What I like most about Botmaker is its ease of use for bot development and its extensive integration with different platforms of daily use.
I also see notable updates in their services and strategies. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What I have liked the least so far is their customer service, as well as their quality and response times, and it is difficult to know how far their service level agreements go. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
it's capabilities and features. Ease of setup, native integration with Whatsapp Business API and Meta, and multiple out of the box integrations Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
integration with spreadsheets, some access to support cases and complex support time of resolution Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
O que eu mais gosto na Botmaker é a facilidade para criar bots inteligentes. Além disso, a plataforma oferece uma interface intuitiva e amigável, o que torna todo o processo de criação e configuração extremamente simples. Desde o design até a implementação, a Botmaker facilita cada etapa do caminho, permitindo que até mesmo iniciantes possam desenhar bots complexos com facilidade. A disponibilidade de recursos pré-configurados e a opção de personalização tornam a experiência ainda mais agradável e eficiente. Com a Botmaker, criar e implementar um bot inteligente se torna uma tarefa acessível e gratificante Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Uma das coisas que eu não gosto no Botmaker é a integração com o HubSpot, que às vezes considero um pouco complicada. Embora seja uma integração útil, especialmente para automatizar processos encontrei alguns obstáculos ao tentar configurá-la devido à complexidade da interface ou à falta de clareza nas instruções de configuração.
Além disso, gostaria de ver mais documentação disponível sobre a orientação de uso da plataforma. Embora o Botmaker seja relativamente fácil de usar em muitos aspectos, existem momentos em que me sinto perdido ou gostaria de ter mais orientações passo a passo sobre como aproveitar ao máximo os recursos disponíveis. Uma documentação mais abrangente e detalhada poderia ajudar os usuários a se sentirem mais confiantes e capacitados ao usar a plataforma. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What I like most about BotMaker is the use of the same bot for multiple channels and the ease of creating them, also the attention they provide to the user is excellent. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
In reality, there are very few disadvantages in using a platform as robust as BotMaker, but if I had to mention one, it would be that when creating bots for WhatsApp, it takes a long time to verify the bot's name. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
It has very interesting tools for task execution and subsequent control, providing you with metrics, numbers, and graphs. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
It would be very good to add the possibility of making global outgoing calls, let's say selecting the template and making an outgoing call to many numbers at the same time.
Additionally, it would be very good if the integration with Dynamics, for example, were simpler. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
1. la rapidez dentro de la plataforma.
2. que permite de forma facil y sencilla transferir chats, visibilidad realtime sobre los chats que se tienen en cola. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Que la configuración actual del panel solo este diseñada para permitir la extraccion de la información desglosada por cada sesión y no por cada mensaje.
ya que si lo que se busca es medir o validar (ejemplo: los mensajes enviados y recibidos en una conversacion ) no es posible, ya que solo nos permite extraer informacion sobre sesiones creadas ese dia validado y no el historial completo de mensajes sobre una misma conversacion. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Botmaker is an agile and dynamic platform that helps us in the process of customer service, offering features and functionalities that undoubtedly make all the difference. I also highlight the quick support provided when necessary. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The interface on the settings screen could be simpler and more intuitive. In my opinion, it is overloaded with numerous pieces of information that end up making navigation confusing. But I believe this is simple to adjust and hope it improves soon. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What I like most about Botmaker is the platform itself. Its integrations and functionalities thanks to Artificial Intelligence are very helpful when generating bots. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I believe they can improve a lot in terms of Customer Service and Support. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The ease of connecting with different channels. The possibility of integrating with our backend without needing to rely on a Botmaker development team. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I did not find a dashboard or alarm that shows in real-time if the connection with any of the channels is affected or down. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The platform allows the use of a bot but also pre-built templates that reduce the operational times of an agent and model the type of communication. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Not having the basis of communications and having to pay for the download. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The front end of the tool is easy to use, especially the indicators part that I use. Para los agentes que atienden el bot, el mismo es de fácil uso, podemos cargar todas las respuestas necesarias y nos da la posibilidad de obtener feedback del cliente, a través de una encuesta de satisfacción. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Also in the part of indicators, those that have hours and minutes do not come out with this format but in all minutes and that is why it must be converted later. And it's not easy to do. We should be able to make the reports in a simpler way. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.