support to install UPDF. The installation is quick and doesn't make your computer run slow. The software integrates smoothly with all of my document scanners. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
UPDF has not yet to disappoint me during the time I have used it. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
An excellent and extremely comprehensive PDF software that enables cross-platform editing of PDF files of all kinds. Very clearly and intuitively structured, the user is able to carry out extensive PDF editing within a very short time and at a professional level with many outstanding functions that are otherwise only known from high-priced professional software. If you want to edit PDFs quickly and easily or create PDFs from existing documents in a wide variety of formats on multiple systems such as a MacBook but also Windows, iPad or iPhone, you will get the perfect all-round software here at an excellent price. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
That I didn't discover this excellent software sooner. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I would choose two features, not in any order: 1) ability to crop with a powerful crop tool with features different than I have encoutered before, 2) Ability to use the block/containers in the way UPDF has implemented them. I use this program everyday and implentation was quick and easy. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
With any new software there is a learning curve - HOWEVER, with UPDF it was vastly smaller than I anticipated. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.