Hawksoft is very user friendly. It is up to date on technology such as texting from the system. Quotes and policies can easily be seen from the main page which makes cross selling easier and more efficient. The company can customize it for your agency if...
to many steps to add something new into it
They deploy accounting and other functionalities at a very competitive level. Their layout is very intuitive. The options for running reports and tracking certain statistics are very open, such that I can't think of anything more than I could ask from them...
La compatibilité avec les normes de sécurité de Gmail a pris des mois à être corrigée; Incapacité à créer vos propres rapports, tels que la prime par mois; Prestige dans l'industrie : n'a pas la même reconnaissance de nom que les produits Applied et...
Hawksoft is very user friendly. It is up to date on technology such as texting from the system. Quotes and policies can easily be seen from the main page which makes cross selling easier and more efficient. The company can customize it for your agency if...
They deploy accounting and other functionalities at a very competitive level. Their layout is very intuitive. The options for running reports and tracking certain statistics are very open, such that I can't think of anything more than I could ask from them...
to many steps to add something new into it
La compatibilité avec les normes de sécurité de Gmail a pris des mois à être corrigée; Incapacité à créer vos propres rapports, tels que la prime par mois; Prestige dans l'industrie : n'a pas la même reconnaissance de nom que les produits Applied et...