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Arthur Features

What are the features of Arthur?


  • Multiple Users
  • Work Together
  • Communicate
  • Engage

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Create an avatar to represent your likeness on the platform.

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Ability to select an edit an enviornment to host virtual gatherings.

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Ability to import 3D models, 360 videos, sounds, images, pdfs, avatar recordings, and more into your collaboration space

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Ability to manipulate the 3D virtual reality space with features such as drag and pull and object manipulation

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Multiple Users

Based on 10 Arthur reviews. Allow for unlimited amount of users to log in from any location.
(Based on 10 reviews)

Work Together

Ability for multiple users to work together on a document or presentation in virtual reality. 10 reviewers of Arthur have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 10 reviews)


As reported in 10 Arthur reviews. Ability for users to communicate with each other through voice and/or text.
(Based on 10 reviews)


Based on 10 Arthur reviews. Allow for users to participate in the same activities simulataneously.
(Based on 10 reviews)


Choose and design your own activities, such as a game or watching an event together.

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Ability to record and playback your meet up.

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Notes and Annotations

Ability to markup models and 3D objects with notes and annotations

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Visual Tools


Provides a whiteboarding space or whiteboarding tools in the workspace.

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Allows users to annotate other content posted in the workspace.

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Auto-generates or allows users to create diagrams and graphs based on imported data.

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Provides templates or template creation to organize workspaces.

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Collaboration Tools

Simultaneous Screen Sharing

Allows multiple users to share their screen simultaneously.

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Document Sharing

Allows users to share documents within the platform.

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Availability Status

Allows users to set personal availability.

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Mobile Application

Software is available as a downloadable mobile application.

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Office Customization

Office Decor

Allows users to decorate their virtual office space.

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Customized Floor Plans

Allows administrators to design their virtual office themselves.

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Personal Offices

Allows individual users to create personal offices within the virtual workspace.

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Guest Tools

Guest Links

Provides links to allow users into the virtual workspace.

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Industry and Functionality


Provides tools specifically designed for collaboraiton in archoitecture, engineering or construction

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Provides tools specifically designed for collaboraiton in edeucation and teaching

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Visualization and Review

Provides tools for Design Visualization and Review

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Provides tools specifically meant for socializing and meetign with colleagues

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