DialShree Predictive Dialer Pricing Overview
DialShree Predictive Dialer has not provided pricing information for this product or service. This is common practice for software sellers and service providers. The pricing insights provided here are based on user reviews and are intended to give you an indication of value. Alternatively, contact DialShree Predictive Dialer to obtain current pricing.
Name | Price | Features |
Mid-Market | $$$$ | 49% more expensivethan the avg. Call Center Infrastructure (CCI) product |
DialShree Predictive Dialer pricing & plans
Pricing information for DialShree Predictive Dialer is supplied by the software provider or retrieved from publicly
accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase DialShree Predictive Dialer must be conducted with the
Pricing information was last updated on February 02, 2022
Top Rated DialShree Predictive Dialer Alternatives
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DialShree Predictive Dialer Alternatives Pricing
The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other Call Center Infrastructure (CCI) Software
![]() Starter | $15.001 user Per Month (billed annually) | For individuals and sole proprietors:
![]() FREE | $0.00 | Completely Free upto 3 agents
![]() Base | $19.001 User Per Month | Close's Base license is $19 per user, per month. Avoid missed deals with a single source of truth to manage accounts, contacts, and pipeline.
Various alternatives pricing & plans
Pricing information for the above various DialShree Predictive Dialer alternatives is supplied by the respective software provider or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase any of these products must be conducted with the seller.
DialShree Predictive Dialer Categories on G2
DialShree Predictive Dialer Pricing Reviews
Manoj M.
Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)
What do you like best about DialShree Predictive Dialer?
We are using DialShree since last 6-7 years, platform helped our customer facing team to address all the queries, issues quickly and efficiently. Support team is really friendly and quick. DialShree is good for custom process as well as customized workflow. It has all the features which we need. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What do you dislike about DialShree Predictive Dialer?
Nothing as of now. Everything is working well. We are happy so far. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.