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Heretto Features

What are the features of Heretto?

XML Data Model Type

  • DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture)

Creation Features

  • XML Authoring
  • Workflow Management
  • Collaborative Review

Software Model

  • SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Hosted
  • On-Premise
  • Cloud-based

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Self-Service Experience

Knowledge Base

Provides a repository of information that can be used by those seeking support.

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Searchable Articles

Makes articles in the knowledge base searchable on the web.

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Community Forums

Enables users to engage with other users to solve common issues.

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Mobile Optimization

Optimizes the customer self-service experience on mobile devices

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Gives the user targeted, personalized results based on their activity or preferences

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Self-Service Platform


Allows users to add custom branding (logos, brand colors, etc.) to self-service portals, chatbots, etc.

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Automates some or all operation related tasks

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Artificial Intelligence

Utilizes artificial intelligence to improve workflows or customer experiences

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Allows easy integrations with applications, such as messenger applications, APIs, and customer support tools

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XML Data Model Type

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture)

Capable of utilizing the DITA data model to categorize content. 28 reviewers of Heretto have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 28 reviews)


As reported in 13 Heretto reviews. Capable of utilizing the SCORM data model to categorize content.
(Based on 13 reviews)

Creation Features

XML Authoring

Based on 26 Heretto reviews. Allows for structured authoring using Extensible Markup Language (XML).
(Based on 26 reviews)

Workflow Management

Tools to create and adjust workflows to ensure consistency. This feature was mentioned in 23 Heretto reviews.
(Based on 23 reviews)

Collaborative Review

Based on 25 Heretto reviews. Allows users to review and publish changes collaboratively.
(Based on 25 reviews)

Software Model

SaaS (Software as a Service)

As reported in 26 Heretto reviews. Software is purchased on a subscription basis monthly or yearly.
(Based on 26 reviews)


Based on 19 Heretto reviews. Software is purchased outright as a permanant software solution.
(Based on 19 reviews)


As reported in 15 Heretto reviews. Data is stored using hardware hosted on the premises.
(Based on 15 reviews)


Based on 24 Heretto reviews. Data is stored using the cloud.
(Based on 24 reviews)

Knowledge Pages


Provides pre-made templates for wiki pages and knowledge articles.

Not enough data

In-Content Feedback

Allows users to leave feedback within a wiki page or knowledge article.

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Allows users to comment on wiki pages or knowledge articles.

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Versioning and Version History

Allows users to see version history and return to previous versions of wiki pages.

Not enough data

Decision Trees

Displays knowledge articles to be arranged in a decision tree.

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Duplicate Detection

Detects any creation of already existing knowledge pages and alerts user

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Content Editor

Enables users to create rich knowledge pages with a combination of text, charts, images, video and audio

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Knowledge Dissemination

Page Analytics

Provides data on wiki page and knowledge article use.

Not enough data


Allows administrators to provide permissions and gate pieces of content based on role.

Not enough data

Knowledge Sharing

Offers additional tools that facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Not enough data


Notifies users when changes occur.

Not enough data

Advanced Search

Offers AI-based search capabilities

Not enough data

Browser Extension

Allows users to capture knowledge from the web

Not enough data


Allows knowledge pages to be organized into sections and subsections as needed

Not enough data

Other Integrations

Integrated with other tools to faciliate the sharing of information

Not enough data

Knowledge Integrations

Integrates with other knowledge repositories in the business

Not enough data



Offers SEO guidance to aid users with public-facing documentation

Not enough data

API Contracts

Utilizes API contracts to create customizable documentation

Not enough data

Change Management

Empowers users to make needed edits and updates with change management

Not enough data



Features a central repository that provides users with an organized space to access and store documents

Not enough data

Third-Party Integration

Integrates easily with portals and third-party tools

Not enough data

Access Management

Manages users and permissions with access management capabilities

Not enough data

Generative AI

AI Text Summarization

Condenses long documents or text into a brief summary.

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