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For a farming business that raises and cares for animals, whether to produce goods or be sold to clients, each day is a unique challenge. Just like raising crops, a great deal of work is required to keep animals healthy throughout their lifecycle and ensure they deliver what is necessary to the farm. Livestock management technology is designed exclusively to manage these tasks.
The platforms in this category offer a wide range of features for farm operations that are involved in the livestock industry in any way. This is a broad term, and as such, these programs are diverse in their offerings. Certain programs are built to deal with certain types of animals, from beef cattle to rabbits. Others include general toolkits that assist with record keeping, monitoring, and detailed reporting on any number of creatures. Whether your farm deals with a small number of cows for dairy production or an extensive roster of different animals, this farm software can help improve productivity and generate the most valuable data for your staff’s daily operations.
Key Benefits of Livestock Management Software
Farms are quickly evolving along with the rising standards of customers and crop distributors, in addition to the new challenges they are facing such as climate change and water availability. A core aspect of modern farm operations is the adoption of advanced farm management apps and other technology. Not only are these digital tools helping users improve their products and preserve resources, they are also adding convenience and reducing stress in one of the most demanding industries in the world.
The humane breeding and careful watch of animals—also known as animal husbandry—is a cornerstone of agriculture, including cattle management, dairy management, egg production, and wool collection. The products in this category are built to help farms oversee these critical processes with the same level of scrutiny as other aspects of farm management. Users of this software can digitize their record keeping and gain a deeper understanding of their livestock assets through powerful analytics and other features. Using this information, farms can make informed decisions about their animals, which will not only benefit the business but the animals themselves.
Depending on the size and scope of a farm, it may assign ranch management responsibilities to different workers in the business. In some cases, farms will bring in specially trained producers of certain animals or goods to oversee livestock. In other cases, animal care tasks will be distributed to farmhands or assumed by farm supervisors. Whoever is tasked with monitoring livestock and scheduling their care throughout the supply chain can benefit from the products in this category. Farm managers may decide to grant access to these tools to multiple employee, or oversee all activities and communicate the relevant findings and suggestions to others in the business.
As mentioned above, because of the broad scope of livestock management activities, the products in this category offer different functionalities to meet these varying demands. The following are select features you may encounter as you research the options in the software market.
Record keeping — Whether you manage a dedicated cattle farm or a multifaceted farm with a lively animal population, it is crucial to track this population and be able to identify and learn about them individually. Livestock management platforms will often include some form of herd record-keeping capabilities. To use these features, users will input identifying information about every new animal that comes to the farm or is born on the premises. They can then refer to the platform whenever necessary to track down or update details related to specific animals.
Cattle records, in some cases, can be linked to RFID tags or microchips that are attached to each cow. This not only assists with storing and updating information but also tracking animals around the farm and ensuring animals are given the unique care that their plans call for. These chips will be linked to the individual profiles on livestock or ranch manager software. If cows are changing locations, either within the farm or somewhere offsite, farmers can quickly scan these tags so their information is updated on the software. Similar technology is being used for other species as well, including chickens and pigs.
Breeding reports — As animals reproduce on a farm, livestock management tools can assist with planning these events so farmers can adjust their schedules and ensure a healthy breeding process. For many farms, it is crucial to know how many new births are on the way and work these into their plans for the production of goods and selling off animals to clients. Farms will often plan out a specific number of births based on their amenities or their planned output with clients, and working out these details within specialized software products can ensure the business runs as planned. Some products will include features designed around fertility tracking and assistance, as well as optimized mating schedules.
Product inventory — The animals on a farm each offer unique contributions that help the business generate profit. These include milk, eggs, wool, and various meat products. Livestock management platforms may provide features that help to track and plan this inventory from its source to its final destination. Users can estimate the types and amounts of each product based on the animal population, their health, and the activities planned for them. This information can be linked to financial data so farmers are able to forecast each purchase and its impact on the operation. In some cases, this will also include customer data so users can map out the destination of each product and oversee the production at a granular level.
Animal health — Livestock management platforms will often provide task scheduling and reminders related to animal health and wellness. Raising and caring for different species of animals is a demanding job, but for humane farming businesses, no task can be overlooked. This entails proper nutrition, sanitation, vaccines, grooming, and more. Livestock management products may also provide assistance with maintaining ideal weights and measuring performance of animals to ensure they meet the standards for production of goods being sold to merchants.